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Posts posted by fraudulentpeanut

  1. Hello,I am a Xisto - Web Hosting user and operate the site http://massageretreat.com/spadeals/. I am looking to redesign the graphics on my site(something that i am not very good at). If you would like the PSD file that came with the template that I am using I will be more than happy to provide it to you granted you only modified it for my site. I do not want to get into any copyright problems. You should be able to get by with making the new images without the PSD file because I want them completely redesigned. I need someone to spice this site up for me. I would like to have the logo redesigned to better fit the page. I will also need to fit in somewhere a live support(both online and offline) somewhere in the page as well. Maybe in the bottom left where the product image links are. There is also the banner in the top middle that I would like redesigned for anything site related(all input is welcome). If need be for your design, I can change the color of the title bars on the page. I would also like to redesign the product image links on the bottom left hand side. Please post your concepts here and I will use the best one.I do not have much to offer, however, I do have a reseller account at Xisto - Web Hosting and will provide you with a free .com domain of your choice as well as hosting for a year with 1000MB and 2000 MB of bandwidth. Just as long as you conform to the Xisto content rules as I do monitor all sites that are under my reseller account and will terminate if any prohibited content is posted.I hope this is allowed to be posted so admins, I apologize if it isnt.Thanks,Jeff

  2. It would have been helpful if you stated your total situation from the beginning: I have not changed nameserver yet, I want to access dedicated IP cpanel before I change nameserver...etc
    You can contact Xisto - Web Hosting live support team by visiting http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    This issue was fixed by Derek at the Xisto Help desk. For some reason my password was reset to something else, but it was changed and I was emailed the temp password.


  3. My domain is pinging at the different IP address because I have not yet changed the nameservers. I am afraid to until I have everything running smoothly with Xisto - Web Hosting. I cannot take the risk because it is a very profitable ecommerce site. So I need to be able to login from the dedicated IP that Xisto - Web Hosting assigned me. Anyone have any other ideas?The only thing that I can think of is that maybe one of the tech support guys acidentally changed the password when he was messinbg with the SSL or adding the fantastico to my cpanel. I guess I will just have to wait until I recieve a response from tech support. Does anyone have a phone number for Xisto - Web Hosting?

  4. Hello,I am in the process of moving my site spadeals.net over to Xisto - Web Hosting. It is the second site that I have now with Xisto - Web Hosting. Last night I was able to start working on the site using the IP address and accessed the cpanel fine. The dedicated IP that I paid for is I had no problem logging into cpanel last night with the username and password. Since then Tech Support has done some work with installing Fantastico and SSL on my plan. When I woke up this morning I was not able to login with the same username and passwor dthat I used last night. I already submitted a ticket, however I was maybe hoping for a faster response in the forums.Thanks,Jeff

  5. Hello,I recently purchase another hosting package from Xisto - Web Hosting and paid the additional money for the dedicated IP address. I purchased an SSL certificate from Godaddy.com and am trying to install it now. However, Godaddy is requiring a Certificate Signing request, however, cpanel will not allow me to generate one. It does show that i have the dedicated IP address. How would I go about generating a CSR for my website. Please advise ASAP.Thanks,Jeff

  6. Google gets all of their mapping and earth data from the USGS who provides sat photos for areas all over the world. These photos are taken by very specific, high resolution sattelites that are very expensive. Because of that fact, there are very few of them. In that respect, for each of these sattelites to gather images of the entire world it takes about 5 years in total. So the maps are constantly updating, however it will likely be at the most another 2 years before your area gets updated. I hope that this answers your question.

  7. I will try to help you out the best I can. What is it that you are trying to run exactly and is it happening with every query or just on one peticular query.It could be a problem as simple as it is not connecting to the database because of a user or pass error. Have you tried simply connecting to the database from a terminal(i dont know if you use linux) but i believe windows has a proggy to do it as well. If you are unable to connect to your database, then there is your problem. That is what it usually means when it spits back blank data. It could also be a problem with the php coding on the page that you are trying to access the sql database with. Please let me know if this helps, if not we can move on to the next troubleshooting. I would help me out a lot however if i could get my hands on the scripts that you are trying to execute that way i could take a look at the code.Thanks,JT

  8. As an avid ebay user, paypal is something that I cannot live without. However, the time has come where they will not let me make a free transaction without suspending my account for weeks at a time. The reason being that I purchase a lot of Roman artifacts from the Netherlands and the Balkins. Paypal sees these as risky transactions even though they are ones that I make every week or so. I would like to know if anybody has come across any alternatives to PayPal that still have the usability of PayPal. I recently went to the site http://www.paypalsucks.com/, however they seemes to have comercialized as the only alternatives that they offer is for merchant credit card processing, which I have no need for. I look forward to your responses.

