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Fu Still Better

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About Fu Still Better

  • Rank
    Member [Level 2]
  • Birthday 05/30/1984

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  • Location
    Memphis, Tennessee
  • Interests
    Well, I like games, Baseball, Football, tv, online PS2, SNES, GBA, rock music, and message boards. Oh, and I like posting at my message boards. I hope you will, too! http://www.emerald.trap17.com
  1. I know someone who does it for fun...it's not funny, though. :PHe actually did it to my site to play around. He changed my welcome message to something embarrising that happened to me that week and so I got mad and IP banned him. ;)But, he had proxies, so he completely hacked my site for trying to get rid of him.
  2. Finally... but I still don't get it. ;)7 different people tried it and none of them worked. 7 people.and none worked.I'm using the LUE2 source and I need cron jobs to run important parts of it.I need it for something called karma and something called gems, which is the curreny needed to buy certain items I put in the shop. It's pretty interesting; check it out some time.Anyway, I also have a game on there to, which also needs crons to give people experciance points and gold to buy stuff from the game's shop.But yea, if you could help me with it OpaQue, I'd really appreciate it. And I'll let you come to my site anytime you'd like. >_>
  3. Yea, you just need to post enough long messages so that your credits get above 4.That's what I need to do....because mine's exactly at 4.When did your account get suspended? And why didn't you get a message?I didn't get a message either, it just said that I had negative credits and that I needed to not post a lot of messages, but post long messages so that my credit will get up above 4.And it doesn't take long; Just post a lot.Oh, and it actually helps you because you get your post count up and stuff...That reminds me: I need for bandwith.. So, I need to go post.Later!
  4. I guess...But I think you should bring back that thing that if your site has a lot of views and you're willing to put up a banner or something you don't have to post anymore.I mean, if people have good sites, they should be rewarded, right?Agree?
  5. Holy crap FU, you have over 3000 emails in your Spam folder on GMail O_OPS: thanks for the account and the 9 invites, some of my friends could use some accounts.
  6. Listen, that's someone else.This is not me. I've already tried to change my password, and it hasn't worked.This is just immature and dumb, so get out of my account.
  7. This is what happens when I remove copyrights from things that aren't mine, and put my name on it anyway.I, Fu Still Better am a little *BLEEP* who steals other people's work and puts my name on it.Maybe this will teach me a lesson to not be an idiot.Oh, and maybe I should also learn HTML before I try running a FREAKING MESSAGE BOARD THAT I SPAM ALL OVER THE PLACE LIKE A 10 YEAR OLD.PS: My password to this account, and almost every other account anywhere, is 'yomomma'. khaxmeplzthx
  8. Or Firegle. >_>That would be weird though. OH! Have FireFox be the new search system, and Google we a browser.FLIP FLOPPED! *runs*
  9. Still...I'd thought they knew that I wasn't here.But when you don't post, your credits go down. And since I wasn't here, the credits went down.Oh, but I think this should bump me to 31 posts....yay?Oh, I need to upgrade, too.SO MANY THINGS TO DO!!
  10. I have positive credits, and my account is still suspended.The thing said that when you have positive credits, your account will get unsuspended, but mine is.Why is that?Geeze, this thing is confusing.And oh, OpaQue if you see this, I sent you a private message if you haven't noticed.Thanks.
  11. I wonder how many sites that have on their site...They must have a butt load of bandwith, being able to hold that many.That reminds me, I've got to add my site to Google.Does anyone know how to do that? If you know, please post it on here or AIM me, My name's in my profile. Thanks.
  12. WTF AND I STILL HAVE -7.63 CREDITS RIGHT AFTER I POSTED 3 LONG MESSAGES!!God, this is so much bull.I've had this account for a long time, my site got hacked, so I didn't come back.Then, wassie decided to be nice and give me privelages again, and I thank him for that.But, I don't think he reseted my posts, thus giving me low credits from the start.I wasn't able to post yesterday, because of school and my mother being in labor, so I wasn't available.They said one message a day, and this is my 4th today. And, my credits still haven't gone up yet.GOD this is making me mad.
  13. I've never heard of it.I wonder what it's about...The first thing I thought of was Fire Fox and Google for some reason.. O_o
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