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Fu Still Better

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Posts posted by Fu Still Better

  1. Pfft..I love being on tv.Well, I say that because when I go to city parties, the local tv crew is allways there, and I pop up in front of the camera alot.But, when I do it, I think they think I'm drunk or something.... :)

  2. Well, I like Bush.Yes, I'm Republican, so what? Just an opinion.I see it like this: Democrats get what they want when they want it. But, Republicans have to works for what they want.And in my opinion, a Republican is more true than a Democrat.

  3. Really, it depends.If I'm still tired or if there's nothing going on the next day, I usually pull an all-nighter and stay awake until 6 in the morning and wake up at 4 in the afternoon.But, if I'm busy the next day, I'll usually go to sleep around 11 and wake up at the time I need to.Alarm clocks do wonders, eh?

  4. Especially when they haven't used it or seen it before.I mean, you know that saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover."?Apparrently, not many people know it.I was at the local GameStop, when 3 kids were talking about how stupid Bush was and how they hated it.I couldn't stand it so I went over there and asked, "Do you even know anything about him?". They replied, "Ma'an, I don't need no dude comin' over herr' tellin' me what I think!".So I was just standing there amazzed by their stupidity and awful use of grammar when their parents came by and picked them up. The worker at the store was laughing because he saw the expression on my face. I went out the store without buying anything.I swear, children can be so arogant at times.

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