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Posts posted by Mechablitz

  1. I don't know about the rest of the name but the number 17 is odd somehow. The first thing I noticed about your name the first time I saw it was the number 17 for some reason... <_< but the name sounds original. One more thing why did you name it Xisto? What's with the trap? Is the name for a particular reason like it used to be your girlfriend's name (who would name their girl trap?) or just becuase trap sounds cool?-Blitz

  2. Sorry guys but I don't know how to get those wicked gmail logo/banner/thing can you help me? Why does everyone have it? If you know how to get it can you pm me? Or you can email me at mechablitz@gmail.com. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea!!! I have gamil know!!! Sorry i forgot your username but who was the one the put that gmail grap post? Becuase I got a link that still worked!! I'm so happy!!! thankyou soo much Xisto!! this is the coolest place i've been these whole three years. Exept for gunbound that's never going to change!! lol

  3. frontpage makes things easy, but dreamweaver is better.  I prefer notepad for html :P Note pad is the best!!! like jacob said

    Yea I agree with jacob that note pad is the best. :P But for quick brag-to-your-friends-that-don't-know-how-to-make-a-webpage projects I jsut use Web Dwarf. It's a WYSIWYG editor and personally I think it's easy and pretty much the best WYSIWYG editor out there. Dreamweaver I haven't tried becuase my friend didn't like it and I was too lazy to get it. Frontpage isn't that good becuase it doesn't work on my firefox. <_< That sucks! Still basicly I use note pad and photoshop. My friend let me use his photoshop. :( Becuase I'm too broke to get it. (I wasted too much money on my comp). Still notepad is the best!!! :)

  4. i have all versions from windows 1.1 to windows longhorn

    You have longhorn? I'm really out of date. I didn't even know they released longhorn yet!!! lol <_< well right now I have windows xp and a Linspire cd I got for free. :P Linsdows changed it's name to linspire and deviant art gave away a coupon that reduced the price of the linspire cd to nothing! That was cool. :) I dual booted my linspire and windows xp but It ran too slowly so I had to remove linspire :( Well It's pretty cool that you have longhorn :P

  5. Linkin Park is one of my favorite bands beacuase I don't listen to rap much and I'm more of a classical and rock music guy.Yes, sometimes I think I'm messed up too.<_<Well even though I'm not a hard core fan my favorite song is still breaking the habit. :) Go Linkin Park!!!

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