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  1. Google has patented for a voice activated search engine in 2001 and has recently confirmed and granted, this will help the business people and other users to easily search websites, and will make the searching experiance even better. So if you have microphone, you can now easily surf the web using that. just think how far ahead and better google is making it's search engines, and now that they have patented that it will be hard for other search engine companies like Yahoo and MSN to compete with that. Here is the link to the patent site and application: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ All further information is in the patent and you can read it further over there. just think what will google do next?
  2. I have tried many other web browsers such as Opera, IE and Netscape.Now Netscape is nothing but IE and Firefox into one browser, and you can change the atmosphere in a click of a button and Netscape itslef has no significant feature.Opera has a very download manager and optimized browsing experiance, it is like Firefox with all the extensions, it is good for people who are too lazy or do not know how and where to get the extensions for Firefox.IE, sorry nothing really good except they can help you browse in websites.Firefox is comparitively stable and has a lot of features for people to use and the most significant being the tabbed browsing experiance, it does many a times give an error and crashes but no as much as IE, also thunderbird is pretty cool and does the job pretty well in my opinion. So Mozilla has some pretty cool and good products
  3. so if you are really supporting Scampay then how come they have also blocked accounts that belong to PTR, PTC and autosurf sites that are legal and are not engaged in any viral, MLM or any pyramid schemes.
  4. no it is perfectly legal safe and pretty good. I have registered a couple of domains with them myslef so go ahead and try it out! It is easier if you just refer or advertise your link because it is simpler and faster.
  5. it is not a scam and it still is online. The payment processor that they used (stormpay) was a big scam and they took all the money away. It is still open but it is not allowing or accpeting new members for now. And people have made a lot of money and they have got rich.
  6. nice joke, I though this was going to something informative but I guess that the FBI cannot watch me now lol.
  7. It is one of the world's greatest mysteries to where the light and where the black hole exits. does it take you to another dimention or does it just go back to the space is what keeps me, the researches and the whole world so interested and intrigued by the black hole.
  8. lol by the time I will be able to afford one the prices would go a lot down. I think as the demand goes down so does the products price. so it is either go off the market or be a big boom in the industry.This is really good if you are downloading stuff from torrents then you can compile them all together and then have it on just one small compact disc or it can become a great backup disc. But guys don't worry in time there will be cheaper and better storage disc, sleeker, harder and easier to maintain. We'll just have to wait and be paitient.
  9. get phpbb it is free and easy to install and is almost the exact same to all the other boards or if you want other boards such as Yabb or phpbb nuke and get out of trouble. you can go here and get more free bulletin board it is not neccary for you to use invision or vBulletin there are many other alternatives try using them.
  10. go only for the trusted and the proven one. What might happen if this is a scam and then they never pay you or pay less by putting on fees. I mean it is very hard to be in this business as there is so much competition.And anyways you should not trust pyrimid schmes as they almost never work and I am sure that in viral networking only the upliner get's all the money off you, and you almost never make money. let's just go the straight way and not gamble away our money in such schemes.
  11. they have edited so much hard work and tape. they should release a show that shows the cut scenes that would be cool.And yeah they cannot show everything on the movie from the book it would make it really big and they edit a few parts because they are off topic. but overall the movie was still good without the scenes.
  12. I have heard and got so many advertisements about this thing and I decided as there are so many of you using using google adsense you must be knowing what all the fuss is about. so before asking I did a lilttle google search and got a vague idea of what this is because all I get is advertisments linking me to eBooks telling me how to use the system without telling what it is really about.So from what I recall this has got to do something with affiliate programming and that is it. so what I am thinking is are you going to advertise your link on google sponsered links and get money??? but I do not understand head or tails of that, how can you get $1000 a day with just selling eBooks online everyday. doesn't make any sense!!! and if you notice there are so many ads telling about this system and are also selling nicely, so before I buy one of the books can anyone tell what is this all about???
  13. nice site, but isn't it supposed to be simple and not symple.Anyway it could use a few more changes such as the current skin you are using. and I just want to know how much did you buy the script for?
  14. Yep, I was in a private school in elementary and then in high school went to a public school and I did find a lot of difference. You have to pay more attention to whom you are and who you are establishing your friendship with. and yes private schools do teach a grade or two higher and have a lot more discipline. And that is what I hated the most, I mean when I was supposed to be playing outside I was forced to be in my room and complete my assignments and was suprised how the children could actually talk back at their teachers in public schools and have more freedom and I now know how much I really hate private schools. But it could be only my school that could be like this.And all the private school kids that look down at public schools are only jealous and do not want to show that so they act as if they are better than them.
  15. thanx for the tutorial I thought the latesst version of phpbb was 2.0.19.Anyway I did have some problems with the mySQL.If you have done some modding I need to install cash and points hacks and a few templates.nice work though
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