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Posts posted by Danny

  1. First worry about gettig 30 Credits. :)It is VERY unlikely to become a mod or an administrator. We already have enough mods. If its hard enough to become a mod, admin would be even more. Mods are hand picked I think, you have to be very active, post with quality posts. Obey all rules. Don't ask/pm to be one either it would just make your chances lower i would guess. Just be very active and post with quality :P If your lucky they'll notice you and your posts, and your time being, and make you a mod/admin. But again its it highly unlikely.

  2. I think i already replied to this topic but i would like to post that..I would like to live in the world of the legend of zelda (Ocarina of time, Majora's mask) It would be cool first of all my favorite part on ocarina of time was using epona lol it was fun. I can't wait for teh nintendo revolution :). With major cool graphics and new playing style also the great zelda game :P.I would also like to live in the game runescape. Pretty much cause its fun, and it would be more fun doing it your self :P and maybe easier too..I would also like to live in GTA:san andreas, or the GodFather it would be teh ownage! lol because you do what you want and you get away with it lol, of course i wouldn't do it on real life though (killing people, stealing ect.)I would also like to be in a game like call of duty, soldier of fortune 2 so i can be a soldier kill people, oops they kill me then i respawn lmao.Theres still alot of great games out there i havn't played :PGames I would not like to live in:I don't know games like mario , cause i would prefer a bit real, and resident evil. Sometimes scary lol.. when your surrounded no wait out.. NO Ammo.. then the weird making noise-zombies kill you. Well i dont really know what not to live in every game is pretty cool. :PUm..

  3. Nice Job!Edit: Wanted first post lol! Nice job on getting 4,000 Post 64 post here :). I had more on my old account though anyways... i remember when i register on Microsoft account, i think you were not a mod by then? Been some time now i downloaded your renders and brushes when you posted about them :P Great job on 4k Post and continue enjoying Xisto =)

  4. I Recently lost 4m+ Staking not gradually, in 1 , 2 stakes.So all i have left is Full verac. I sold for 5m merchant took lots.. and got 6.9m or so.I bought full verac again. thats all i had.. and 1.9m So i started staking about 1-2 days.I have full veracs still. 1.85m Obby Shiled. Torag Hammers. So i made about 500k Profit, had more but lose sometimes. My stats are or look me up "Danny_121790"Attack: 72Strength:69Defence:70 Thinking of keeping it 70 forever.Range: 62 :/Mage:73, want 94 mage yea right... :DAny tips to staking?

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic merged with existing one.

  5. Why shouldn't you be destroyed? I'm sure you have your reasons. What defines a human being anyway?


    1. I would be destroyed. :D
    2. Why would i want that? It wouldn't benefit me.

    human being 

    1. any individual of the genus *person*, esp. a member of the species *person* sapiens.
    2. a person, esp. as distinguished from other animals or as representing the human species: living conditions not fit for human beings; a very generous human being.

  6. lucky dogs making 15 an hour, what/who are you working for... wish i made that much in my first job..
    my first job was working at my Jr High school during the summer fixing computers, and fax machines, and copiers that the ignorant teachers broke.. and i was only making minimum wage for california which is 6.75 i wanna move to washington where minimum wage is 7.50 or somwhere around that...

    but when i get done with college, i wont have to worry about min wage, just the 40-50 an hour i will be making, then on the side maybe graphics and a hosting company :D but i must plan for that.

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