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Posts posted by Bullseye

  1. I thought I already added this topic. :) Well here go's it again. :) I have a clock for my site, it is a swf file.My problem now is i don't know anything about flash. :rolleyes: The clock is an analog clock with black numbers and arms.The background where i want the clock on my site is dark grey. What i want to know is is it possible to open the swf and change the color of the numbers and arms?I already downloaded a trial version of macromedia flash byt have no idea how to open it.Please help me.

  2. Well it has been a few days now sinds i changed my cpanel name.Butt still my site is susspended.Please tell me what else is wrong.I read someting about a script that should turn my account back on.Also read something about after changing your cpanel name that it should take only 1 day to activated agian.Should i reply for a new account?Hope to hear some good news later on.

  3. I have no idea if it will make a differents Raptrex.But I changed it and now it's just waiting what will happen.I hope everything will be returned to normal.If I was you I change the cap. letter in your name as well.After all it's a moderator who said it.

  4. I got a dog .....black and brown.....medium high.She listens to the name DJ if she wants to :D But she is a real nice dog great whit the kids.Ohhh yeah one bad thing about her ......... she picks my wife site when we fight for fun.If I didn't had the dog I don't think I would get out of the house.A parking meter on my computer would be a nice idea :D before i forget the dog is a mix between a germen shephard and a labrador.

  5. Well you can go to the liberary get a book about flash MX there.Another way to learn about flash MX is seaching on a searchmachine by typing: tutorial flash MX.I think the last option will give you anough stuff to read trough. :D Hope you get what you are looking for and and place another post to let people see what you made will ya ? :D

  6. I don't read books..... I only read comics.Manga I have never read it .... have seen some of the cartoons.Even heard something about a game about manga.I must say I like manga.But I don't think it go's under books .....comic is no book. :D

  7. The clours are tooooooo bright :( And the blue letters hard to read.I also think the size is to big.A website is 1024x756 most at the time yours is what ? double ?To many of the same pics fill the background.I think you have to change those things first and then see what happens.And Make ads for your site give them to your friends ask people to place a banner of your site ..... that will help.Hope i been some help.

  8. I use a designer prog called Web Pro.It makes a different layer for everything I put on my page.Not the kind of prog you use if your into coding.Sinds I know nothing about htmlit is perfect for me.If you want you can checkout thecode to see what i mean.The address is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It's a dutch site.To edite picks i use all kinds of progs from jasc paintshop to microsoft photo editor.The prog has his own text editor so that is what i use for text.For the other design i use Xara Webstyle 4.

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