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Everything posted by Chirantha

  1. Hi,Yesterday I had to download "3" 98MB files (My Documents backup). I am on 512KB/s ADSL connection but Rapidshare was very slow 10KB/s. Also I can't seem to use download accelerators on Rapidshare so I wanted to get a Premeum Account I serched the web for a free account login username and password but I found a account creator. I created an account and went to download my 3 files but I got a message saying I have an illegal account and there for I will get in trouble and I should by a legal account.I don't know~~ What to do. The most stupid thing is that message. Grrr..... Why do thay ask me to buy an account because if I had money I would have already bought it. I hope they won't sue me because I'm only 15 years old. And also live in Sri Lanka. Thank you,Chirantha
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