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Everything posted by Diffuse

  1. I like to code allot, so I usually google for something with the terms "C/C++, VB6, PHP etc...". I don't think there was ever one time where I couldn't find what I was looking for (coding stuff that is)! Google truly is amazing...
  2. I might as well offer my invites too... If you whant one just email me at diffuse2@gmail.com or private message me. Almost forgot to mention, I have 100 invites and whant nothing in return.
  3. That game definitely IS old! I remember playing it a real looooong time ago! Like 3 - 4 years? Anyways, I managed to score a 320.9! Dang, 399.9 definitely is a HIGH score ! Congratulations!
  4. Hah nice. I have a Radeon X850 PRO card.. So the other day I wondered if I could put two monitors, since I didn't have two monitors I simply plugged in my TV. To my surprise, it actually worked fine.. I could play games on it, surf the web etc... Everything that you can do with a normal monitor. Only problem is that the picture on the TV looked crappy as hell, probably because native TV resolution sucks and it's interlaced too... Then again, it looked sorta blurry too. Still was cool though.
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