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Everything posted by Kua-Zee

  1. wild20, I posted the referral link because if you click on it and sign up from there, you are automatically added to my friends' list.I will try to be an active member here at Xisto, but for now I have to finish my algebra assignments, which are a few weeks late .Anyways, thanks for the warm welcome, and I will get to posting as soon as I can.
  2. Hi! I'm Kua-Zee. I am mostly interested in web design and graphics. I have not gone too far in either of the fields, but I hope to learn a decent amount so I can host my own professional site. So far, I only know HTML, but I plan to start learning PHP. I have also programmed 2 VERY simple programs using Visual Basic 6. I am trying to learn where everything is located here at Xisto. So far, I have not had any luck finding the Xisto readme file. I would really aprecciate it if someone gave me a link to it ! I got to this site when I was looking for tutorials so I could expand my abilites in Adobe Photoshop. Thanks, KuBi for the awesome affliate button tutorial! I used it to animate my e-mail button in my signature! I am from RottenEggs, which is where I go whenever I am using my computer. It is sort of like MySpace, except it's more of a prankster/urban explorer version. You can also submit articles with new pranks, or maybe a story of when you explored an abandoned building. If you decide to join, add me as a friend(RottenEggs handle= Kua-Zee)! Well, I guess that's it ! Notice from serverph: sorry Kua-Zee, referral links not allowed in Xisto forums. referral links removed. please review Xisto forum rules & TOS. and welcome to Xisto. the Xisto readme is below the shoutbox in the top of the pages, or just click here.
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