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Posts posted by kelvinismyname

  1. below are just some basic advise based on my experience in designing websites.


    (1) Name Your Website

    establish the title you will be using for your domain name & the website, make sure you keep in mind that, the name should be easy to remember, and easy to spell.

    people won't visit your site if they can't remember the address of it..so keep it short and simple as it can get,if you are using a subdomain ,try even harder to come up with a shorter and simple name.


    (2) Have a clear idea before you start

    This is an important step to consider before you start the design process of building the website,you must Have atleast a clear idea of what you want the site to look like, what you want it to acomplish,and what main features you think the website will be centered around. Decide on stuff like,layout,number of pages,features(chatrooms,forums .etc),expected amount of visitors, & what programming language & software you will use. Try to write all of your these down on Paper, it will be important reference during the design process...also make Google your best friend, for answering any questions you have during this stage.any questions you have can be answered by just searching for them on Google(it aint hard)


    pS( I recommend Visiting websites similar to what you are building,this can give you an idea of what you need to accomplish for your own site).


    (3) Design the Site

    the first step in the design process is to make sure you have covered everything there is to be covered.after this,do a check to make sure you have all Information & Resources aviable,these may include: "any required":


    1)Tutorials & how to's



    4)The things you have writen down in step 2


    As long as you have everything above, written down & completed, the building of the website will be the easy.Simply use the information & knowledge you have gathered to start building the website. :( .......................................................................................................................

    hope its helps......also you are welcomed to add whatever you, think needs to be added to this ,Tutorial/advise.

  2. im knew, dont excuse my english i just like to type funny hehe. im in usa from ny in dc 16,17 in june born in 89 uhhhhh what else i like rap and rock a little rnb im black and dominican like games andm ovies and tv basically entertainment tryin to get hosting for my domain cuz the current hosting i have pretty much sucks so hey and i plan to stay active(saw the message on the front page) so uhh HI!!!!! 

    I think you have come to the right place from the review i am getting this is the best free hosting service you can get on the entire internet.....i hope the both of us are sucessfull in getting hosted......cheers :(:(

  3. Exactly!  How is it that people out sie of the United States know more of the history and the foundations of our country more than us?  Do the students in United States get taught about other countries to this degree? The contrary.  Barely any of the student population in the United States could even tell you where one might find Brazil.  However, I do not blame this on the part of the instructors.  I have too been through school, and at least I know where and what forign countries are called.  I think that the problem lies in the hands of the students.  Perhaps the students in our country do not value education as much as our counterparts throughout the world. 


    Anyway, I got an essay to write.


    I agree with you there it can be that the students dont value education as much as other students around the world.........The can be put on the both the parents and teachers..they need to inform the students of how important education is .......i am from Guyana and over here i can tell you that students have great respect for the value of education.....that because parents and teachers constantly inform studenst/children of how bad life would without an education,......anyways i did not learn anything about america when i went to school..............i did learn about america by watch alot of televison programs or reading books in my spare time.......

  4. Do not cheat. Don't tell people to click your ads. If your adclicks increase suddenly, REMOVE the ads to balance it out. You should be slowly increasing in revenue, not trying to cheat google. Also, no matter what ad you see, do not ever click on them, don't even tell anyone to click on them. Also, don't log in from another computer. Always keep your ads in your reach, and monitor them every day. Well that's what I do...


    I think google needs to rethink their system...whats the use of having ads on your site.....arent they supposed to be clicked....the system is bad also because if you depend on the adsense funds to run your site,your competitors can use that as exploit to keep you from getting any adsense cash which can bring down the site

  5. Here are some suggestions about what you should try to do:


    1. Check if your connection is using at least 256bit encoding (mine does and now no one can even think of taking my internet) - besides havent noticed any speed decrease.


    2. Programs that you have listed are not "so" liked by many providers, which might cause them simply to block any ports related to them. And the fact that they still work is maybe due to other protocols that they use and not necessarily the whole thing will get blocked.


    3. Check your firewall settings, in some routers there special features of protection that might greately decrease performace.


    4. Check if your bandwidth quota is not limited automatically.


    5. Find QoS packet and bandwidth settings through gpedit.msc and look if the reserved bandwidth is at 0


    6. Try changing ips withing your lan - sometimes it happens that router get faulty built in software and it has bugs with some ranges of ips.


    7. Test your LAN cards and other equipment, maybe the problem is not even in the router (happened to me once - lan card died and was lagging whole LAN)


    8. Check your system for any types of spyware or viruses - they can actually affect your speed greately and take a lot of bandwidth.


    9. Never use any connection speeding up software - it might make some changes you have no access to, and sometimes those programs are not campatible with some types of routers.


    To add to that you can also try resetting the router...maybe you changed a setting thats causing the conflict

  6. I agree if you have a profit making bussiness then you really invest in making sure the software that you use is leagal.........maybe if your wana save some money & your busssiness is now starting you can use illegal software for a limited time till you aquire the funds to buy the software legally..............but you must know you cant expect any support or fixes... if the software fails

  7. Major key between those boards are, that phpBB is open source, and easily customizable. IPB is more secure, but cant customize fully.


    I would recommend SMF forums......i like that because of its ease of installation ,management, security and its Api features for site integration also great skins are aviable for it........IBP is good with all its features..but sometimes it feels too bulky to manage..i also used phpbb b4 but i got hack constantly....i dont know if the fixed their security flaws..........having tried most forum software..SMF seems to be the best for mee so far.. :(
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