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John Foreman

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About John Foreman

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  • Birthday 02/09/1987

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    The Dustbin (Look outside)
  1. Good point however there would be no need to turn it on every night, i mean you could do it once a month if you wanted. It would be a brill idea because then i wouldn't end up being so stupid and weird
  2. Thank you and nice rhyme "enjoy the hosting and posting."I must say that I think that Xisto is an amazing host company that really gives its customers offers that they can not reject!! I would love to be a moderator on this site too, but that is unlinkly
  3. John Foreman

    Hi Hi

    Hello andrew. Welcomme to trap 16, you made the right choice hosting your site here since it is definetly the best free host there is! We hope you feel right at home here.Regards, John
  4. Hello everybody, my name is John and I very fortunatly have become a hosted member of this fantastic web host. My intro is a bit late but who cares - as long as I do one, what's the biggie OK, I live for music, my fav types are rock and hip-hop.I play the drums and guitar and my dream is to become a really famous star (isn't it everyones )I just got to say this site rocks!
  5. That is exceptionally sad. Isn't it weird though, how when you are not in love, you may feel a little lonely but I doubt that you would resolve to killing yourself. However when your true love dumps you and totally forgets about you, it really hurts a lot.I think the best way to go into a relationship, is to make sure it really is a serious one where you will devote yourself to your partener and not to commit adultry or run off with another woman/man.Love can be heaven but love can be hell.
  6. Yes lol, that would be pretty cool since if you get expelled then you could go back again . Concentrating on girls is pretty cool, unless you are a girl though. Then you will most likely be concentrating on a Boy.
  7. And on top of all that, the PC comes with an internet so you could play online games too, such as on miniclip or runescape.
  8. To be honest, whenever I hear the crazy frog, i turn off whatever the source of it is. Whether it be a car radio, Winamp, or even my best friends hi-fi stereo. Come on people, who likes a frog pretending to be on a motorcycle However. Sean Paul - Temperature is a very annoying song too. Not as annoying as the Crazy Frog but it still gets to your head
  9. I personally think that the best console is the XBOX 360. However, I reckon when the PS3 come out into stores, the PS3 is goint to be the advancement in gaming history. Nintendo are also bring a new console out soon.The rivalry between Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. Just keeps getting hotter!
  10. I know that this is virtually impossible but...When you go to bed you put the learning helmet on and choose a subject and what level you want to learn (such as English - A-Level) Then you turn it on and during the night, you are learning your chosen subject at the chosen level.When you wake up, you simply turn it off and there is no need to go to college or school or wherever.Even though, this gives you much more free time, you would be unable to socialise with your friends at college or school and would end up being very clever, but probablyvery lonely too.
  11. It is very similar to the type of car that James Bond would drive. It is pretty cool, I bet in about 50 years, every car you see will be either able to drive on water or fly in the air. Until the petrol runs out anyway
  12. That would be pretty cool since you could make it so you never die . However this would make the global population increase to such a high point, you would wish that you never went back in the first place. Plus, imagine someone like Adolf Hitler or Guy Fawkes coming back the very second before they got killed. That would not be a good thing
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