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Posts posted by trp

  1. There's an Age of Empires III??? Lol, I loved the first one until I started cheating, then it became boring and I never played it and then returned it to my uncle (he loans me and my sister games, like Black and White, Halo, Age of Empires, and some Star Wars game that I never play, etc.)...and also sometime this year Neopets: The Darkest Faerie will be coming to PS2. Originally on PS1, it was sampled by people at a convention and they only had bad things to say about it, so it's being worked on...yes I love neopets lol (http://www.neopets.com/signup/index.phtml if you've never been there...)

  2. I've never played a final fantasy game, but I've heard good things about them (despite there being how many, 16?), but it's really annoying because whenever I want to rent one the store is always out, and they only have like the 20th one or whatever the latest one is. But I still want to play it...

  3. It takes forever to load on my computer, but it runs pretty smoothly. The only things is the amount of time it takes to load each thing (the game, the neighborhood, each house, the create a family, etc., each takes awhile to load, which is annoying, but I'm usually listening to music so it doesn't matter too much). Just a little cool thing, there's an intro movie thing, unlike in Sims Makin' Magic.

  4. Yeah, you can't judge a book by it's movie. Look at Timeline for a perfect example. Also, the movies really aren't that great. The first two are horrible, and the third is an okay movie, but not great. And I don't JKR is a great author. Sure, the books are great, but the fifth made me really question her abilities to write. I am a huge HP fan, but the fifth one was BORING. The writing itself is still the same, but there was no plot. Then I started thinking about it, and the other books don't really have a plot, either. It's just stuff happening that happens to be really entertaining.Then they just HAD to make movies. I think that they should have waited and have Peter Jackson do them lol (after he does King Kong and The Hobbit of course).

  5. "A bizarre sense of humour is the fastest route to dying alone" (Pensieve, fanfic.net)"Since I've met you, I've nearly been incinerated, drowned, shot at, and chopped into fish bait!!" (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)Now for my newest favorite:"The male ego had spent two millennia running unchecked" (Da Vinci Code)

  6. Cool, I can't wait for the new harry potter book to come out, it looks amazing and the other books were great (especially 3rd and 4th), Anyway I think it could be talking about a new guy...maybe, but if not I think its either voldemart when he was riddle, maybe somehow neville which I doubt or it could be...Harry.


    Gar, I hope it's not a new character. I originally thought it might be Tom Riddle (before he became Voldie), but on JKR's site she said it's not Harry or Voldemort or Tom Riddle. I think that it's either Lupin or Hagrid.



    lets not talk about WUT THE BOOK IS ABOUT. becuz i really hated it when some idiots on b.net SPAMMED IT OUT  ( gay *BLEEP* ) that his god father died. if uguys keep making guesses the book is less intresting.  lets just talk about the book. like when its coming out n stuff.....


    Guesses make the book more interesting. You get to hear other people's theories on what could happen and stuff, and improve your own. Yeah, it's annoying when people spoil the end for those who haven't read it yet, but the book isn't even out yet.


    Anyway...July 16...can't wait ;)

  7. Lol, I would never talk about Harry Potter in real life with my friends. #_# It's too nerdy. ;)


    It's hard to believe this is the 6th book...one more book and it'll probably be all over..=(


    The books really are terrific though..JK Rowling is a fantastic author. But the 5th book is hard for me to remember...maybe I'll re-read it or something.


    But wow..I can't wait anyhow. They just get you so hooked. >_> I vowed I would never read another Harry Potter book like...3 years ago...but I just HAD to know what happened...so i still...bought the books. >_< oh well, they're good and I don't care what anyone else thinks. =P


    Lol, my friends and I are obsessed with Harry Potter...and we are not nerds...just band geeks lol (too bad we didn't get voted most embarrasing tho ;)


    Yeah, the books are very cool, but I hated the 5th book. Sirius shoulda lived (well technically we don't know what happened to him), and it was WAY too long. Don't get me wrong, I love long books. It just didn't really flow sorta. It was just a bunch of random stuff happening.




    She killed it with #5, Sirius should have killed that chick. Sirius>>>>>>>>everytone! Unless he comes back and kills Voldemort, which won't happen, but it should! I will not read it...and if I have too, I wont like it! The movies are better though. Emma Watson is hot!


    No, I'm glad Bella lived. Sirius just shouldn't have gone. And according to the prophecy, Harry is the only one who can kill Voldie. Although I think there is some loophole in it cuz it was worded very carefully. GAH and I hate the movies. Especially the first two. In the third Daniel Radcliffe finally started showing some emotion (took long enough), but Emma Watson bugged me EVEN MORE (GAH she is NOT hot)(then again I'm a straight girl so maybe I can't say...now Tom Felton on the other hand...).

  8. Ouch i dont agree with Ryoga, i think the 3rd film is the worst of all..

    the story become unclear, cut here and cut there, i wonder what the director tought...

