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Everything posted by PsyberMind

  1. But typically that isnt the case. Employers hire immigrant workers simply because they will work for any compensation rate. Because employers are too cheap to pay people what they are worth. Instead, they pay someone peanuts to mop up a floor when a qualified janitor, who is worth at least 6 bucks an hour, is just too expensive. And I'm not talking about coroporate jobs. I'm talking about labor based jobs.. Fields, meat processing plants, etc.. companies like that hire migrant workers because TYPICALLY.. not always.. they can get away with paying them under the minimum wage, when someone who WANTS to work, who is legal, but KNOWS how much they should be paid, is shunned away because it costs the employer too much I mean, I'm all for immigration reform, but to simply turn our backs on people who have been here for years illegally and just issue them a green card like they did nothing wrong? I dont think thats the best course of action
  2. Fortunately.. I'm not much of the Violent type.. But I also beleive everything happens for a reason. I'm now married, have a wondeful marriage, and our son is a little over a year old.
  3. From CNN: Heres my take on it.. First of all, I question Senator Harkin when he said: From Learfield Communications/Radio Iowa: What I see here, is a United States Senator saying that "Oh Well, We dont care if they've been here for years illegally.. we're just going to turn our backs on that little detail and make them legal." What are they thinking? Immigrant workers taking jobs that others wont take? Well we would take them if the illegal immigrants weren't gobbling them all up! I dont want to get too much into this in THIS post.. I would like to open it up first.
  4. Thats not as easy as it sounds. I've seen plenty of occasions where people make mistakes and lose their loved one, only to find out that whatever they do to reconcile is for naught, as they've already moved on. Case in Point. My ex, Mother to my Daughter. We broke up, and continued to be friends for our childs sake. To this day, I still do not know what the heck I did, and probably never will. Anyway, I made every attempt to make things right, short of being labled a stalker.... 2 weeks later, she gets with this guy who she CLAIMS she knew before we met, but he went to prison for some lame brained reason like assault or something. Ok, first of all, someone who went to prison for assault, around my daughter?! I'm not too keen on that to begin with, but I lay low, watch from behind the scenes, because if he lays a hand on my little girl I'll be on him like the plague on any 16th century brit. Well all of a sudden, I get a phone call from this guy saying "If you dont leave [my ex] and [my daughter] alone, I'm going to break every bone in your body, and burn your shop (I owned a cinnnamon roll shop at the time.. well, was buying it..) to the ground. I was like.. WTF? Ok I'm rambling here.. to make a long story short, Turns out she was dating the guy behind my back for the 3 years we were together, and I was.. for lack of a better term, a sperm donor, because he couldnt have kids. Needless to say, they filed for Adoption, and my "Lack of Parental Responsibility" was cited.. and I lost, because.. wow.. I was never allowed to be NEAR my daughter when that *&*(&&* was around.. What I'm getting at is.. You might not have done ANYTHING wrong, he/she just might have felt the relationship was over, and no matter of reconcilliation you can do will work.
  5. You sound like you are from California LOL Seriously.. I used to live in California, and I think that the Statewide Smoking Ban was the worse thing that could happen. Now, people walk down the street and are afraid to smoke, because they are concerned they are offending someones delicate sensibilities. Now I'm not saying that smoking is.. a good thing. I'm a smoker, I have been since I was 16. But dangit, The foundations of this country were based on certain freedoms, and when my freedom to enjoy a cigarette while I'm bellying up to a bar enjoying a cold beer is my god given right. The Anti-Smoking act was brought up by a group of waitresses and bartenders who said their health was suffering from smoking. Let me ask you this.. Was a gun held to their head forcing them to work there? No. They chose to work there, just like I choose to smoke. So what, because I like to smoke, I'm being subject to the whiny ones who obviously dont know how to say "Ok well maybe I should look for another job?" is that fair to me? Is that fair to any hard working citizen who enjoys a puff of tobacco now and again? I dont think so. So what I think I'm gonn have to do is.. if I ever move back to California, is open a resturaunt that is SMOKING ONLY! See, that can still be done. You just can't have a smoking/non-smoking section.. As far as enforcement from another post.. what they do in California, is leave it up to the Cops. Police make periodic checks in bars and resturaunts, etc... and cite people for Smoking, with a Fine as hefty as 100 bucks for the 1st offense. Yet another infringement on my rights.. the right to have a padded wallet! Ok that last part was acenine, but you get my point?
  6. According to CNN, and The Associated Press, which I happen to get new snips every hour thanks to my job, The United Nations has Passed a resolution that requires Iran to put an imediate end to its Nuclear Development Program. Now I somewhat agree with this. I dont beleive that any Power should have the ability to conduct unregulated testing of any Nuclear property, be it for Arms or Energy. I do not, however, agree with the way things are going with this. I have my gut feeling that this will be yet another Iraq issue, where they will stop for a while, allow inspectors to come in and make periodic checks, and then 3 years down the road, Inspectors will be ousted and our good old President will step in and launch another offensive operation. The United States cannot afford another operation like Iraqi Freedon and Desert Shield, etc.. Our soldiers cannot come home from one war to be shipped off to another one. And to make matters worse, some of our allies, like Russia, for example, have said that they will NOT support the use of force to end these Tests. So if we WERE to go in and Invade Iran, we would most likely be doing it alone this time, and with Tensions high with Korea, and lingering hostilities with Iraq Seperatists, we could be opening the door for another Perl Harbor incident. We are off doing one thing, and someone backdoors us.Comments? Questions? "You Suck's?" Please feel free
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