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Posts posted by catfish

  1. There are some really sick people in the world... A ten year old for christs sake =\ I can at least see the motivation behind like raping someone your own age (not to say it isn't a horrible crime, which it is) but thats just *BLEEP*ed up. There has to be something seriously wrong in your head to do somehting like that. No excuse for that kind of *BLEEP* at all...

  2. It looks seriously promising considering it is a free program. To be honest it (from apperances) is on the level of a professionally made program.However I cannot in good faith recommend it over photoshop, (bar legal/logistical troubles in buying/dling it) But as a free alternative it seems very promising.

  3. Milk can hardly be bad for you. look at it it this way: everyone of us (well most of us anyway) as well as most every other mammal lived several weeks/months on nothing but pure milk. In essence, milk is enough to live on (kind of like eggs) though of course anything in excess can be harmful. If milk really "wasn't good for you" there would be a lot of dead/dieing baby animals/people...

  4. The render is nice but the cutout is horrible. not only is it not smooth (jagged) theres pieces just floating out in space. No offense, but a three-year old could have done a better job with it. Further more I would hardly be advertising a "cut-out" at least when its just removing something from a background. It takes no skill, at all. All it takes is time and patience, to take an erasor and go around the edges really smoothly, and then to blurr them slightly if needed.actually, you might want to ignore what I just said: the image im getting is looking nothing like the thumbnail... im just getting a "cutout by savge" w/ a blank bg... but in anycase theres more to art then sloppy cutting out and pasting it over a background.

  5. The meaning of life? there is no "meaning," there is no "higher purpose" for you, me, or anyone else being alive. It is merely a cosmic coincidence. To think there is anything more to it is unfounded arrogance, a believe that we (humanity) is so damn special that there must be some underlying meaning to our lives.I suppose you could argue that like cattle for the slaughter, who are born and bred for that sole purpose, making that the meaning of their life, some humans have meaning in a similar sense. that they were born by the good grace of a government or army and their "purpose" would be to fight in that army/protect that government.Now as for the goals of life, that is simple: breed. the single goal of every living creature on this earth is to breed. (those that had different goals are long since dead) This of course entails survival, so that one can breed, but not past the point of breeding. In some species the male is eaten after mating, for the benefit of the next generation. Life is what you make of it. there is no inate purpose to it, no underlying design to your existance.

  6. It's a decent tut, however the plastic rape is too prominent, and sadly the "pool" affect is relegated to a spiral as per the nature of the tutorial. (some creative use of the polar coordinates filter "might" be able to fix it, but not without more work then is necessary i would think.)all in all not bad for a quick affect. (i happen to like dumbledore's a lot more, just the way the clouds formed i suppose.)

  7. yes well we all know how well the last shuttle project turned out...in anycase not much will ever get done with regards to space until the administration changes to one with a more ambitious mindset. We made it to the moon in under ten years after jfk made that speech, and now they are talking about we "might" be back in 15-20? Its a freakin' joke. They need to start putting their money where their mouth is and actually get the job done instead of bickering over whether this piece of foam is 5grams too heavy and might damage the craft on takeoff. Our space program is trueling in a horrific state. Politicians keep promising the moon for their own ends but never give the blank check that got us to the moon. (and will be needed to do much of anything anytime soon, with regards to manned research.)Aside from money, the other thing that really irks me about the space program is how squemish they are. That they are so unwilling to take a insignifigant risk that they will ground all the shuttles, dispite the millions on millions of equipment rotting on the iss and the millions more rotting on the ground that needs to be brought up there. The space shuttle flew dozens of times without any damage by foam, while risks should be minimized, minimizing them should not take precedent over the mission./end rant

  8. atm im playing a bit of silkroad online when i have time to kill, which isn't as often as i'd like, sadly. so far it seems a decent game, the usual quests, etc. One thing thats kind of odd is how there are no distinct classes. at least yet. you can focus your skills into different areas, but there is no "warrior" "mage" rogue" (etc.)

  9. i doubt they will add php/mysql soon. (php maybe...) i don't think they are aiming for the web designer crowd. rather they are trying to come out w/ a new and better myspace type of deal, where your average joe bob who doesn't know the first thing about html can have his own decent website. Sadly it doesn't appear to be a tool for experianced people, rather an outlet for the masses. On the other hand hopefully it will have a chain affect like gmail, forcing everyone else in the market to up the antee on bandwidth, features, etc.

  10. Imo the best way to "hide" your folders is in plain site. name the folder "starcraft" and move it in with all your games. even through in a starcraft.exe and all the misc. files, then put what you need in a sub folder. Not many people will dig through every folder on a system analysing exactly whats in it, and by blending in with the crowd it makes what your trying to hide a whole lot harder to make out.

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