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About finaldesign

  • Rank
    Premium Member
  • Birthday 02/09/1983

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  • Interests
    Graphic Design, 3d Modeling, DTP, Computer Software, Music composition & Remix...etc...

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  1. i meant google + invites


  2. do u have anymore apreciate it if u can send me one plzz


  3. go go google an type "free monitor calibration" Im positive that you'll find a bunch of websites that offer free monitor calibration...
  4. Well, not but who really done that is probably developers of firefox... Im just spreading a good word...
  5. Im glad that I able to help... I never dream that there are soo many firefox users... Cool
  6. well probably due to internet peak hours (when there is high bandwith usage) or high internet traffic... In that case I suggest you go directly to finaldesign.astahost.com
  7. well probably some webmasters won't allow their users to consume that big amount of bandwith, but anyway, it's worth of trying...
  8. well, now you know my name anyway try to google for "finaldesign" you will find then finaldesign studio - my webpage and there is all my songs you can download... or simply follow this link
  9. from my point of view you can use it. if you give me credit... a link to my website would be nice.... --> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. It's not hard to make website like mine. you just need lot's of free time and patience... I mean, just try, and keep it going and you will make anything you want. But I must warn ya, it's not easy too..
  11. Yes, you can request that. I decided to make that, and it only takes me whole 15 minutes to write that, so I also think that many other people will want to see it... enjoy...
  12. In photoshop there is a slice tool. That tool enables you to cut a picture in many smaller rectangles (pictures)...and then there is another function in photoshop that enables you to export your "sliced" pictures to html... ok, here is an short example: I hope you understand now... If you dont have photoshop or dreamweaver you can still make this, but you must learn very vell to write html code, and you will probably must "slice" or cut images by hand in some other program like Paint Shop Pro or Gimp to get what you need for html... Anyway this is the easiest way...
  13. Thanks man for reviewing my site. Really I designed it for a loong time, and after that I focused my work on getting a content to site... Now I upload it daly...
  14. Well, actually, I started from scratch. First I make a design in photoshop. then slice it in html, and transfer to dreamweaver. Then I clean out whole sliced html in dreamweaver and start from a clean file, and making tables in dreamweaver by hand. And I import the pictures in that tables to make everything perfect fit, and good looking. When I was done with html and photoshop slicing - my first template was done. Then I started a massive search on Google, for free open source script parts in PHP. I found many of my scripts on onlyphp.com and on hotscripts.com then I get into code (and Im a really not some fantastic programmer - I just can have ability to quickly understand code ) and I start remaking that code to my own needs... So this is a short story how was finaldesign.tk made. Anyway, there is no some content-managment system at my web, actually I made one myself - I have many script parts on my webpage: - there is a main section on index.html that is news-content part (that's one script) - under "site news" is another news-content script - under "guestbook" is modified news-content script to look more like guestbook - under gallery section is a script for reading *.jpg files from specific folder - there is shoutbox script - and on every page there are included some parts as: - Main menu, top-menu, bottom-menu... I think you got an idea here... Anyway you go to that links above and find scripts that suits your needs, and then I can help you with them...
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