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Posts posted by Blacklaser

  1. I'm working with a student organisation and we're looking forward to send out a monthly newsletter to over 500 poeple and so far we've been using gmail for our mailing list, but I wonder if there is a better way to have a newsletter mailing list where poeple can sign up/sign out more easily without someone having to add or remove them manually.Any suggestions? Any help is greatlyt appreciated!

  2. So I need a few new posters to decorate my room and I was wondering if anybody had any good suggestions where I could buy them online. I know allposters.com but I've had bad experiences with them, I like DAprints but they are really expensive and I'm looking for kinda cheap stuff, so if you know any good deals on posters, I need about 4 or 5 at the most (so no get 10 posters for 30$ deals lol), let me know please! The kind of posters I'm looking for can really be almost anything, I like minimalistic and fantasy stuff most though. Any tips are appreciated, thanks for the help in advance.

  3. I can only agree with bhavesh, their service totally sucks and they are one of the worst e-mail providers ever, hoping to make money off of something nobody really needs. They seem to think that offering a 30 gig inbox is gonna make their success, but in truth, as quickly as I had signed up with them, I had already left them... avoid 30Gigs! Every single one of the established providers are way better, I mean everyone, even the crappy ones like AOHell.

  4. Well personally I prefer cold showers. I find those a lot more refreshing than hot ones, especially when starting of the day. The best way to wake up for me is definetly a cold shower, but even in the evenning if I want to refresh what I do is take a hot shower and afterwards I have a cold beer n coke in front of the TV. Relaxes me everytime.

  5. IF mankind lives to see that event, we'll have the technology to at least escape it, if not prevent it all together, but I highly doubt that since we'll have brought doom upon ourselves way before that, if the current trend of electing and/or supporting religious freakazoids and their message continues... (and by that I mean all kinds of religious freakazoids everywhere)

  6. Hard to say whether its just a phase or actually "you" probably a bit of both, meaning that you'll probably never stop but with time you might become less annoyed by unnoticed mistakes. I highly doubt that it is any kind of OCD though.


    For somebody who claims to be a 'Grammar Freak' your grammar is awefully wrong:


    but she doesnt


    Ok, What do you think about this. it has

    this? It

    and i like changed

    I highly doubt any grammar book will use the verb "to like" in this fashion

    Its like would rather show up with a resume at a job interview with errors or would you rather me just fix it.

    Its like wow how can u put like so much many grammar mistakes in an sentence?

    It was little things

    things plural -> it were


    Sorry just beeing a smartass.... and I don't consider 'cynical' a big word at all.

  7. Yeah as far as I have been told, no electronics or liquids whatsoever on any flights having anything to do with the UK or the US. That also means no laptop or cell phones... which awesomly sucks especially on flights with long layovers... I'll have to layovers on my flight and although I suspect that I'll be spending most of the time in security ques it would still be nice to be able to call someone and let them know that I'm fine and all. Kinda sucks, but I'm glad I'm flying saturday and not today, today must've been hell also I will not pass through the UK, so I hope I won't miss any flights because of overly torough security checksduring my layovers.

  8. It's fun at first, gets kinda boring later though, always the same effects and the scripted events which are always the same after ever load don't help either. It was fun for about the first 8 to 10 hours, especially at night with all the lights off it had a really great atmosphere at first, but the scripted events kinda ruined it later on. Nice shooter though, the graphics are darn good and it's definetly worth playing. It's one of those games where you start into with and it's "Bloody awesome fun" but then you suddenly realize that it gets kinda boring after a while. it's a good pass time but the risk of getting hooked is small.

  9. Nice and clean design as mentioned by others, but I noticed a few things:- The top banner should have the same width as the rest of the site, it gives it a more calm appearance, which works better with the site overall.- use of // and :: I noticed that after the welcome you use :: but after first you use // as well as after under construction, on the other hand for the titles like news and beauty you don't use any, if you limit yourself to a uniform patter that also calms the design down, which again works with the website as a whole- the under construction sign should be in a box like the one next to it, to give a visual match, the same applies to "navigate" and "calendar" in the side boxes, navigate is centered vertically whereas calendar is up top, aligning those will also improve the design again- instead of the standard beveled borders use flat white borders for you tables, works better with the pastel background colors you're using for the rest of the siteOverall you have a good clean design going, everything I listed is just minor details you can try to improvements to your design. Nice job.

  10. Yeah I haven't put any metatags in my site yet, but I'm going too, I was also planning on submitting it to a few directories, so that's gonna be the next step after I got my metatags straight.I'm also hoping for peer to peer promotion, I think that's what can really work for my site, unfortunately there lies my dilema, I need poeple to post intersting content for other poeple to find the site interesting... as long as I only have a few poeple come by and even less poeple post it ain't gonna work... oh well I'll seeThanks for all the replies, always open to hear more stuff.

  11. Europe. When I think of Europe, my first and foremost thought is of that one joke. Ya know, something like...when you're in the inside of the bathroom, you're a' peein'. But anyways...my second thought would have to be of the Eiffel Tower just because it's an iconic...well, an iconic icon of Europe itself. My third and last thought being WHITE SKIN. No joke my friend. Sorry, maybe that'd be more Canadian, but that's also French too, and France is in Europe. Call me weird and different, but it's the truth.


    Wouldn't call you weird or differnet, just very unaware of(so as not to say uneductaed about) "Europe".

    I can see how a joke is the first thing, oftentimes a joke is the first thing that comes to mind, I can also understand the Eiffle Tower, it is definetly a well known part of Europe... but white skin? especially relating to france that makes no sense at all, france is one of the contries with the highest percentage of non-caucasian populatoin in Europe.


    The first thing to come to my mind upon hearing "Europe" would be the European Union, a community of countries and different poeple working together. After that, I can't say for sure, I guess it would depend on the context, but a few things I strongly associate with Europe: Luxemburg (my home country), myself, lasting peace, world war II, the euro, ...

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