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Posts posted by ORION

  1. Yea i love this game. Get your guy either all fat really skinny or like a huge muscle man. Its cool. when hes ripped he can run for ever and alomst 1 hit will kill anyone. I kinda wish they made it online same as the others on can play 1 player offline. I guess that it is ok still great game.

  2. i bought x box just for halo2. First i played it at my friends house for and hour. I was so siked on the same day it came out i bought an xbox and halo2. Its a great game if u liked the first oe you will love the second one 2. Im looking to buy x box live no to play with a greater variety of players.

  3. yea i like the zelda games. kinda dissapointed that they only have them coming out for gamecude nowadays. yea because it used to be nitendo 63 which i had. I would buy gamecube but i just bought x box an another system is alot of money nad the lack of good games for gamecude in my opinion is another thing in buying it.

  4. yea i think it will come out. if blizzard saidd it was gunna come out. Then most likely it will come out within a year or 2. Most games that are good sumtimes the dates get pushed back and it takes a few months longer for them to finish the programming and the testing before releasing the final version of the game.But i cant wait for it to come out.

  5. Yea GtaSA is really fun. I do the missio not 2 much . most of all i think i like to play with cheats. its fun just to run around steal cars hijack planes and boats shoot up the cops. and try to swim to the other islands and live to tell about it. If you are thinkin about buying it you should its a great game if your paretns allow it

  6. yea i def cant wait for halo2. only 8 more days... at least where live in maryland that is. Its been so long since and good game such as halo1 came out for xbox. cant wait to get online playing and linking up with my friends and having HALO! PARTIES!...yes...

  7. yea i no wat you man ......its good .... but i no your right there is alot better games out there for all systems. Halo is action i just think they could of added more detail in to the weapons and the levels. Also if they madee better suits for the characters that would inprove everything. im a gamers and i guess thats isj ust my opionion think wat you want of me but in conclusion i dont think its very good

  8. na heres wat i do ONLY IN THE FASTEST MAPS. build supply depots at all entrances along with bunkers 1 behind each supply depot. Then 6 barracks make 4 marines in each right away as soon as you have the minerals. get gas and factories. make 2 tanks 3 vultures. get 2 startports and make 2 drop ships in each. upgrade the spidermines for vultures. drop vultures out side of base entrances. make turrents around perimeter. Then get 4 more starportsand get as many battles cruisers as i can and attack.

  9. i like bush but think sumthings he does is not good. in suden for example he refused to send troops there. the bush admisistration says there is nothing theycan do to help the suden people. Heres there story. the suden army is killing sudens people. hunting them down and salutering them. also another kind act they made was filling is 6 of the 7 wells that ACTULLY HAVE WATER. so not only are they seeing there people killed they are starving for food and water. thats something to think about. y would bush do a thing.

  10. Lol i think the complet opposite. lol sorry but im a 24/7 socom 2 player. iv played halo a good friend of mine has it and i play it alot. but i do not like it as much. another thing is that with x-box live you have to pay what is it 20 bucks a month tha is unreal. i can afford if anyway. that just my oppinion

  11. hey my name is brian. i live in ellicott city, maryland. Iv been vactioning all over the country. I dont like school at all and goto a public school. my interests are rockclimbing, skateboarding, snow boarding and im looking to get into ice climbing and mountaineeringSee you guys and gurls around

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