Personally, if I was in the situation you are in, I would have to ask myself one of two questions:1. Do I honestly care what she thinks about me and would I care if I made her depressed? or 2. Is she a cool enough person that I would want to hang out with her later on a strictly friend basis?If the answer to question number one was no then I would simply tell her I am not interested in dating her or hanging out with her!If the answer was yes then i'd simply tell her that i'm not looking for a relationship right now and would feel kind of strange going to the movies on a dating simulation.If the answer to question number 2 was yes then i would I would simply tell her that I am not interested in dating but would not mind hanging out as long as we are clear that it is not a date and i'm not interested in a relationship at all. If the answer was no then I would simply tell her to go find another friend because I already have to many.I hope you figure out the best answer to this little problem. Don't know if i helped any but I hope it helps a little. Have a good life.