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The upcomming game Warhammer Online has been seen as one of the greatest upcomming MMOs. Its going to boast one of the most pvp-centric game styles of the genre, allowing players to fight their way to the enemys capital and besiege it. The game also has been confirmed to run on an Xbox360. Now, I truly have been watching this games progress and was really exited about the features its boasting, but ever greedy EA has scooped in and pulled out their wallets to purchase Mythic. Some of you might remember EA from failed MMOs such as Motor City Online, Earth and Beyond, and The Sims Online. You dont remember any of those? How surprising... This game is doomed a sad fate...and a rushed release. Read the full article here.
I love this game. It really nailed fun into the RTS scene. RA2 was also great, very similar to TS. C&C:Generals didnt really nail it. It was great fun, but it has balance issues. Infantry are pointless and the China Nuke General can beat everything on the map given 20 tanks with uranium shells. Have you all seen the screenshots/info for Tiberium Wars? Gamespots Info on C&C:TW Its going to be the same story and factions as the original C&C with a new race, and a seriously beautiful graphics system. Lets hope EA doesnt chain it to a pole and forget to feed it for a few months... I will personally kil...erm...write some letters expressing my disgust...
Ok, a little tip about Google Web Accelerator. It logs every site you visit and every link you click and submits it to google to 'better their service'. They put it right in the ToS. Its basicly spyware that you download onto your computer knowingly. They bundled it with a cheap freebie program thats availible everywhere (fasterfox for firefox) and put in some good ol data miners. Its a tracking cookie that takes up your RAM and sits on your toolbar. Your best bet is to delete it and not support that kind of data collection. Its very low of a huge company like google to exploit the average internet user by offering them something that sounds great (faster internet) when really your just collecting the web sites they go to. Google Web Accelertor = SpywareScrap it.-Society-
Well, i dunno about our spirits but I defidentally think theres something out there. We cant be so selfish to think were the only living lifeform in the universe. I think theres a planet of plants out there, and probaly some kidna donkey fish thing with one eye. I mean, for all we know the universe is eternal. As amazing as life is, its just on our little speck in the middle of a vast space. I think not only are we just one of the lifeforms, but were also not the smartest. Sure, were working on it, but I defidentally think somewhere out there some kind of being exists with technology thats nothing like our own. They have their own elements, few of ours, so naturally they will be completly different. I doubt they are green with bug eyes flying Sausers around but really, sci-fi style life is out there imo, and were very far from meeting it. And really, I dont believe those farmers got abducted...I dont think thats what a civilization with advanced space travel does. Besides...they wouldnt return you...
Kinda an old topic but defidentally sparked anger in me. The sterotype that private school kids are rich spoiled snobs is so far from the truth. One of my close friends (a girl) had a soda thrown at her from a car when she was walking back from her bus stop by some punks from the local public school. Your all kidding yourself if you think all private schools are filled with rich/upper class kids. At my school I have people from camden, newark, and linden. Camden was up on the most dangerous city list fighting for first place. Trust me, they arnt rich.Private school kids arnt all preppy. Sure, theres some, but they make up for like 8% of the school, just like public school. The only difference is religion is allowed to be openly practiced. Public schools in my area are far better then the private schools, but there also filled with drugs and violence. Private schools are more strict and can actually throw someone out.Im so tierd of hearing about pubbers badmouthing private school kids. You dont even know them, and you try to punish them all for a minority of jocks. Come to a public school here, im sure youll be singing a differnt tune after you transfer to my high school...
Ps3 + Sony = Evil You all wanna buy one? Think twice.
