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Posts posted by PunkGuitar

  1. I found a link to this on somebodys site. Basicly you jsut sign up you offers with fake emails or spare ones and fill in forms and earn credits. Once you have got enough it transfers $8.20 you a domain register site so you can get your domain. I was scepictal when i first tryed it but it acually works! You cab also reffer people and you get point for what they do. Don't worry the link below isnt a refferal.


  2. I have a few thing on my phone that i've downlaoded. I have:
    Java apllications

    I found this cool website where you upload you file the you go to a wap site on your phone and you can download your file for free! I can't remember the url but i searched free mobile downloads or something on google and found a site with loads of links.

    EDIT: Found it in my bookmarks its http://www.funformobile.com/

  3. Okay, i hate french, i have this horrible teacher who picks on me. she won't let me move down a set and she treats me really unfairly. For example if somebody talks, she would tell them to stop, if i talk i'd get a detention. Anyway translator is very good. I do every piece of homework with it and my teacher think im trying hard. Ha, that shows her. The only problem is that it's not all way write eg.If you type in watch you will come up as wrist watch instead of watching with your eyes.Other than that its pretty good

  4. There seems to be a complete lack of action sports games at the moment. Sure theres tony hawks, but is there anything else? There must be thousands of shooting and football games coming out but nothing in my intrest! I think if a new action sport game came out like skating or bmxing it would be very popular. Hopefuly someone else will realise this and bring out a new game soon!

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