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Everything posted by everett

  1. yes it worked it had to be set to 777thank you so much
  2. i got a error again Warning: touch(): Unable to create file ip.html because Permission denied in /home/everett1/public_html/index.php on line 19 Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /home/everett1/public_html/index.php on line 20 would it help if you had the site address
  3. i get a error saying that there is no file called ip.html
  4. thank you very much i changed the permissions to write all but it says it does not have write permissions
  5. i have made a script to find your ip <?$ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); ?> i have been thinking of turning it in to a ip logger but i need help with writeing the ip's to a html file can anyone help me
  6. i beleve you can use dim yourvariable as globalor global yourvariablei forgot which or just build a componint and add it to your form and then it will be part of the form and you dont have to use global and when you want to swich unhide the one you want to show and hide the others
  7. ok thanks*edit to shorten description*And where is the Original post????
  8. I think your thinking about visual basic script it can be writen in notepad and you dont need to comple it . There is a good site for it here vbscript it can do some things that visual basic can't do but there is no ide for it and you can't make a gui from it well you can but it would be hard.
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