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Posts posted by switch

  1. hey

    i'm making a game, and just went to implement collision detection when i found that it would be incredibly difficult because of a shortcut i added to work around a problem. now i'm going back to fix that problem, but i'm running out of ideas.

    i'm trying to do this... (in c++)

    xPos = (whatever); //the x and z coordinates of the object.zPos = (whatever);rotation = (whatever); //the rotation of the object in degrees.glPushMatrix();    glTranslatef(xPos, 0, yPos);    glRotatef(rotation);    renderObject();glPopMatrix();

    and draw an object at xPos,0,yPos with a rotation of 'rotation'.

    instead, the object appears at xPos, 0, -yPos. the problem can be fixed by putting doing this for the translation:
    glTranslatef(xPos, 0, yPos);
    and until now this is what i was doing, but it makes things like collision detection and camera work much more complicated later on.

    does anyone have any ideas on why this would be occuring and/or how to fix it?

    thanks, muchly appreciated.

  2. normally i'd stick it in a class or possibly a namespace (which is similar to a class). classes aren't too hard to get the hang of, there's heaps of free tutorials on the net about c++ classes. try functionX c++ tutorials @ http://www.functionx.com/cpp/index.htm. the link to the 'User-Defined Types and Classes' tutorial is in the column on the left under 'C++ objects'.

    also you could probably do something like that with a DLL file, although i'm not too familar with them. i'm pretty sure that if you were to do it with a DLL, you would need to pass each variable as a seperate argument to the DLL or something like that.

    overall i think using a class is your best option. it's also a fundamental part of the C++ language, so learning it will probably boost your skill / productivity / creativity a considerable amount.

    ok good luck! :ph34r:

  3. i was using software called FreeFTP for a while, but it's really really ugly and difficult to use (for me, a semi-noob).

    what was really interesting though was i was scrolling through this topic and i saw an ad for FTP commander Pro. I actually downloaded FTP commander (free edition) the other day to upload to my new Xisto website. It's really schmick :ph34r: definately worth a looksie. website is http://www.internet-soft.com/ftpcomm.htm.

    mind you, i've used cutePDF and that's really good, so i might investigate cuteFTP.

    thanks guys.

  4. yep i'm not a huge fan of the massive graphic signatures, probably because i've got a 300 meg/month download limit :ph34r:but anyways, some of the signatures look really cool, i was just sitting here reading this and then i saw Saint Michael's second image signature... it's mad!i'll respect graphic signatures as long as they look cool and aren't excessive.btw, where'd u get that spiderman thing? :D cheers

  5. haha lol that's heaps funny cause i know what you mean :ph34r: don't worry about it man, all kids are stupid like that at some stage or another. i mean, you can't say you've always liked good music, and never tried to be cool yourself.seriously, they'll get over it, it's just a matter of time.

  6. hi guysi just got my free web hosting (and it's cool, thanks). before i applied i had somewhere between 62 and 63 credits. then i applied: the first time i entered an invalid password, so i tried again and it all worked. then i logged back onto Xisto.com, to find i had 1.91 days remaining. i then posted a few times and now i have around 4 credits. please tell me if this is normal. if it isn't, it would be much appreciated if you could restore my lost credits.also after uploading files to my website (and changing index.html) i went to my site only to find it hadn't changed at all. i searched the cPanel documentation for a 'flush' command but there didn't appear to be one. i am still seeing the default site, and am wondering if this is because something is wrong, or because this is still stored in the server's cache or what.Any advice/insight would be appreciated into each of these matters.thanks guys.

  7. i don't reckon you can compare halo with gta. halo is heaps more linear in terms of storyline, heaps more straightforward. gta is heaps more open for exploration.so, they're completely different genres and i don't think you can directly compare one with the other.however, i'm a huge fan of a good story, and for that reason, halo wins.and halo has multiplayer :ph34r:

  8. lol don't feel dumb, i've been doing c++ for a year and i don't have a clue how to make a system tray icon. my best guess at that you could find a tutorial at http://www.codeproject.com/.

    [5 minutes later...] yep, the article is here.

    never tried it myself, but as a general rule 'the codeproject' is awesome.

    as for running a command through dos, the win32 command 'system()' will run a command as if you are typing it into an MS-DOS prompt. for instance:

    system("edit myFile.txt");
    will quickly pop open a console window, run the command "edit myFile.txt" and then show the resultant MS-DOS text editor.

    hope that was what you were after.
    keep coding!

  9. i generally agree with snlildude, but i wouldn't necissarily be teasing her and pointing out her mistakes. that's a bit risky in my opinion, and you could just come across as a *BLEEP*.confidence and being yourself are important.but confidence doesn't just come overnight. i reckon probably the best thing is being able to just feel comfortable and relaxed around her, hopefully that'll come naturally if she is comfortable and relaxed around you.other option is to tell her how you feel, it'll probably be heaps difficult, but i think that would probably help calm your nerves a bit in the long run.good luck hey, and keep in mind that anything anyone says is just advice: ultimately the decision is up to you. don't stress about it, everything all works out in the end.

  10. well if it's any consolation, i know how you feel about finding it hard to learn with the format of your classes. :P

    anyways, there's a guy named Fred Swartz who wrote some decent tutorials, not quite my thing but definately a good quick-reference. his site is leepoint.net/notes-java/.

    also, i have had great experiences with a company called gametutorials, they used to have great free coding tutorials. unfortunately, you have to pay for them now, but their stuff is still really good. they claim that they have java tutorials coming soon. in any case, their website is http://www.gametutorials.com/.

    personally, i prefer to learn from a book. i got a hold of 'the complete idiot's guide to java 2' for $20 (Australian) and it's really good.

    ok cheers
    good luck!

