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Posts posted by Captain_Thunder

  1. I too am a RS hater. I played it for a little while because all of my friends were into it, but there's nothing to do except for work on your stupid little skills. There isn't even a storyline! The paid version isn't much better either, although you do get to play some fun mini-games. Hopefully, it will go out of style like all MMORPGs eventually do.

  2. INCREDIBLE!I agree with you 100%. It's really sad how the principle at our school won't say "Merry Christmas" because she doesn't want to offend Jews, Muslims, etc. People really have become to obssessed with making sure everyone else is happy before we take care of ourselves. It is our country. On a side note, I heard that in southern Arizona the only language spoken is Spanish. There is no English anywhere. That's just sad that we've given away a part of our own country to another group of people...

  3. Um... why would a security guard ask you to leave just because you kept going outside? Strangely, a similar thing happened to me on an IRC channel... I had to keep jumping off, and an op told me I would be banned if I didn't start idleing when I had to leave. It's a strange world we live in...

  4. I haven't installed Linux yet (I will soon, though), but I wanted to reply anyway. Linux is very different from windows. It's not meant for users who just want to play games and organzie their photos. It's for power users that want to dig deep into their machine and get the most out of it. They don't need GUIs; all they need is the CLI. If you don't like the way Linux does what it does, go back to Windows. No one is forcing you to use Linux.

  5.   Yeah. Like at the end of the program, if you forget to type "end" it would never end the program, causing major errors when it reaches the end because there's nothing to do! So you have to use an "end" command.

    I've been working with C/C++ for a while, and I have no idea what you're talking about. The following is perfectly legal:
    #include <stdio.h>int main(){printf("Hello, world!");return 0;}

    When you run it in the command prompt, it will print Hello, world! and end.
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