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Posts posted by callum

  1. If 666 means the Devil, then you know what that means right? 999 must mean God, or Jesus Christ. Since they say demons like to mock all religious things, and they usually just flip or do the opposite of whatever resembles something holy. But, does this mean that on September 09, 2009 Jesus will come and save us from the end of the world? I doubt it...


    999 isn't God's number - it's 777. Do some research before you say stuff like that.

  2. Hmm...favorite drinks eh?


    I don't really like the taste of alcoholic drinks, so there's really only one alcohol drink I've taken a fancy to...Kahlua Milk! Gotta say that I love the stuff! As for beer and wine and champagne, well I can't stand it. Anyway, other drinks I like include Lemon Lime and Bitters, Maison Lambrusco (non-alcoholic) coke, hot chocolate and tea.



  3. In google, I searched "free forum no ads".

    I was looking for a free phpbb2 forum...excpept without those annoying banners all the others have. If anyones looking for a site like what I was looking for, then a good forum site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - it contains no ads, but at the same time, you can't host avatars internally. Still, you can get around that if you find a service like http://www.photobucket.com/.



  4. I had to replace my last computer because of a power surge...even though I had a surge protector. How stupid is that?!? It must have been a faulty protector or something...


    The surge destroyed my whole computer - the only thing I could salvage was my floppy disk drive (yay!). Ended up having to fork out hundreds to get a new computer...I'm still using the same surge protector though...:(




    Notice from KuBi:
    Don't know how to put this..uhm, don't sign off with your name, new rule implemended, warning issued.

  5. Might seem hard or a bit silly, but if you start to talk to your parents like an adult (not arguing with them when ever you don't get your way) then most parents respond to that and start listening to you more and even give you more freedom. This isn't to say that you can't disagree with your parents over things - it just means that you should talk to them the same respect as you would any other person and you should try to take their views into consideration as well.



  6. ...Marriage isn't about God - It's about love...


    How can you say marraige isn't about God? God was the one who invented marraige - of course it has something to do wih him! This point is exactly why two homosexuals should not get married, or (in my opinion) even practice their homosexual acts.


    God designed marraige for man and woman, so so the two would become 'one flesh'. He meant for this to be a beautiful thing between a man and woman and nothing else! The bible defines homosexulity as a sin in many numberous books and verses - it's something it clearly defines as something that shouldn't ever be practiced. So, for a gay couple to get married would be, according to the bible, a great abomination. It would be the same if two homosexuals getting married said "Screw you God! We care nothing for the sacred act which you meant for only a man and a woman. We are going to defile it and cause it to lose all value!"


    If you believe the bible, then you should never agree with homosexual acts or marriage!



  7. Swearing isn't just something that's bad to hear kids say though - it's bad if anyone says it, no matter what age they are. Sure, hearing some little 8 year old punk saying 'f' this and 'f' that gets on my nerves as well, but hearing anyone doing that in general is just as bad as well.


    What I find worse is when celebrities swear just for the sake of swearing. Examples include people like James Blunt - in the album verison of his song 'You're Beautiful', he sings "I was f-ing high" instead of just singing "I was flying high". Australian members will have heard of Rove Mcmannas, host of Rove Live. I went to his live show and he decided he would just swear his head of for the hell of it - it wasn't even funny.


    I think our western societies need to learn that there's nothing intellectual or amusing about swearing - people just see humor/value in it because it's something which most people (used) to think of as something bad and as a result, they are persuaded to use that particular language. People who swear for the sake of swearing need to grow up.



  8. Here's a bit of a tricky situation.I was at school one day, alone in the classroom when this girl comes up to me and starts talking to me. I wasn't on very familiar grounds with the girl - I didn't really even know her name, but she started talking to me and I wasn't going to be mean and tell her to leave me alone. So, as I kept working, I half listened to her as I asked her random questions like "So what movies do you like", "Do you have any pets" and "What do you like do to for fun" - not really thinking much of what I was saying, or what she was saying for that matter. And by the way, I definitely was not giving out any 'body signals' to her.Anyway, time ticked on and luckily, the bell the end lunch went off. I was glad that that was over. She wasn't really the kind of girl I liked to talk to - she was a year younger than me, in my opinion she was unnatractive and she constantly looked like she was going to cry if I said one bad thing. Anyway, I said "Well I'd better go" and before I knew it she had blurted out "Do you want to go to the movies with me on the weekend?".This was bad - very bad. I didn't know what to say. If I said no, then I feared she might cry - if I said yes, then I'd be leading her on. I sort of tried to say nothing as she paused, gave me her number and told me to give her a ring. I was in shock - how the hell did that happen? I didn't know her, I hardly even showed signs of listening to her and I did not hint towards going out with her. As she left, she told me to give her a ring.What I am I to do? If I ring her and tell her that I will go out with her, then I'll be leading her on, which I definitely do not want to do. If I don't ring her, then chances are she'll get depressed that I didn't ring and ask me about it and ask if I'm doing anything next weekend. If I do ring and tell her I don't want to do anything, then she'll most likely start crying and ask me why - which I don't want to do, because then I'd have to tell her I'm not interested in her and I find her unnatractive.What should I do to let her down without making me seem like a complete *BLEEP* or making her cry and ask "Why???".Thanks for any input guys!

  9. The worst thing you can do in a relationship is kill any privacy you may have. I mean, if your girlfriend or boyfriend tell you something that they only want you to know, then you don't go telling your friends about it - no matter what it is. If you do that and they find out, then it ruins any trust they may have ever had in you.Oh, and don't lead anyone on, no matter how funny it may seem at the time - that's just plain mean.

  10. The best thing you can do is just stay friends with her - she'll know whether you like her or not, so if she wants to go out with you, then she'll probably make it blatantly obvious. Like another poster said, read her body language and if your not too good at interpereting body language, then compare it to one of your other female friends. The way she acts around you should indicate whether she wants to be more than just good friends though.


    My advice is, if you're not entirely sure she doesn't want to you ask her out, then don't. Remain good friends. Its better that you grow close by just being good friends and developing an even stronger relationship than if you just out with her once or twice and then broke it off, never to act the same around each other again; or, as you said, for her just to say 'no' and then you two both being too embarrassed to talk to each other like friends again.


    You could probably get better advice at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - its a forum site more aimed at the love/relationship lives of teenagers. There you should find similar post like this and what other people have to say about dating a good friend.



  11. Has anyone tried out the new MSN Messenger Live Beta yet? Right now you can only get in if you are a certified microsoft tester, or have been invited to try it by a certified tester...a bit like the Beta version of google mail. I've only seen the program on my friends computer, but it looks pretty good. It has features like seaching for names in your MSN list, sending offline messages to people (so they get them when they log on) and also having the ability to have its display changed eg. you can change the actual colour of your MSN.If anyone knows anything else about MSN live, please post about it in here...does anyone have it, or do they know the release date?

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