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Posts posted by antwill

  1. Guys i was trying to install a phpbb modded forum, i followed this tutorial i had, and was about to install it fully when i got this error message


    An error occurred trying to update the database

    Table 'phpbb_admin_nav_module' already exists


    If anyone could tell me how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated.




    I talked to a friend about the subject and he said i had to enter something after phpbb_ in the prefix for data tables or something, so then it came up with a file i had to download and ftp to the forum. So once i did that, i tried the forum again at the main page /forum instead of the install one, so now it comes up with


    Sorry, but this board is currently unavailable. Please try again later.


    It wont even allow me to log in with the account i created in the install page. can anyone help me?

  2. I could not stop laughing, I was feeling really sick and had a sore throat, when I read this I wasn't expecting to laugh so hard. That was the funniest thing I have ever read, how embarrased were you? If something like that happened to me then i'd imagine i wouldn't feel like going to school for a couple of days! Wouldn't there be like a shower curtain around it anyway that you could have grabbed onto to save your self?

  3. Well im glad to hear that you phone is still working, it reminded me that my friend broke his $300 phone, the reason it broke was really funny. He decided to pick up a sock that he found on the ground, he put the phone in and the mechanism got caught and the phone snapped clean in half! All he can do is text, lol. Poor guy, but atleast yours works.

  4. I like the ads they provide humour and have some great ideas, the ads that have the "hit the target and win a free video ipod" are fun just for the shooting! But the idea that someone would give away a free video ipod is rediculous. My friend is stupid enough to beleive it and he keeps sending me emails saying that i should click on it to win. But the say something and the what smiley ads are funny, when ever my mouse goes over it by accident i find myself doing it atleast 3 more times. Ads are needed for free web hosts and i think they are great.

  5. Today i set up my account with your wonderfull service, and i noticed the many features that you had well i had created a chat feature but realised that a forum would be easier to maintain so i went into the Mysql Databases option and deleted the chat thing. Well after that, i noticed that Disk usage 3.11 / 150.00 MB, the disk usage has gone up even though i removed the service, i am confused as to why it went up and how come it is happening. Is there a way for me to remove this 3 mb? Also is this normal, that it goes up? Can someone please answer this as soon as possible and tell me what files to delete or if i should delete anything. I have not set anything else up but a forum so if that helps you tell me what to delete i'd be thankfull. I am still yet to add html files so that may also help! Thanks if anyone has any suggestions and help.

  6. Good ideas you have there Dooga, although i personally arent to keen on ads i did put some banners of my test site that had a hit counter. Many people misclicked and after a month i got quite a few visitors to my test site. This shows that ads are pretty effective but some times they can be very annoying, especially those that flash thousands of different colours every second! (I apologise to those Americans about the way that i spell colour or color it is because i am Australian) But the type of ad i like most are the ones where you have to shoot the target and they entice you into doing so by offering you a "free" item. One day i hope to make one of those myself.

  7. Im going to have to agree with you Dooga, Wordpress is a very, very good blog script, I used to use it, but now I see no need for blogs as I use MSN Spaces. But I am thinking of using it for my site now that it is hosted with Xisto, I will use blogs maybe for news or the latest things, If you are having trouble finding a script try WordPress!

  8. I tend to enjoy wearing clothes that are comfortable and arent itchy like woolen jumpers, and the shoes i wear need to be firm fitting and comfortable, but most of all should not be tight around the toes. Thats why i dont really care as to what i wear but Nike do seem to make better quality clothes then most of the others. Even though i like Nike more i still wear Adidas clothes, i like their track pants and some of their shoes. My current pair of shoes are Adidas and they fit me really well.

  9. Well thats a tough one, both creators are very very good at their work, but i think that the way Saga created his signature was an alright job but what ruins it for me as many have said is the background. It is too dark and hard to read the text, also the fire looks ok but there are too many dark colors. Albus Dumbledores looks good the way that s/he made the text easy to see, sure its simple but its effective! He did a great job on creating this and i like the motto that he added.Albus Dumbledore gets my vote.Albus Dumbledore 4Saga 3

  10. Yeah it would be great if the popular books were there, but alas they wont be for a couple of years, The harry potter series has become quite popular and i doubt that they'd every make it onto the site, as Rowling will want as much money as she can get. Although i never knew about the E-Books but i did know that you can download the books on wav files and listen to some guy read them aloud. I tried looking for that pokemon book and it was gone, :) but i did find another strange pokemon book, it mentioned how pokemon has made it to the stage. How would people do a play on pokemon!? is it about ash going around throwing balls at monsters? (i'd hate to be that kid) Anyway Google seems to become increasingly popular these days i wonder whats next.

  11. I live in Australia, 9/10There are so many great things about Australia and there are barely any bad things well except the litter and riots but that was all a pure missunderstanding my friend says, well theres some litter but my other friend who has been to nearly every country says there are others that are far worse. Overall it is a great place to live in and i highly reccomend that people come and visit. But the best thing about Australia is the multi cultures, there are so many different country's culturesfood everywhere you look, nearly every suburb has a different type, whether it be Greek, American, Australian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese or Italian.

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