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Posts posted by DaRealChrono

  1. After this years National Championship alot of speculation of whether Vince Young will go into the NFL or not is going around. Honestly I think he should. He's had a stupendous year and Texas has pretty much blown out every team they've faced this year. I think if he goes he could go as the top overall pick in the draft. The guy is simply amazing, but it's hard to tell. In a way I think he'll stay to get another NC and possibly win the Heisman, but if he goes he could cause one of the losing teams to go to the playoffs. It must be really hard being him right now. Anybody have any views on the situation?

  2. Both games have thier high points. It's really difficult to say exactly which one is better, because personally, I own both and I enjoy both.ESPN did so well on the presentation it was hard to put down. The gameplay was great, it didn't matter if you were using sliders or not, you still got realistic scores ( of course you got really good at one difficulty). Also, the Half-time and Post-game cinemas was great and SportsCenter put it all together. There will probably never be another game like it, it brought so much to the football gaming community, and as a owner of a football gaming site I know this for an unbiased fact. It set alot of standards for EA and EA just decided to take them out instead of coming to par with what ESPN was doing.Madden, on the other hand is one of the best games of all-time, it's consistent with it's greatness year in and year out. I think Gamespot underates this game, it should at least be an 8.9. The presentation is decent, but it took alot out by not adding for instance the key players at the begining of the game. It's like you play the game, you end the game, time for next week. However Madden having the NFL liscense and ESPN on thier side, they should be able to put together the best Madden of all, fully presentated and gameplay oreiented along with the features such as Training Camp and draft classes. EA has to produce on 07 to maintain it's respectability and with the 360 and PS3 being around by the next launch date, THEY HAVE NO EXCUSE! I demand better presentation, and if they can better DB and WR reality. The graphics won't mean anything unless they fix these on-lasting gameplay problems. This is a matter I feel quite strongly about as a hardcore football gamer. If they can't out-do ESPN in 07 then they should cancel the liscense. I mean how bland is winning the Super Bowl? Goodness! Anyways that's my opinion.In the end, I would have to say ESPN takes the cake, because it produces in both major catergories football and sports gamers care about. Realism and Presentation.-DaRealChrono

  3. Man, I love this game. It's so smooth and it feels good not to steadily race at night. The cop idea was great. I've had a pursuit last for 30 minutes. Everytime I turned around there was a cop. I didn't even have to do the bounty for like 5 Blacklists members. Also, I love the way the new Eclipse and the Mustangs. There just awesome!

  4. I have a Xbox softmodded. I'm not one to use warez or anything like that but I must say there is some great stuff that comes with it.For instance, you can backup you games, which basically means you never have to worry about scratching up your discs or anything like that. I'm for one a big fan of this because it keep my games in great condition.Also with it you can get Xbox Media Center. You can do pretty much anything with this, play any type of cd, dvd, you name it. You can even put GFX and stuff on it to present them in slide shows. Also you can download scripts to stream media from sites like Gamespot and others.The limits to the Xbox is so advanced that I feel I do not even need a 360.I mean you can even take it to the extent to put Emulators and Roms onto the Xbox and play them, and some people even burn games (I know this from a good friend, he will get caught one day :) ). I'm not one to do that, I'm too poor to get into all that legal trouble.I just love the backup options and Xbox Media Center, and I was wondering if anyone else has a modded Xbox?

  5. Not quite sure if this is the right part of the forum to post this. Please forgive me if it isn't.

    Has anyone checked this form of google out? It translate all results from google into slanged talk from Snoop Dogg. :) It's pretty hilarious. This is the description it gives with Xisto searched.

    "Free Web Host'n wit PHP, MySQL, Perl, Tizzy Tomcat, JSP, macromedia shockwave enabled wit Unlimited MySQL Databases,Pop3 emails, brotha ..."

    Lol it's a pretty good entertainment item, though it can be vulgar at times. If you get really bored this oughta spark your intrests. It's a search engine so I'm not sure if it's right to post this or not, so if it isn't let me off with a warning please mods, and just remove the link or delete the whole post if you feel you don't want it here.

    *WARNING* Some searches may come up with vulgar language. Also if you can't stand any slang at all I advise not going here!

    Notice from miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG:
    This topic has been posted on several times earlier. Please use the SEARCH button before you start a new thread. For further discussions, follow up on the older threads. Topic closed.

  6. I'm a huge Microsoft fan, and a huge Xbox fan. I gotta agree with the guy. Halo 1 is so much better than Halo 2. I like Halo 2, don't get me wrong, but it has something in thier that just screws it all up. Which is the main reason I havn't played it since July. It's dull, and it gets boring very quickly. Hopefully when Halo 3 hits it'll feel and play and seem so much better and keep my intrest.

  7. My first computer I ever owned was very old. Lol. I think it was like a Apple or something, We ran Windows 98 on it. It only had like 4 Gigabytes, no CD-Rom drive, and had like 64K memory. Me and my mom found it at a yard sale and bought it for $100. It held up pretty good, It ran my roms and all (to be 9 years old again) but it just ended up going with my dad, and now it's just another piece of junk. Won't even boot Windows anymore :)

  8. Man, this game had me going crazy for a long time. Some of the moves are just so illmatic. I still remeber jumping up and talking so much trash to my friends up at my local gaming place. It has tons of cool features. The slam dunk contest is just wicked, like being able to jump over the chair and basketball rack and all. If I had the money, I would go out an buy it right now, Unfortunatly, I don't. I would recommend it to any Sports lover, basketball fan or not.

  9. I think the game is good, but is still missing alot of things. For one, the ESPN presentation showed in ESPN's NFL 2K5 was awesome. Sitting back and watching SportsCenter after a hard fought game relaxed me, instead I have to hear Tony Bruno's big fat mouth. Lol. However as the gameplay goes, it's one of the best in a while. Once you find the right sliders that suit your style of game you eventually have fun with it, winning or losing. The presentation is the missing key to making EA Sports the best sports developers (not like we have a choice though, especially for football). I would love to see improvements to the Xbox 360 version and the Xbox and PS2 versions. It would be a very happy day for me. I mean winning the Super Bowl, means like nothing, and most the times when you play Monday Night, you don't even relize it.As for the features like the Truck Stick and QB vision, I think it's great. However I think they should put the R-Thumb back to Playmaker instead of moving the cone. Instead I think you should like hold-down the R-Trigger and press the corresponding button to your reciever to look at him. The Truck Stick is the best feature they've implemented in years though. It used to be so hard to run the ball.All that's for the Xbox and PS2 versions. I have yet to play the 360 version, in which I probably won't. I can't wait to see Madden 07 though. Hopefully it will be beautiful.-DaRealChrono

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