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Everything posted by Alissa

  1. I search for anything and everything that pops into my head. Pictures of people, lyrics to songs I don't know, videos, games, etc. I love Google, it's my favorite search engine.
  2. You wouldn't be upset if you killed a kitten? Don't be upset, mbacarra. You didn't kill it, and on top of it, you kept your eye out for it and tried your best to take care of it and tried to nurse it back to health. Like another post said, however, you might want to take it to a vet, just to see if there's anything else that can be done for the kitten, just to make sure that it heals and gets better correctly.
  3. Definitely post it in your signature and make the link bright and catchy. Search the web for forums that have to do with the topic that yours is about, and advertise on there (if they permit it). You could ask friends to link to it on their own websites, etc, etc, etc...Follow rvalkass's advice too, that sounds very good. :)Good luck!
  4. I used to love Spongebob. But after a while he grew kind of old to me. There are still a few episodes of that show that I love, but I don't like him enough to watch him regularly.
  5. I totally agree with Brandice. You may not want to jump at the chance to be with him just yet because chances are, he's not even thinking about persuing another relationship just yet. Give him some time and in the meantime, continue talking to him and getting to know him. I don't know what other advice I could give you that Brandice didn't already mention, other than life is too short to spend worrying about things. When the time comes, just ask him out. You'll feel so good afterwards, and hey, guys love when girls make the first move with things sometimes.
  6. That list is so sweet. Sometimes it's the simplest things that can mean so much.Maybe I'll send this list to my boyfriend.
  7. I have a friend who is stuck in a similar situation. I agree with the others. Just be totally honest with him; it'll save you both a lot of trouble. Be nice about it though, of course.Good luck with him.
  8. A method that I've heard works is the no-contact rule. Just try to basically stay away from him for a while. Don't e-mail him or talk to him online or anything, or talk to him on the phone...just try to avoid him as best you can for a while and that may help the feelings fade.Edit: I just realized you already pretty much concluded this thread but I hope my advice is still helpful anyway.
  9. Exactly what I was going to say. You're only 13 years old. You're far too young to be thinking about that kind of stuff. Focus on schoolwork and friends and having fun for now. Save yourself for when you're older and are with someone that you truly care about, not for just experimenting and trying it out now. If you do it now, then there's a strong chance that you'll regret it later in life. It's too big a thing to throw away now.
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