    And as daniel radcliffe (Harry Potter) growth bigger, his act become worse as well... but... hehehe :D Emma Watson is getting prettier, i like it...


    I hate the 3rd film also. Specially the ending! Probably, because of the new director. The director is not Chris Columbus anymore. :D


    God, third movie was definately with out a doubt the best. But if you haven't read the books, then yeah it's kinda hard to follow. It still isn't a great movie, but it's ok. How it can get nominated for any awards (other than acting, that's possible, I suppose, just not from the 3 main Gryffindors), is beyond me.


    And Emma Watson looks exactly like this girl I know, which is a little freaky, and she DOES NOT portray Hermione as Hermione would act. And I don't think she's getting prettier in the sense like hot, but only in the fact that she's getting older. I also really don't like the way she dresses off set. Slutty. I dunno tho, maybe it's just me.


    And Daniel Radcliffe's acting in this movie finally started to improve. Go watch Sorceror's/Philosopher's Stone again. All he is doing is reciting lines with the same face the entire movie (how the hell he ever won awards for his acting is (once again) beyond me).


    And I LIKED how the new director was not Chris Columbus, because he gave the movies a new twist sorta, a more realistic feel (well, as realistic as Harry Potter can get). However, like Chris Columbus, there's major room for improvement (like the whole explaining the marauders thing-- didn't anyone who didn't know the story (and Harry) ever wonder how Lupin knew it was a map???).

  9. Last movie I saw was The Incredibles, on Friday. Very funny movie, I recommend it if you like humor (plus, it's Pixar, so you know it's good). Next I want to see National Treasure (kind of reminds me of a combination of Tomb Raider, The Mummy, and some other movie).But if you need a movie to watch, I highly recommend Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Independence Day, Jurassic Park, and Back to the Future I. :D

  10. A guy walks into a restaurant, sees another man sitting down, not looking to well. Next to him is a bowl of chili. The first guy asks, "Are you going to eat that?" and then second one replies, "no, you can have it." The first guy sits down, and starts to eat. He finds that it has a different taste, but it was pretty good chili all the same. About half way through, he suddenly realizes there is a dead rat in the bowl. Not having the strongest stomach, he gets sick and throws up in the bowl. The second guy turns to him and says, "Yup, that's about how far I got."

  11. *Gasp* How can anyone not mention Michael Crichton? Lol. He is definately my favorite author (well for the moment...the moment being the past year or two). Doesn't anyone remember Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Sphere, Congo, Timeline, Prey??? All by Michael Crichton. Also the creator of the series ER. :(

  12. Interesting how you can't stand it when people don't use proper grammar, and yet, putting in apostrophes, capitalizing the beginning of a sentence, etc. is all part of grammar. Also interesting how you say it shows how lazy Americans are, and yet many people, not just Americans, do the same. Also, not all Americans are lazy. Note that I'm American, and I'm using proper grammar (INCLUDING punctuation), spelling, etc.Great rant really, when there are so many obvious points against it. :(

  13. I haven't seen it yet, I don't really want to. Dreamworks animated movies don't seem as good as Pixar (although Shrek 2 was pretty good). Dreamworks seems to be advocating putting in a bunch of famous voices to get more people to see it, but Pixar has a stand alone story. Don't get me wrong, maybe it's a good movie, just...I dunno. I'm bad at critisism description things (if that makes any sense lol).

  14. (not in any particular order)Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeIndependence DayJurrassic ParkBack to the Future part ILOTR I, II, and III (the first four are all time favorites, the last *one* is just...hmm I don't know how to explain it, but...it's just a fav for now, could change later, the other four will always be all time favs).I also would say Harry Potter, but the movies suck (the third was obviously a lot better, but compared to other movies, it's actually not that great).

  15. Oh wow...lol I haven't even beaten Halo yet...haven't even tried Halo 2 (not COMPLETELY my fault tho...my aunt and uncle have xbox, so my sister and I could only play Halo when we went there, and they live a couple of hours away so we only go there a few times a year and we play on cooperative...but now my uncle loaned us Halo on PC and I'm pretty close to finishing it, but I don't have any time to play because of homework, gymnastics, and working on my fic).

  16. I like my school...despite all the homework and mountain of textbooks. Yeah, thank god for lockers...but of course none of my classes are near my locker (they do that on purpose, I swear!). For English I have the best teacher in the school...last year I hated the subject and now it's my favorite. She even made Of Mice and Men semi interesting.

  17. I don't own a car unfortunately :( Maybe eventually (like when I have the money or my parents crack and decide to buy me one)...for now I just ride in the passenger seat of a couple Toyota Corollas. Good cars, good cars, with over 34 miles per gallon of gas...if you want to help the environment (or at least not pollute it as much) then get a car that has at least 31 mpg :)

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