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Posts posted by logophobia

  1. If you want to make a prof. looking game without having to code everything in C++ or learn use the slow/crappy gamemaker you should consider modding stuff. I made some (half-finished) mods in neverwinternights and it looked pretty good & you could do lots of stuff with it. I stopped with my mods there cause the engine got old but i got pretty good fanmail on some demo-version i released. I am now considering modding half-life 2 into something, i heard there were pretty good tools for that.

  2. I use notepad, Tidy (auto-cleans your html code so its w3c compliant), gimp (open-source version of photoshop) and 3 different browsers (IE, firefox and opera) to see if the website looks the same on all three.

    I really recommend Tidy to design ur website, it really speeds up my work. I got my site w3c compliant within 5 minutes with it.

    here's a link:

  3. I would switch to linux if there were more games being ported to linux. Now the only one ive heard about is ut2004 which isnt enough. I heard its the best enviroment to learn good programming (which i am trying to learn). And some stuff looks really cool (i saw a 3d desktop for linux which looked spectacular). But I am not willing to dual-boot my system for that. I do use firefox, openoffice and lots of other opensource stuff because its better/free.

  4. What I really hate is the mob that sits behind him, kissing his *bottom*, and basically telling him to do all this crazy stuff that make most of amreica like him but is really not good in the long term...
    Anyone agree?

    Nope, whatever the lobyists tell him to do, he is in the end responsible. No matter how much *bottom*-kissing is taking place. Some stuff bush did which i am really pissed off about and which cant be blamed on anybody but him:

    -Iraq war (which turned out to be completely useless (no WMD) and iraq now serves as a training ground for terrorists)

    -All the debts he made while going to war and giving away tax-cuts (theyll have to pay for those years afters hes out of the office)

    -for his 'conservative' choices (anti-gay rights, anti-abortion, abstinance-only sex-ed, breaking the barrier between church and state)

    -His dirty campagning (swift boat vets 4 truth... anyone?)

    -patriot act (which is misused 4 stuff not related to terrorism, enabling the governement to put people in jail w/h lawyer, trails etc.)

    -pulling back enviromental rules (no, that clean air act doesnt make the air cleaner)

    Ino kerry isnt perfect but hes better then the alternative.

    To bad i am not from the usa and can't vote against him. :rolleyes: (and no, i am not from france)

  5. hey rvovk, where did you hear that IE will get w3c certified in longhorn? Doesn't seem very ms-like (since they did that propertary stuff probally to shut down netscape). I find it unlikely that they dump active-x + all the propertary stuff which would mean alot of websites would have to rebuild stuff. Anyway... firefox rules, tabbed browsing is addicting :rolleyes:

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