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Posts posted by Wasted

  1. hey this is a new site that a few friends of mine are putting together. the main goal is to help people move over to linux and try and persuade cooporations to support the linux movement by developing linux drivers or at least provide the reasources so that others are able to make compliant drivers.

    the campaign is still in the early stages but it would be great if you would sign up and help participate.

    the site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    thanks a lot.

  2. Hi,it seems like the harddrive in my Creative Zen Touch just gave up, it produces constant clicking noises and when trying to format/flash firmware the player displays "harddrive problems" (or similar)now, is this thing by any chance a normal notebook harddrive? Could I put it into an old notebook and check or even fix it with some hitachi diagnose tools?thx in advance!

  3. Why the hell is almost everything in GNU unextendable why go to all the trouble of creating a highly extendable FSH when you need 80 different programs that could be implimented around a single program and libraries and don't say "becasue it lowers the point of failure to just one" because to boot you use kernel libraries. What a *disappointment*. GNU has alot of standards just nothing what so ever to do with application frameworknote=jlhaslip]Edit to replace undesirable words. Please remember this is a Public Forum and some of the Public is younger...

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