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Everything posted by jalenack

  1. hey im on Mac OS X Safari and the graphics and all look good cept theres a terrible render error when theres a whole bunch of blank space and stuff...I'd give it a 6/10.I'd recommend making everything fit in a smaller space, everything is really really spread out.keep in mind all of the people who will be coming to your site, not just you on your computer with your browser. If you haven't looked at it on different broswers, you should. Try Firefox and Netscape. BTW the design and look is very good, just poorly coded. Hope this helps!-Jalenack
  2. suggestions: You've got a lot of gradients and backgrounds that you could significantly cut down on and achieve the exact same look. Instead of using a giant image that has the same stuff gradient all the way... such as... http://nitacreations.com/ create a div with a css background image of a gradient. YOu can create the gradient with a width of 1 pixel and just tile it over and over to create the right width. Example: <div style="background-image: url(gradient.jpg); width: 500px"></div> its kind of hard to explain without a visual example...i see that you did that at the bottom of your page. Well basically what im saying is that you can achieve similar looks on your site and cut down on a lot of the graphics that are slowing your site down and using a lot of bandwidth. I don't know if you use a WYSIWYG editor or code...it looks a lil like WYSIWYG ... if you're using code you'll prolly understand what I'm saying better.. A traffic suggestion.. Put in your Meta Keywords stuff specific to your business, such as Nita Creations, and other stuff. You want to distinguish your site from the millions of others, so having specific keywords as well as general ones is a good way to go. -Jalenack
  3. if you're talking about Vertical alignment, you're going to want to use valign or vertical-align. One is html and sorta deprecated, the other is good solid css.Examples<td valign="center">OR<td style="vertical-align: center">i recommend using the second one...is this what you're looking for? If not could you post a link to your problem page or something?
  4. nooo...you guys are all using deprecated solutions...we need to away from and stuff like that for layout...proper indentation goes involves CSS and HTML..example:<p style="text-indent: 30px"> bla bla bla </p>replace '30px' with any unit, CMs or EMs or px or watever...hope this helps-Jalenack
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