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  1. THE websites about CSS IMHO are: http://alistapart.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://css.maxdesign.com.au/index.htm http://www.cssvault.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t ... You can find out more here: http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning Hope these help
  2. Oh yes! I've had the same problem with accents in french You just have to type &code; in the title not the caracter that you see when you type it in the keyboard example : <a href="some_wehere_over_the_rainbow.thm" title="café noir">go find some coffee</a> hope this helps
  3. Hi You can do it this way: <?phpfunction inputline($i){ echo "<input type=text name=cat$i />";}if (isset($_POST["number"])){ echo "<form action=\"nextaction.php\">"; for ($i=0,$i<$_POST["number"];$i++) inputline($i); echo "<input type=submit name=ok value= send />"; echo "</form>";}else{//show the first page here}?> that's a draft of course, you can improve this hope this helps
  4. I know (X)HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL, XML, AJAX, MYSQL, JAVASCRIPT, and almost 15 other languages (that's for computer thing indeed) :)I do speak: Kabyle, arabic, french, english and a few german
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