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I have always wondered where the knowledge we are born with comes from. We accumulate knowledge stored in memory as we go through life but what about the knowledge or memory we are born with? May be either of the words - knowledge or memory are not the right words..but there is definitely some ready 'wisdom' that we are unconsciously conscious of when we are born. It is obvious some 'genetic' knowledge is passed on to us - specific to our species. Every born creature has a certain amount of memory "pre-installed". For instance so many egg laying animals leave there eggs before they hatch yet each young once hatched already knows its mission in life. Take the example of the sea turtle. The mother lays her eggs deep in the sand and departs leaving her young to hatch by themselves. When these fragile little things hatch they are buried in sand yet they somehow know that this is wrong. Not only this but when they reach the surface they also realise that that being on land is not right either and so they scurry down the beach into the water and "know" that they should watch out for predators. Is this knowledge somewhere deep in the brain or written to our DNA? How is this knowledge put there? People who believe in the supernatural may suggest that the mother or both parents psychically yet subconsciously teach this knowledge to their young whilst it grows in the womb. The problem I have with this is that one would expect that mothers or parents leading deferent lifestyles, regardless of whether they raise the young themselves or not would cause the young to be predisposed to a similar lifestyle but studies have so far not proven this the case. The more open minded scientists might suggest genetic memory as I do. I believe that somehow certain knowledge is slowly refined as our genetic code is slowly altered through each generation and that this knowledge is also the cause for species adaptation. Maybe this refinement caused one strain of turtle to leave the knowledge for its young to accept being on land and began the species of the tortoise, but now we're getting into evolution. Although evolution is a part of this, my purpose is to draw attention to the influenced decision making capabilities, and indeed the capability to want to make decisions, of new born creatures all over the world.
I am an engineering student and this is a project I am working on now. I conceived the idea a couple of years ago and the project is finally getting some headway now. My paper has received some very encouraging responses from international conferences and is pending for publication in IEE. I am happy to share it here, and I will try to give the basic idea in the simplest way possible, keeping out technical overtures.Here we go..With the world exhausting its current reserve of fossil fuels at an astronomical speed at one hand, but growing even more energy hungry at the other hand..we earthlings as a civilisation have to soon look for alternative sources of energy.Nuclear power as we all know is a double edged sword. The If's and Buts's are simply too scary.The best option is to develop natural renewable sources of energy and our safe bet is to tap into the sun.But Solar power technology has its big limitations today in terms of productivity. Two main limiting factors are : 1. Takes a long long time to charge up solar cells. 2. The output power is very low. The amount of power producing capability is still very low. So as you can see these two inter-twined reasons result in low effectiveness and productivity.One magical bullet that can hit the both the targets at a single shot is what I call SOLASER- to convert Solar Rays to LASER beams before feeding into the solar cells. As you may all know - LASER is coherent, monochromatic, and directional..high power LASER beams can 'Zap' you in a puff! Testing by feeding LASER into Solar Cells , productivity improved leaps and bounds...it reaches a new level of capability. It gives us just the power we want!But converting solar rays to LASER is the catch. As you may know LASER doesnot occur naturally. It is not natural light. It is created artificially by stimulated emission. My project tries to achieve just that through an indegenously developed system. Its not perfected yet..I dont get out true LASER..but its as close as we can get. You may be bemused because its embedded in our public consciousness that we can afterall 'concentrate' solar rays quite easliy by using a convex lens and burn up a paper. Well that's exactly what the latest solar cells do..the solar cells have a plate of convex lens attached on its top , to concentrate the rays better. The increase in productivity through this has been considerable - but does not give us the 'power' we seek. Another exciting avenue for future of energy is Fuel Cells. But fuel cells too are plagued by limitations very similar to Solar power. Same goes with Wind power.True LASER from Solar light is a far call off. But SOLASER might just be the future .Pardon me for sounding over ambitious..but i guess one got to be so to make it through.Cheers!
Time and time again I find myself stumped at the same point..seems a viscious circle..yet you go through it willingly one more time and one more time when love knocks on your door, no matter how many times you hit your head on a wall because of it..do we look for love because we are designed to and cant do away with it? I have no perfect answer, I have no solution at all, I don't know what to do or what to say, the only thing I know is that I have a lot of thoughts floating around and now I'm curious to hear the everyone else's.. Share your experience(s) Notice from mayank: Copied from here : http://poemhunter.com/p/m/poem.asp?poet=135534&poem=2379559 added the quotes to the copied part.
