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Posts posted by peo

  1. This was a big thing in sweden last week - since i live in sweden i really recognize the lacks of the swedish polce. I mean 50 men vs 2 geeks - C'mon !? And the fact that the owners of the pirate bay might get a promotion just because of the fatal mistake that the police made is just a waste of tax money. TRust me guys - never move to Sweden - EVER!At the moment the pirate bay moved its servers to the Netherlands - Hopefully Hollywood wont mess this thing up for us =) -

  2. We can never stop the negative impacts on children, drugs and alcohol will always exist in our lives. They cant be banned or avioded. Personally i believe that there is nothing we can do about it. In our society today we should be stricter - We should be stricter and have more control of our children. We can't stop this impact on happening - but we can prevent our next generation by making them aware of why not to takes these things. In the netherlands its still legal to sell drugs - its pretty much as alcohol or tobacco there. If the bannation of drugs will be accomplished in the netherlands - it would be much harder to achieve drugs in other countries - however, there will always occur black business - drugs will always be a part of our lives if we don?t do anything about it now!

  3. A pocket ps2? Who is dumb enough to buy it? Perhaps sony have run out of ideas - They duplicate one model and sell it for a higher price. Would some of you ever want to buy a new ps2 just because its smaller and dump the old one? Maybe this is a way to attract new customers to the gaming world - Afterall sony wants to dominate the title as the best console developer.

    Nintendo on the other hand have several different models of gameboys - but not on consoles. In my opinion consoles are not supposed to be transfered from place to place - they are supposed to be stationary.

    ugh.. these consoles not my type now... if u keep buying the new *BLEEP* and follow the new consoles, really a waste of money... i bought n64 and ps1 and then i was like.. omg this wont finish. wanna bet till year 2010 already 10 new consoles out? like now just came out nintendo ds..

    Personally I dont play games because of the graphics. If tetris had ultra power graphics - the stones were like real Oh my god ! Would you think it would be the most hilarious game ever? These days the actuall gaming criteria have changed - fun vs graphics ? What aspect do you think wins ? The fun in the games are often ignored by the producers when they have to focus to make the graphics as good as possible.

    Think about Mario - Isnt that the best game ever? Well . . i assume none of you have ever completed it after falling down at the first jump :rolleyes:

  4. Usually these ads come from spyware - Makes sure you have ad-aware or norton for protection. It was recently on the news that some old guy clicked on the ads and accidently agreed to donate loads of cash to the owner of the ad. There are some really sick ways of making money on the internet - one way is to fool noobs to <- snipped -> }}

  5. I made a script the other day using Diamond.exe program. This program is the easiest one ive ever tried- it spared me loads of time. To configure suffix vs prefix takes ages modifying manually, finally i found this program which ties them together - connects them - Scripting because a lot easier!Perhaps this is off topic - sorry for that - just had to inform you scripters about it. Diamond.exe originally costs 500$ for a validation of 3 computers - database - sql - including free life time hosting and infinite domains. Dont tell me how i got this offer - its just amazing.

  6. Well - would you rather play a fun game - or a cool graphix game that would bore you within 1 hour? Nintendo are focusing on doing fun games - but unfortunately todays kids only think about graphics which ruins the fun.In generall I believe Wii is going to be the best ?console - Who can afford to buy a xbox360 or a ps3? Nintendo have the lowest possibly price on their console while microsoft and sony are working their **bottom** of to perform the best possible graphics. Would you really want to pay 500$ for a ps3? Personally I dont care about graphics - therefor I wont buy one no matter what. Even if the price was lower - what would I do with a ps3? Play games? Doubt it - Ps3 got no other games but sports and stimulation.

  7. well , im an expert on this topic. The first thing you have to do is to be evil vs her :lol: Be a big pain in the **bottom** until she finally leaves you, however, there are some exceptions. A few of them are kinda weird, but if they wont let you go you have no other choice than hurt her :rolleyes: Its kinda obvious what you have to do , good luck :P P.s: girls like those are really good to take advantage of, well, dont do anything that I would have done ;)

  8. Actually all you need is a cd key. Once you got this cd key - you have to activate it in Steam's database - by doing so you will have access to download counter strike source from steam's database directly. This usually takes around an hour for most people, however, if u have super internet (like me :) ) it will take around 10 min.its easy, simple and fast!

  9. Actually my friends used to sell stuff on ebay. One time a friend sold RPG stuff for 1000? - thats crazy :) well .. there are a lot of dummies out there which we can take advantage of =) - Do you think anyone would buy a 10 year old comp with a pikachu sticker on it? :)

  10. In my culture and society its ok to love 99 - and its also ok to have 99 wives in that matter that osama bin ladin had 500 wives and 100 husbands and over 600 children.WEll i if ur from the middle east you shouldnt have any problems , however, the western world is quite differnt and probably im the wrong person to give u this advicesorry for bad english - im half drunkdont drink and drivepeace

  11. The ideology of mankind is part of what id like to call " human stupidity "Can we be guided with scriptures written for thousands of years ago? Is goda myth or a truth?Is there a life after death? Are there conceptions between mankind and other planets within bactera vs animals vs matterwell.. the truth is that its a hilarious concept of intigerate meaningless halocaust helverny.

  12. This is a case of opinion and taste - How would you like it?well personally i examined it a while ago and i found this very fascinating.The fact that companies offer secured computers without the conceptionof the suffix vs prefix - and that way it can all mix up into what id like tocall a " remix ". This " remix " later on corrupts the hardware and (or) the software within the progressof the terminology os.oz.w8This debate is going on today - you know that google is your friend :)

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