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Posts posted by Black_d0s

  1. well id say linux ill give ya a little info on it and where i got the info.

    What is Linux? Linux is a Unix-like operating system originally developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. To get the whole story, see our page devoted entirely to this question. [ return ]Can I run applications for MS Windows on Linux?
    The short answer to this is: no, not automatically and not directly. That is to say, Microsoft Windows and Linux applications cannot run the same applications because they are not designed in the same way. However, there are some ways to run programs for Microsoft Windows on Linux using emulators and other means. If you need/want to run an application designed for Microsoft Windows on Linux, you might want to check out the following applications:

    WINE (free)
    Crossover products (commercial)
    Win4Lin (commercial)
    VMWare (commercial)


  2. the wii is totally worth buying. its far more innovative then any other system on the market.and you could wait a long time for the ps3 price to drop. ive actually heard its not going to drop at all because the system should be selling for about $1000 instead of the $600 it is. so theyre selling at a loss. or so ive heard. either way, ill be greatly surprised if the price drops.

  3. Yep.. I used to play the game james bond and i was playing one day and my mom invited some people over and this girl asked if she could play i thought she couldnt even do anything like shoot or nothin but i was wrong we played multiplayer and she whooped me big time....... iv never been beat by a girl in any game.... She teached me a leason lol..

  4. Also haifista i agree with you but there not that many noob servers on there i have to have my friend make a server because i cant find noob servers sometimes and me and him play on that server with one other person so we get to have fun with no pros on that game lol i sux badly at that game so what you said haifista is a good thing to do lol not to get bored.

  5. If you where a noob you would find it boring..... cause the people who play it 24/7 are really good on it and they aways kill me just like this game i got called wolfinstine i played it and i kept losing and losing and finlly i said im gonna stop playin. then a friend helped me out on playin so im playin agin.

  6. I got my game half lif2 on steam im waiting for it to come out i got it with a graffics card for my pc i have play all of the half life games like half life Game of the year,half life Platinum opposing force.half lifecounter strike,half life Blue shifti think counter is the best and so is the game of the year

  7. I love the game its the funist game that came out since on nintindo 64 i bought every zelda that came out even the ones that came out on game boy ad and my fav of all the zelda game was the one that was on game cube that was my fav im still working on iti already got my sword back from when i got shot in cannon and dropped it and all :)

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