  11. so much respect for you bro...one of my mates told me that dungeon siege II came out (about a week ago) and i said serious? i'd already finished dungeon siege one and loved it, so now i'm working my way thru legends of Aranna (expansion). also loving it.i was gunna buy dungeon siege II but then i saw a review in the paper - it got a rating of 3/5. i sorta decided not to get it, or at least wait for the price to come down a bit... thanks for your opinion, i'll probably get it once i finish legends of Aranna.cheers

  12. yeah, i'm not a pro or anything, but my best guess would be that you would need a server.also, from memory, the only multi-player cross pc online games i've seen are written in java. take runescape, for instance. the really cool stuff happens with java, as it's a full blown programming language.unfortunately, java is much harder to learn, has heaps more overhead and is more coding than the really fun stuff.what palladin was saying was a great idea though. if your "end turn" button links to a PHP page with all the turn details as parameters (or argument, variables, call them what you like) which places them in an sql database you should be set. I'm not personally sure though, if flash offers sql querys, or can read in data from web sites. you'd need that to read the data back from your sql database.the space problem can just be solved by deleting each move from the server straight after it is recieved by the other player. a few megs should be more than enough unless you're thinking about making something crazy big or crazy popular.As for the unique session/game identification thing, you could just generate a random number based on the time and something to do with one of the particpating computers.hope you got some help out of that blur of information :) good luck

  13. firstly i'd just like to say that it's absolutely awesome to see how many Christians there are out there! go team!


    It probably gets down to that core question, "what am I here for?" and "if I die today, where will I go?"


    Phillip Yancey says in his book "Rumours of Another World" that the only catch to being human is that we have to worship something. When you take God out of the equation, other insuperior things come in instead like sex (actually that's probably the most common one these days) and money. You end up with a sick, twisted world.


    Also someone before (can't remember who, sorry) said that there is no scientific evidence to prove that there is a God. by the same token, it can't prove that there isn't a God, either.

    If there was proof, the whole thing about faith would become completely irrelevant. You're never going to find concrete evidence if you're not looking for it.


    as for the evidence that convicts me (actually just the most easily explanable part)... get off your computer. go outside and take a look at nature. I reckon that the world we live in is AMAZING (understatement) and then you consider the fact that we are able to appreciate it as well. I personally couldn't call that random chance.


    Even the intricasies of sex and the reproductive system. I can't see that all that evolved from one creature, the differences that fit together so perfectly.


    and then you realise that we are having an incredibly intelligent conversation about God... if we weren't created, i don't think that we would be able to dream up something as complex as Christianity or even think to the level at which we can.


    sure, there's no scientific evidence, but when the evidence is all around us in everything we see, everytime we breathe, scientifc evidence isn't needed.


    Peace out

  14. there are differences between languages apart from the syntax.

    given the option i would have stayed with visual basic, but i switched to c++ because
    1/ it's LOADS faster at run-time
    2/ much more powerful
    3/ you can use many more graphics api's such as openGL

    also check out http://www.codeproject.com/. they have some good tutorials.

    i'm doing games developing, and it's not real hard for simple stuff but for a great game it's very hard.
    once you get the hang of the graphics, there's not a great deal more to learn for a basic game.

    Good Luck!

  15. hii was just wondering if you could maybe add an 'edit' button to the bottom of each post. this would be useful, as just recently i was posting in the warcraft III topic in the gaming/rts subforum and i forgot to say something and so had to post twice.maybe just make it so that if someone has already posted after your post it is uneditable, but until that happens you are free to change it.thanks for considering! :D

  16. yeah, the noobs on battle.net really are frustrating (i'm still a bit of a noob myself, but nothing severe) but that's what levels are for. as you win more games, your level goes up and that effectively means that you play people with more skill; people who are a bit of a challenge. I mean, sometimes you still face people who have no idea about what they're doing, but when that happens, have a bit of fun and tower rush them or something :D

  17. hi, i'm reasonably competent with c++, not a pro or anything though so if my advice isn't great or not quite what you're looking for please forgive me :D

    anyway, have you tried dev c++? i have one version of it that seems to work reasonably well; it's a compiler/linker/IDE all rolled into one. personally i use Microsoft Visual C++ (which works pretty well for all my needs) but dev c++ is worth a look.

    you can get it from http://www.bloodshed.net/.

    good luck!

  18. just my two cents worth, but maybe you should take the stuff you need for both classes out of their respective header files and put them in a single header file. sort of like a kind of factorisation.


    for example:


    //class1.hclass myFirstClass{    //functions, variables etc}//class2.hclass mySecondClass{    //more functions variables etc}




    //myClasses.hclass myFirstClass {...};class mySecondClass {...};


    then, if myFirstClass needs to reference mySecondClass, i think you can add this line above the myFirstClass definition:

    class mySecondClass;

    hope this works / helps. good luck.


    oh and just out of curiousity, if you wouldn't mind posting that example fffantics, i had a bit of trouble understanding your last post but it seems like its good stuff. thanks! :rolleyes:

  19. yeah ok.... gametutorials.com USED to have some great free tutorials. they are still great, but unfortunately they are no longer free. They are, however, a great starting point for c++/c and 3D/2D games programming. they still have some free tutorials, but if you want the great c++ stuff it'll cost roughly $20 US. well worth it though, it's awfully hard to find tutorials of that calibre these days. also flipcode.com has some good tutorials last time i checked they were 100% free.

    i know they're not games, but, all the same, they are a good way to learn :rolleyes:

    good luck!

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