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Posts posted by nancmu

  1. Hi,


    If you are using phpBB <= 2.0.10 , install 2.0.11.


    Because earlier versions have a bug, and everybody can access your server.




    Thank,filipc :P

    If it's that your said, i'm so luck. I only try phpBB on my computer. But now i still don't get about phpBB - One file can link from some ways. I'm so confuse both phpBB and my exam on this week. My head will be exploded because of it. ;)

    I think that i may relax on this site ;) .

  2. I never go to visit any far countries. No more reason without MONEY!!! I only play internet and get information about each places or sometimes get from a handbill. I will suggest you for some place where i was born Thailand. Thailand have more place, more feel and various... that very intereting. Thai people are very kind and friendly. I please everyone to visit my home. ^^

  3. that is true. Longhorn requires you to have a very high performance computer for you to run. I think it requires something like a 2.8 GHZ as the recommended speed to run it

    That is right. My computer was a low performance (too slowly ;) ). I must remove Longhorn but i'v just up grade my computer to 2.0 GHZ and 128 of Ram. I'm not sure i can trans to Longhorn again!! :P
    Longhorn have a beautiful themes and more choices. ;)

  4. i took a class at school on java and we used netbeans. i really don't like netbeans, but I would be horrible at notepad. however, for just about every other language i program in, i use notepad.

    I agree... I try to use netbeans but error!!. ;):P;)
    I have already set j2sdk but netbeans can not be set. if anyone know tell me, please!!! :P
    After I lost my attemp. I decided to use editPlus. I think this is a good way for you. ;)

  5. I like C because it is the best way to learn other language..

    C no more function - you can learn it by easy and can make some problem to clear (suitable for beginer).

    C no strict - if you learn java or high language, you will known "how is strict ?".

    and more... :P


    Anyways!! my C complier has more bugs!! ;) , I don't know how i can fix it.

    I must change!!! ;)

  6. I like to use the allies, it will be easy to use "Rocketeer" for defeat an enermy. They can fly - everything on land will be destroyed. I always build them about 200 to defend my base and use them to defeat an enermy.Firist, to destroy plain factory and unit that can kill them. ;) Second, up to u - destroy all construction or capture it. :P just's easy!!! ;)

  7. This is one choice!! Posted Image

    i usually use this for count my user and show ip. i got user more...


    if (getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP)) { // check ip from share internet  $ip = getenv(HTTP_CLIENT_IP);} elseif (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) { // ip is pass from proxy??  $ip = getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR);} else {  $ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);}

  8. Hi!! , icedragn :D I used to get this problem, it's easy to clear.... You might added function to display or html function before you set Cookie code, to solve it.... :D // do not add any code before this!!!<?phpob_start(); echo "................."; // can use "echo" function. setcookie("uname", $name, time()+36000); ........ echo ".............."; // can use "echo" function.ob_end_flush();?><html><head><meta ....>...... </html>this's ok!! :D if something wrong........... i'm sorry but i think it's right!!! :D

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