  9. Please check out the full story here as I hate quoting: Optical Processing

    I know that this is kind of old news but I didnt see that anyone discussed it at all in the forums. I wanted to bring it up because it is the next generation in processing power and would render processing clocks obsolete. It is probably more than 20 years down the road before it becomes pracital use, however, when it does, we will never have to worry about computing speed again. I wonder what this will do for the global processor market as they will all be computing at the same speeds. I can just immagine that we will try to make it go faster.

  10. This is a very interesting concept and it is something that you will see more of down the road. The opnly problem with this is the usability. As an online operating system it would definately have its limits and the types of applications that you could run would depend on the amount of bandwith that you have to utilize. In all respects though this is very interesting and at the very least will be downloading and testing it for myself.

  11. I for one will still remain an Athiest. I do belive that there is a higher plane that we are not aware of, however, I do not at all believe in a God. If I were to practice any religion, it would probably be Buddhism. The reason for that being is that it is the only religion in the world that can respect and accept other gods and religions. They teach to worship your gods as you wish, however, respect the principal of the buddhist way of life.To be honest, I thought that I would open up your post and see some SOLID scientific evidence that God really existed would be there, but I was a little supprised that most of your evidence was in Biblical passages. I do not want to fuel this debate anymore because I do believe that we could not make it through life without a little faith in something, even if it is just to make it to the next day. But for the horrors that I have seen I can not bring myself to believe that even a vengeful god would allow.

  12. Sony has been developing this sort of technology for years now. Its uses are endless, however sopny has only been successful in making it practical in smaller applications rather than big screens, like for inside a car and such. This is definately the next wave of television technology. One of the greatest applications for this that I saw on the discovery channel was taking the place of the big desk calanders that they make and getting rid of your monitor. It would basically be laid down like a placemat over the desk.Also, Bill Gates has been using this same technology for at least 4 years now. He has his walls covered with this material and supposedly he can walk into a room and change the color of the wall or make it show a scenery picture across the room. But I do not know for sure. I do know that once this technology is made practical that it will revolutionize America, pretty much the same way the Microwave Oven did.

  13. The biggest thing is to not do something to desperate. Just act yourself and the girls will come to you. I wish I was 15 again. 15 to 17 was the best years of my life. What I could reccommend to you is just to go up and say hi to them and introduce yourself, maybe even a good pickup line or two(dont really try that). From experience I can tell you that the hottest girls are always the single ones because all the guys are too chicken to ask them out. I am not the nervous person and I can just walk up to anyone and start talking so it is not difficult for me. Maybe that is why I am going into law school. I say you give it a shot. Walk up to one of the hotties and just ask their name and tell them yours. You might be supprised at the reaction.On another note however, the right girl will come, I was with all sorts of girls at your age and now I am happily married with one kid with another on the way. I knew that she was the girl for me from the start.P.S. My brother-in-law who is now 25 has never had a girlfriend in his life, so you are not the only one out there.

  14. This is a very interesting topic. There are so many web browsers out there and using VB as said in previous posts is just making a customized internet explorer. It actually will not run if you do not have internet explorer installed on your machine. Now taking and making a browser from the firefox sources would be pretty sweet. However, firefox is still the number one browser and is definately a lot faster than IE.

  15. I would reccommend Gentoo to any user who is really interested in getting down and dirty with linux. Aside from its many features, which I will outline a bit below for you, it is meant to make learn linux from the start. It has a textual based install(pdont get scared though as there is a complete intall walkthrough available). From formatting to installing your Window Manager, you do it all from the command line. This may not sound easy at first, but it actually takes just as long as any other distro install and your system is not cluttered with unused resources and programs.It also enables you to compile your own kernel for your system, this is also good so you do not have a buch of modules eating resources for hardware that you do not even own. That is better than the generic kernel that most distros are going to.The best feature however is portage. It is a cache of nearly 90% of the programs available for linux. meaning you can simply install a program by typing for example "emerge xorg". What this does is downloads the source for xorg and compiles it to your system specs, so you get the best bang for your install. It also holds dependency trees so that if you emerge a program with dependencies, it will also search your system and if they are not installed it will install those as well.If you have any questions please feel free to pm me or ask on here.Please check it out at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. As a note to the mods, this is all in my own words and not copied from anywhere. I just wanted to outline the key features of this distro for him.

  16. I am seeing a hint of racism comming out in the above, unnamed post. I know that this is old news now but it is still a topic that is of interest to me.I am majoring in criminal justice and the further I delve into the field, I learn that Civil Rights plays one of the most important roles in America's criminal justice system. That some people hardly know, Civil Rights do not just affect minorities, they affect every citizen in the United States. Civil Rights not only protect minorities from discrimination, but they also protect the public(race not a matter) from police brutality, privacy invasion and other topics. Rosa Parks was a spark in this movement that yes, was mainly to gain equality for all people. Did you forget about the Civil Rights that gave women the right to vote. If it wasnt for the Civil Right movement, there is a possibility that women still would not be able to vote.I am only speaking from an educated mind and you can pull what you want from it, but in my own personal opinion, Rosa Parks helped being about the civil rights movement for all races equally.

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