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Posts posted by midnitesun

  1. lol DjLuki but no offence , you shoould have watched the match between brazil and ghana , it is supposedly one of the hardest matches in the second round , you just cant forget ghana , they have kicked the highly pyshical regarded united states out of the competition and they have have thrown a suprise winner against the czech republic and as everyone agrees a highly pysical and strong team , but tonight brazil sent them home breaking the hearts of the whole african continent , and so many records are set these days for every match brazil plays , ronaldo went to the history books as the highest ever scorer in the worldcup finals whole history and brazilian captain cafu made a record 19 appearences in the worldcup finals and some few more records which now i cant recall , yea i agree germany is very strong but i think argentina is too powerful for them and i am sure i am not the only one who expects an all south american final this world cup between argentina and brazil which i hope wil be won by brazil :)

  2. lol what is funny to me is sometimes they are called insurgents and sometimes alqaida , but whatever name they all have one goal in common , chase america out of their soil and hurt americans as much as they can, but americans are barking loudly that they dont negotiate with terrorists ,so whenever they are forced to do so they become insurgents who are otherwise always alqaida who ofcourse are the terrorists ,in addition to the countless failures by the bush regime they were forced to come to the table with terrorists in afghanistan , in iraq when moqtada al sadur came up as a major opponent of american presence american generals threatened and called out for his death , but finally they found out he is much more powerful and danjerous to be killed so again the kill 'em all are invited to the table , i can imagine the policy makers in america pulling their hairs off over what to do next and i am damn sure bush cannnot be sleeping the nights he did before he waged an illegal war against a sovereign nation , the iraqi ghost will always be hovering over his head kicking him every now and then , peace in iraq is unlikely even within this decade or the next one , if there has to be peace people will have to forget so many things , the goverments have to change so it can be atleast more legitimate , what i cant understand is why on earth the worlds greatest nation be so dumb ,

  3. now have you ever wondered what happens to a file when you delete it and empty the recycle bin ? surely it should not be in the computer by then ?? well i ahd a big sprise waiting for today morning when i turned on my computer , i will tell you waht happened , yesterday a colleague of mine put sum flash files on my desktop and when i went home i deleted them and emptied recycle bin assuming he should have made a copy and has taken to his computer , but when i turned on my office computer this morning the files i deleted were sitting right on my desktop again !! boy u'll bet i was suprised , so i asked him and he told me that he didnt make any copies and since it is hours of work he can't possibly redo it so he recovered the files from my hard drive again , but i told him i deleted them and emptied recycle bin and that was when i came to know that not only cats have nine lives but files you create in windows have three lives too,and he showed me the program he used and it was full of files i recently deleted !, so what happens is when you delete a file it goes to recycle bin ,but infact it is not moved to the recylce bin at all it remains in the same location only its complete path and name is removed and placed in a hidden folder called recycled and the file is then renamed , its original name and path been stored in a hidden index file called info2 located in the recycled folder , so when we click restore in the recylce bin the original path is read from the the info file and the file is again renamed and its directory entry restored , so what happens when we clicke empty recycle bin ? no the file dont get deleted even now ! windows just changes the files path and name to indicate the space it occupied is no longer needed and is available for use ,but any time the OS needs sspace for any other file it may be overwritten , untill the file gets overwritten by the OS it still exists on the hard disk and is fully recoverable by using programs which enable file recovery , pretty cool for geeks who make the repeated mistake of deleting an important file and again deleting it from recycle bin and then pull their hair for being such a nerd huh ! :)

  4. lol , i visited that link only after reading some of the many replies you got about the animations and i didnt expect to be impressed much to be honest because been a grahics designer myself i have seen a lot of animations and been doing myself too but i must say i was impressed by the first one , i have seen many hilarious flash movies but this one had a completely different concept , it reminded me of xiao xiao's flash movies ,you may as well want to have a look at it too , here's the link http://www.newgrounds.com/collection/xiaoxiao.html and i hope you will enjoy them too

  5. ok i didnt have robots.txt in my root directory before , i know it is unprofessional not to have a robots.txt and some people can send malicious programs identifying as robots and steal sensitive information from your cig/bin or private directories , but what awed me was i used to get hit by googlebot once a day previously but yesterday after i put robots.txt googlebot hit my site 26 times ! , didnt know it was important before :rolleyes:

  6. i was wondering how long it took for your sites to be indexed by google and other main search engines, i submitted my sites over 5 days ago and googlebot have been visiting my site everyday since then , i know that it may take upto six months for a new site to be indexed but i have read somewhere about a site which was visted by googlebot only once a month , so am i doing good or is it just normal for googlebot to crawl my site once a day ? so tell me how long it took for your site to be indexed and how often googlebot visited your site

  7. im with brazil since 94 , not because they had played in every final since then and won 2 titles but i simply love how they play and all their players are my favourites from goalie to forwards .. they never stop creating world class palyers , im simply crazy with brazil ,but i have a soft spot for argentina too and they are my second favourites , lol my favourites hardly disappoint me

  8. i cant access my site nor control panel ,all other sites are working out fine so it is not a problem with my network connection or browser ,so to be sure i went to showcase forum and tried two sites hosted with subdomains and they too cannot be accessed , so i guess the server is down > how long will it take for my site to be back live ?

  9. wow what a question ! of course we all love Xisto and otherwise we wouldnt be here and as far as i am concerned there is'nt a site like Xisto even if there is i really dont want to know or dont want to leave Xisto, you will like Xisto more when you get used to it , you can learn many things here , contribute what you have for others to take benifit of ,personally since coming to Xisto i have learnt quite a handful of things which otherwise i wouldnt have even heard of , so enjoy your stay here :rolleyes::lol:

  10. thankxs for your nivce review , as for google , i have sibmitted only today to major search engines ..and i have lived the site only 2 days back , the idea to create this site came to because of the many mails i used to get from my friends inviting to join hifive or bebo or wayne and many other such sites and as for the domain name , i dont have right now , thats why i am here at Xisto :rolleyes::lol: but i will get a domain name depending on the success of the site

  11. lol i would suggest you not to worry too much over waht women think and since you are gay it wont be difficult to avoid women :) we can never succed in persuading women from their ideologies so the wise will pretend and agree to whatever they say i guess :):) and maybe even laugh at their backs ,actually i have nothing against women but yes i cant stand a woman towering over me and bellowing out orders , this i mean in professional life and not the woman in your family ,thats one thing i cant accept ,

  12. actually i dont mind having to go and check credits after making a post , but sure it would be nice if we could have credits displayed on each page ,then again as opaque has pointed out this is a big board so i guess it's not much of a matter , even if credits can be displayed in my assistant ,it too goes to a new page when clicked on a link such as my last 10 posts so why not just go home and check it , i guess it is the same that way

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