Society replied to SyneWave's topic in Computer Gaming
I completly agree with you. The price is just a gross scheme to make a ton of cash by using their overwhelming market. Its really just meant to slide down slowly causeing people to wait to play because their father doesnt own a texas oil rig. $1K for a gaming console? For $1K you could pimp your comp up past a PS3. Seriously, I dont think the thing costs them over 170$ to make. I think their going to lose a ton of business to Nintendo. As I expected everyone whos voted voted yes to Wii. The names patheticly embarassing but its just such a cool premise. As people look at the PS3 pricetag, their going to look next to it at the Wii and notice they can buy 3 Wiis for one PS3. I think the markets going to shift entierly to Nintendo for the nextgen market, witch is great because Id rather have a sword fighting game with a motion sensored handheld controller then more particle effects on some remakes of PS2 games. The great feature their adding to the controller is it can tell if its tilted. Great, one novelty game of a jet flying through pipes with obstacles can be made to componsate your 1,000$ upgrade. If you think about it, thats all your going to see. Another GT with more particle and lighting effects. Another MOH. Another Splinter Cell. Nothing new... Wiis going to have so much creative and overall fresh content for the american market, I think its really going to open up gaming to people who never did it much.Im going from a sony fanboi, Nintendo hater to a Nintendo fanboi, sony hater. All 'cause the PS3. -Society- -
Why Am I Born Here? Reasons for not being born somewhere else
Society replied to heavensounds's topic in General Discussion
I cant even think about telling a dieing african boy that the reason he lives somewhere without food and water, thats running rampent with disease, and is a warzone is because in a previous life he did something bad. Seriously now, we cant claim that since we have luxarys and were not happy is because nature is perfect and we did good things in past lives, its because our parents had a bit too much to drink and Barry White was stirrin up trouble. We are spoiled shtlss thats why we are happy with what we have and want more.Im sorry, im all for thinking outside the box, but those dieing kids on TV in no way deserve that life (or lack there of) and thats kinda what your saying.-Society- -
Real 3d On Mobile Phone Devices nVidia GoForce 5500
Society replied to NeOniX's topic in Mobile Phones
Great find. I wish I knew this before I bought my LG VX8300 2 days ago. My phone has full 3d right now. Its not very good, its PS1 with smaller games. Brothers in Arms looks amazing for a mobile phone. Theres explosions in the backround, grendades, teammates, gunshots whizzing past your head.I cant wait to see what their like in 5 years. Probally a PS2+iPod+PDA+cell phone just bigger then a credit card. Thats when the world will end, I gurentee it.-Society- -
The best bet is to probally avoid that whole situation. She should probally forget about him if hes leaving for college. IRL people dont cancel their college for love. She should set her sights on someone thats going to be hanging around for a while, or if shes leaving for college too, try to find someone there.Just my opinion...
Personally, I see friends sisters as unfair game. Thats just such a bad position if it ever goes somewhere and your going to get uneasy with friend A. Friend B doesnt matter. If you both like a girl its fair game, may the best duder win. But really, try to find a girl that is your best friends sister...Just my advice...
I noticed a lot of people asking for Gmail invites in the shoutbox, so I thought we should make a topic on it so everyone can get their invite. If anyone wants an invite, just post your email adress below. Anyone else with invites left feel free to contribute. Ill edit my original post with who Ive already invited so we dont waste em. Currently I have 99/100 invites left.
PhpBB is a great program as it ties into PhPNuke so well. In order to have IPB and a PhPnuke site, the forums need to be external. With PhpBB its all on one UI and you only need to manage one site. Although, IPB takes the cake in features, looks, and security. I still use IPB, but Im defidentally going to try out the new BB.-Society-
PSP can be great if you use it right. Certian *modifications* can really increase its value...*coughCOUGH*. As long as you didnt upgrade your firmware it can have a great variety of games . Anyone not on board yet give up on it. I used mine solidly for 2 months and tried nearly every game. It had its flaws but it was great for a mobile solution. I loved pursuit force and hated need for speed. Also that mech game...meh. If someone stepped in there and made some games made for mobile platforms for the PSP it could be great. I could see a nice RTS port working well or a wi-fi compatable fighter jet game. The DS is kinda...eh...get laughed at by chicks style gaming? Just imo. Ive never had a problem with my PSP but ive heard the DS gets heat in HS. No mobile gaming platform has really 'done it' yet. Im thinking the ynever will. There always too far behind and were all too spoiled. I mean, PSP 5 years ago would be jawdropping.
This is a very tight situation as, unlike Russia, North Koreas being run by a crazy dictator that builds statues to himself and thinks hes going to rule the world. Really, I saw americas Missle Defence System, the Star Wars system. It was deserted. It was merley a front to scare off Russia. It worked, they fell, but now its just a hallowed out dome on the top of the crater on Maui. Its surronded with a chain link fence and do not enter:government property signs. Honesty, I could have walked right through the gate and stolen the laser beam (probally a huge laser pointer). There wasnt a single human being near the place. Our tour giude said hes been tresspassing since he started the job because the best view is behind the Star Wars dome. Its sad that we dont have a missle defence system yet. One of the few things I like about Bush was his continued support of the nessisity for one. Like, just because some crazy guy is fueling up a rocket it sets our whole country on its toes. Thats not national security. If he goes through with this I wouldnt surprise seeing mass evacuations and nuclear wastelands in the west. East Coast ftw!!!!In all honesty Im hoping we eliminate the threat. Too bad we have our finger in our arses with Iraq right now. If its a battle of nukes, we can elimiate NK several thousand times. Hopefully the military has some super secret missle killer. They have the prototype set up along the west coast and starting to move into Canada. Kind of a bad test scenario though. Im off to check up on my bottled water and Dintey Moore stew stocks...
The gaming sites seem to have mixed results. PCGamer(uk) gave it a 91% but gamespot gave it a 6.6/10. Anyone here actually try it? I loved the demo. They really hybrided Dynasty Warriors into Age of Empires. Can anyone who actually owns the game confirm is the real game is as good as the demo? Gamespots user board for this game is just a flaming train of noobs thats bound to derail with a lock. Appricated,Society