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Posts posted by rogeruk

  1. Looks quite interesting, had a quick search on google didnt come up with anything.. Anyone have any links / source for this? It looks quite umm different lol, i agree they would be soo easy to loose and how is it powered? should be an interesting thing to know.Touch screen that small? magine the problem with *BLEEP* fingers lol. It'd prob just be best to wear a watch and look stylish with it

  2. Lol BF2 atm is unplayable, with the lastest patch they have messed EVERYTHING UP. In the special forces you crash when entering a TOW. In the normal BF2 the shock paddles are bugged and u cant die lol. BF2 Vanilla was very good, awsome game. Cant wait for the "Fix Patch" :lol: Great game.

  3. It really depends, if you use a template and you KNOW you can make it yourself then thats no problem.But if you are using a template with no skills then give the maker the credit, dont try and pass it on as your own work or to make your friends think yr cool.Personally i take the idea's / concepts from other templates and combine them to make my own desgins. Wether it be flash / animated or just normal images.

  4. OMG, how can OFP (Operation Flashpoint) be on the 3rd page?....

    This game is the best tactical game ever. Its like 3 years old and i still play it. Every day there are new addons for it, new missions , new scripts. Its pretty hard to get bored of the game cause each situation is different.

    Im awaiting on the release of Armed Assault.. https://www.bistudio.com/blog/websites-offline-for-maintenance

    Anyone who likes tactical military games, OFP is your game!. Fly / drive / gun ANYTHING within the game. From M16's to PK's. Jeeps to T80's. UH60 to F-16.

    Realism at its best. And the best thing is theres respawn!

  5. Come on... seriously.... who CANT be a hitman fan?? hitman OWNS. Loved all the releases, still playing Hitman Contracts to this day B)Blood Money looks a really good release, lets just hope they dont change the good and funny parts.Like shooting someone with a SPAS 12 and them flying across the room ;) What a great laugh.The screenshots / trailer looks REALLY good, they should call it..."Hitman: With Expressions" lol :DCant wait ;) Release date confirmed?

  6. Haha, I totally agree with you on the amount of space XDI have so much emails in my hotmail folder, that I'd think it would use at least 50 percent of the 250 megs. Then I check and it says only 13 O_O;; What's the point of changing an email that all your friends know to heart, when you can get a 2 gig email that you won't even use much space of? Maybe... I'm sticking with what I already have for the easy way.

    Yeap exactly, as soon as G-Mail offers "15 GB" Hotmail will offer 15.4 GB, its whoever has the balls and hardware to do it first gets most custom.

    We'll just have to see how long the Google maina continues B). Soon we'll see Google as a shop, a car model, maybe even a place! lol

  7. I use Hotmail mostly, very good service and tools. Junk filter works pretty good.There was a thing about G-Mail a while back about it being a US owned company and the law were that any emails that were X ammount of days old can be read without your permission etc.... And again who would use 1GB of space for mail?Ive heard and seen on some other websites that theres a tool for Gmail which it can act like your harddrive, you can upload / download just like it was a harddrive on yr PC..But i think G-Mail overall will win the battle, yahoo sucks, hotmail been around quite some while. Anything new will take over

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