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Everything posted by ronin

  1. Hacking for fun is about as far as it should go. If you hack to screw up other people's stuff thats just mean. Would you want that to happen to you? To get all of your crap fried or information stolen? That would suck. I've had my computer fried before and that wasn't fun. Though I did find out who it was. And we will leave it at that.
  2. well you know what they say. Alcohol keeps the bad things away, cause you don't know it. Or at least thats what I heard. I drink prolly about once a week or so. I'm in college so that what I study on the weekends! It's fun if you know how to use it and when to stop.
  3. not bad at all. Though one thing that stands out is the text running out of the background. Though that is an easy fix with any program. Other than that I think it looks good. The colors are quite good for what is it. I like the design in the middle of the sig.
  4. Both of my cell phones have SMS and MMS. I am quite pleased with both of them. I do a lot with them and have not had a problem. I send them to other phones and most will go through though I think it is more of a service thing instead of a phone capablility.
  5. I sleep on average about 4-7 hours a night. I can't sleep anymore than that usually, though I don't have the time is why but we wont get into that. I don't know about the killing the brain and all of that but I guess it could be true if you let it go to your head, lol
  6. That is really amazing. I can't believe that someone can do that. I sure can't! I could prolly plan the piano with balls but it would sound like a train wreck. All I can say is that I am amazed. I would give him a pat on the back for that.And about missing a note. Who really cares? He does a lot better than you can do. Critics are funny. They have opinons on something they can't do.
  7. I'm all for bush. He is a good guy. Kerry is all over the place with that he wants to vote on. He goes from one side to the other and can't hold his own when it comes to sticking with a topic. It's like he is trying to make sure everyone like him. He wont stand on any issue.Oh well, what can you do. I am a happy republican because it was an easy time for Bush in every aspect. If Kerry was in charge we would look like a bunch of panzies to the rest of the world because he would back down from anything.
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