The fact is that we never live for ourselves. have you ever asked youreself this question? i dont know whether you got it or not.well i can make u understand.we live our life normally and we try to listen to what people around us are telling. and for keeping their mind what we do? we do what they want. so thats what is there till our life gets almost finished because thats the time when you realize that you never lived for yourself. But you lived as others wanted. but now its very late and we ponder what you did in the past.So please understand the purpose of your life. understand why you are made for this world. its ok what others say. just ignore them but try to hear if someone tells you to do something good. listen to everything that others say but dont go and do it. i've understood the life. now everybody including my parents are calling me mad. but according to me, i'm doing wht i am supposed to be doing. well thanks regardstry to understand the lifebefore it understands u Notice from jlhaslip: Please put your 'sign-off' in the signature block allowed by accessing your Control Panel.Members are asked not to sign-off individual postings. Thanks.
hai here is a cool collection of cursor follower scripts i put together from different sites. each of them are really exciting! bet your visitors will be highly impressed and keep coming back just to play around with it 1. clock that follows your mouse that popular clock. everytime you look at it...has it ever failed to amaze? the intelligence of the programmer behind it too amazes me everytime. just cant think of how he first even conceived this as possible..not to mention of creating it. hats off to the man! this will rank as one of my all time favourites. ok here's the script: 2.eyes this will keep ur visitor occupied for long...guaranteed! these eyes keep moving along with your cursor and keeps staring at it...trust me...its absorbing! kind of even addictive i would say! download the eyes.zip file attached to use the script given below: 3.elastic band trial u got to see this to believe this...seriously mind blowing! a ball on a string bounces back and forth from your cursor! very animated! you feel like playing with it non-stop! download the superball.gif attached to use the script. here's the script: 4.mouse orbit this is fascinating! really! dots of different impressive colours orbit around your cursor like planets going around the sun.....completely fascinating. here's the script: cheerz! saint
Junk Yard I sit alone and stoned, Stoned as the night alone, Wondering of who?s alone, I?m alone. Cold and very bold, I lye in bed stones, Stoned as rock, Then I reach my angel of love. I see a star above, To reach I cannot see, To bright is she, Never to reach her; peak I crawl and crawl, To bleed beneath my knees, I feel pain and shame, For guilt is my gain. Ha! Ha! Ha! You laugh and play, A freak I must say. Alone I must play. I walk up and down, Confused my destiny numb, My journey is my rejection, My darkness is my obsession. I sit alone and drunk, Just thing of my life, How it came and is coming. I and again walking junk?.alone Notice from Johnny: Moved to creativity forum.
Life or Death...which is real? which is illusion?Years followed by yearsDays followed by daysHours by hoursMinutes by minutesSeconds by secondsTime passes. Stop to think, if you can.Where the point is.What the point isto this endless constancy. Is it to see the Earth rise up out of the horizonof the moon?We have done that.Is it to master the miracles of science, defy theglory of Mother Nature?We have done that.Is it to contact the ends of the earth, from thedeep sea cables?We have done that.Or is it to reproduce the master race? Fill thisEarth with humans and eradicate other species?We have done that. So What is the point of the endless constancy?To live and live?To die. There is no years by yearsNo days by daysNo hours by hoursNo minutes by minutesNo seconds by secondsTime is irrelevantIn death. Life is the illusion,Life is the lieLife is pointlessLife is irrelevantLife passes by. Death is the realityDeath offers peaceDeath offers spaceDeath offers freedomDeath is release. i would like others to add on and share your views.additions and criticisms invited!cheerz!saint
why do we cry? that is something to be thought about. some people cry because they are overly joyed about something. for example my cousin, who is not a cryer, was moved to tears as his first child was born into the world. he thought he would never have kids and then that magical day arrived. some people cry because they are sad for losing something/someone very dear to them. when some get overly angry and cant control the mood within themselves tears just come flowing out. some people cry of sympathy for others. i am not sure why we cry over these things. for me, which ever reason is making me cry, it is ultimately helping me relieve the tension that has been built up by any such situation. or as in with being so happy, it is just a way of letting go of some of that emotion that just cant stay confined no matter how hard i try. experiences in life and love are other reasons society allows us to cry. women have been allowed to cry more than men traditionally, but the benefits of crying seem to suggest that men need to cry more. crying