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Posts posted by zaqy

  1. the best way...Back up your data and format your HDD.make your hardisk become more than 4 drive letter (i used 20 GB for C: drive and make other)try not to start all service at windows start up. You can use hijackthis.exe (search by google) for remove one or more than service. ( this is freeware)reinstall your pC if you're not sure about the problem.

  2. i have a suggestion .. try to disable microsoft process at start up ( if You Use XP or Microsoft OS) by editing in msconfig.If you know about registry try to edit HKLM or HKCU Microsoft + Windows + Curent Version + Run (Runservices)sometimes computer become slower because you use Anti Virus Software.if you have a time try to search 'kill process' at google it will show you about runing process manager (in windows). and run command prompt by type Start + Run + cmd then type netstat -a you will see about current connection in your pc.

  3. i would like to give some idea how to make a web.

    1) try to make a small web in your pc before you upload to your web or making it in the web.

    2) if you want to make a web like php. you can find a lot of software like phptriad or other one. you can install in your pc and run it . after you run that software you can type http://localhost or http// in your web browser. you can learn one by one and you save your bandwith.

    I knew a friend he make his website using cpanel and web by online. he try one by one script like mambo,phpnuke,wordpress and so on. one time he open his web and he can't do anything because his bandwith limit is exceed. he must buy more bandwith to make his web online again.


  4. I try some software and it called History Cleaner or Internet Eraser. it worked well and you don't affraid about your password or your login. some software is freeware and shareware. I forgot about the link Just go to Uncle Google and type 'History Cleaner' or ' Internet Eraser' as the keyword. you will find the best result.

  5. Linux is different with BSD variant (OpenBSD,FreeBSD, or NetBSD) depend on what you use for server or desktop pc.for a first time i try using mandrake 8.0 it very simple to instal because this is user friendly.if you want to try another Linux OS you can try Fedora ( Redhat ) this is a famous linux . if you confuse which OS you want to use. you can try knoppix live cd. it doesn't need to install because it run from cd rom not install to CD.I don't use FreeBsd yet. so i can't tell it about the performance. but i ever using OpenBSD and this is good for server ( not for desktop pc)

  6. I Always turn off HTML for my email setting. so i always be carefull about from whom i get email.I use Yahoo and Gmail as my default email . in yahoo i always got email like that . Just pointing your mouse to the link then right click and copy link address and you will find a fake website.the best way is just protect your email ( and check about bulk mail or spam email) if you're not sure what you do. leave that email alone

  7. i put this information because some people tell me they were unabel to go to the site


    Symantec Trouble


    Notice from mayank:
    Thank you for providing me the link..from where you copied all this stuff. It saved my research time. Please note that you've to put each and everything in the quotes which is copied...even if it is copied from your own site.


    Ok² I understand.


    btw thanks for information i try to edit my post buat in 3 hours a go i was sleepy and i dunno which place to edit my post. I never Use IPB Before .



  8. Symantec Antivirus Software Open To Attack


    The bug, which could result in a completely compromised machine, remains unpatched, although Symantec has issued an advisory.


    By Gregg Keizer

    TechWeb News


    Dec 20, 2005 05:06 PM


    Symantec's line of anti-virus software is vulnerable to attack, a prominent security researcher revealed Tuesday. The bug is currently unpatched, although Symantec has issued an advisory.


    The vulnerability, which was discovered and reported by Alex Wheeler, is in how Symantec's AntiVirus Library, part of all the Cupertino, Calif.-based security giant's anti-virus products, handles RAR compressed files. RAR files are created by the WinRAR compression utility, developed and sold by RarLab.


    The bug, labeled as "Highly critical" by Danish vulnerability tracker Secunia and "High" by Symantec itself, can cause a heap overflow, which then may let an attacker execute additional code. Bottom-line: the bug could result in a completely compromised machine.


    "The issues can be leveraged remotely to gain complete control over the affected system," Symantec wrote in an alert Tuesday morning to customers of its DeepSight Threat Management System.


    All editions of Symantec's Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus, including AntiVirus for the Macintosh, are at risk, as are other products which include the Library. Those include such enterprise-specific lines as AntiVirus Corporate Edition, Brightmail Anti-Spam, Client Security, and Gateway Security.


    Symantec has not issued a patch for the vulnerability, but the DeepSight alert recommended that users disable scanning for RAR archive files.


    Wheeler is well known among researchers for his probing of security software weaknesses. Earlier in 2005, he disclosed a slew of vulnerabilities in software from major vendors like McAfee, Kaspersky Labs, F-Secure, and Trend Micro. All the bugs he has discovered involve how the various anti-virus scanning engines handle compressed files.


    This is the second scanning vulnerability Wheeler has uncovered in Symantec's product line. In February, while working with Internet Security Systems, a Symantec rival, he announced a bug in how Symantec's scanning engine could be hacked as it sniffed through UPX-formatted files.

    i put this information because some people tell me they were unabel to go to the site


    Symantec Trouble


    Notice from mayank:
    Thank you for providing me the link..from where you copied all this stuff. It saved my research time. Please note that you've to put each and everything in the quotes which is copied...even if it is copied from your own site.
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