to me also can represent our body?s attempt to cleanse our soul, so to speak. when we cry, we release and express the strong emotion we're feeling at that time. women do it 64 times a year, men just 17. actors and politicians do it on demand. the most interesting other part of the question I think is why tearing? i assume that the child is referring to tearing and not the sound of crying. some random thoughts: plus that tears provide an additional signal in requesting help in infants/children--a conspicuous facial signal--and one thing to tell our insightful youngster is that tearing is also associated with positive as well as negative feelings, and that this might be related to what the fellow above was talking about in terms of a relationship between help and tearing. conclusion: - we need both laughter and tears to help us function in society. crying relieves stress, reduces hormone and chemical levels in the body, and helps us return to a calm state. laughter relieves stress, stimulates healing, exercises certain parts of the body, and helps in human bonding. that is why crying and laughing is beneficial to us both emotionally and physically.these are my thoughtscheerz!saint
yeah....try this script to believe it! im sure u will be stunned at the effect! it quakes your browser! a good way to show your visitor that...your website ROCKS!..and literally so ! ! i got this script from Bravenet's webmaster freebrees newsletter. if you haven't known bravenet before..it is a beginner webmaster's friend! you get lot many features for your website hosted freely. and subscribe to their newsletter to get gems like these! ok here's the code: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function init() {setTimeout("shake(3)",1000);setTimeout("this.focus()",4000);setTimeout("shake(3)",4100);}function register(){var isAol = "no";var res = 800;}function shake(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 10; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(0,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0);}}}}a=275;b=275;r=20;x=1;z=1;function rotate(r) {while (z<=3) { for (var i = 0; i <360; i++) { x = (r * Math.cos((i * Math.PI)/180)) + a; y = (r * Math.sin((i * Math.PI)/180)) + b; window.moveTo(x,y); } z+= 1; } setTimeout("shake(3)",10000); } </script> play around with it and make your website rock! cheerz! saint
im basically a C++ programmer and into Java only now..and i seem to falling in love with it. here are my thoughts on why i think Java seems cooler i invite people to add on to the list, im sure there are great many things i have missed out..things im yet to be enlightened in Java! 1. no more of those wierd pointers! this pointer thing always seemed to me something gone all wrong..something that lacked better conception. thank god i dont have to use * and & alternatively to deal with one same thing. pointers in c and c++ were surely something that made a simple job tough. everyone of us felt it when we first learnt pointers and the feeling never goes away too. 2. no unnecessary bitfields probs! if pointers seemed all wrong..this one seemed senseless! c'mon...no way can it be our prob to worry about wasted bits and pieces! it is the compiler's headache and it has to take care of it on its own. we have enough to worry about developing our programs. 3. world without multiple inheritence? and it seems smarter! i agree i couldn't believe this one at first. all the reading and hearing about how C ++ gave a new dimension to OOP with multiple inheritance kept running at the back of my mind. and it took me a long time to actually accept it and understand the new way. but after having understood it...yes...interfacing seems smarter! this one is definitely the icing on the cake..im amazed how they pulled it off. 4. no "unsigned" problems! wait a minute...did you ever have a negetive int as value for a variable? another unnecessary piece of coding. 5. no 'global' problems! oh what a horrid time we had getting variables and functions to work when you declare somewhere but need to use it again somewhere else and in order to reference it you had to look into those global and local declarations...were they all really worth the pain? 6. no overloading and underloading..lol! use an appropriate method name instead...simple, sweet, cute and more importantly - meaningful. 7. no function pointers! when pointers by themselves were ugly then what to call this. use the smarter Reflection. like: Method method = Pet.class.getMethod("getFood", null); // invoke getFood() on object "dog"Object address = method.invoke(dog, null); now a'int this simple and cool? 8. what was 'goto' doing in oop? i never seemed to get it from the start...you branch off from C and develop C++ as a structured programming and incorporate 'goto'? good logic. 9. no comma operator a..what? what for? Java is Cool! cheerz! saint
hey all i read this very intresting and intriguing article and i thought i should share it here.. find example codes in the attached file. cheerz! saint Ruby A Diamond of a Programming Language? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Please use QUOTE tag when copying another source. Quote this big should just be accompanied by a link and your own contribution. Review Xisto Readme for forum posting rules.