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Posts posted by Kioku

  1. Did you read my post? Honestly. Peer pressure isn't that big of a deal to put on a production about. That's what I said. I didn't say you caved into it, did I? Alright. Just checking you're actually seeing the same post I am. It was "hate", not "have". It could've been a typographical error, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.


    Either way, I'll now have to say while we're on the topic of peer pressure since nobody knows better. Back on the mark, it's far too often that I see people caving into peer pressure. No, this isn't your stereotypical after school special. They cave into what their friends want ALOT. I've seen people switch sports teams, hobbies, and music genres and that's only for starters. I really don't get why it's this giant undefeatable social force for many. Your friends like a different genre of music. So what?


    Just to prevent people from spurting into their time of the month, I'll comment on the first post in here. ( I don't have enough mydol to hand out. )


    It really doesn't sound much like peer pressure if a girl's involved, honestly. There's alot of deeper things, including how many of them were basically trying to pair you both together. Either way, it's not that important. Do it if you want to, don't do it if you don't want to. If it's up until your 16th birthday, not much you do at that stage socially will count in the long run. Not unless if you knock a person up, but that's another story. Either here or there, just go for it if you like her. Live while you're still alive. Life's not that long.

  2. Yes, that is the purpose of armies: To kill and destroy.
    No use sugar coating it. That is their job and most people could only wish they enjoyed their job as much as those fine young killing machines.

    If the day comes that the terrorists have real control, you will beg for those killing machines to come rescue you.

    You've summed it up so good, I don't even have much to say about it. Seriously. Rock on. War is hell. People die.

    It's why they call it "WAR" and not "FUN SHINY CANDY LAND". Team America: World Police ( despite being crap at times, but absolutely hilarious and genius ) satired both polarizations, and I think the part where Sean Penn is portrayed saying "Before Team America showed up, it was a happy place. They had flowery meadows, and rainbow skies and rivers made of chocolate where the children danced and laughed and played with gumdrop smiles." about Iraq sums up most complaints. Iraq wasn't exactly a happy place to begin with. There were people being ethnically cleansed, women and children shot execution style, and not to mention the occasional mustard gassing. I'm glad Saddam's out. I support our troops.

  3. I don't see why all of this political polarization is necessary. George W. Bush might not have a clue of what's going on, but he's certainly not the worst president. Just because I don't support everything the President does, it doesn't make me a whiney hippy Fereinheit 9/11 fellating liberal. Just because I support bombing the *BLEEP* out of Saddam and toppling him doesn't mean I'm a holy rolling right wing conservative. I'm using common sense instead of blindly allowing a political party make opinions for me. My opinion?"Terrorism" is a problem. Yeah, yeah. Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11? No. Was Saddam paying people to walk into Israel and blow themselves up? Yeah. Did Saddam have WMDs? Yeah, but old ones from the Iran War. Most of the others he had are most likely in Syria. Case in point; Saddam was a problem. We had to get rid of him. I'm behind our troops.Is blowing yourself up smart? *BLEEP* no. Anyone with common sense can gather up that's ending your ability to percieve reality. Your life ends. Nice going, dipshit. What did you prove? Nothing? Alright. That's right. You're dead, I'm not. America wins, *BLEEP*. Blow yourselves up more. In fact, I encourage it. Perhaps if all of the extremists did it at once, the world would be a nicer place. That includes you far-right and far-left people, along with Al Queada. Hop to it if it sounds like that good of an idea. War kicks **bottom**. It helps our economy. When the war machines get rolling, the dollar bills go along with it. If I had to worry about everyone who died, I'd be a real pansy. That's how I view things, at least. If you don't like my opinions, too bad.

  4. I'd hate to say this, but anyone and everyone who caves into peer pressure is a wuss and that's no joke. I've never had such problems, because I really don't care what my peers think of me. If anything, it's because I have self esteem. It doesn't hurt my popularity at all, either. In short, do what you want to do. Screw everyone else. I can't believe I have to say that, though.

  5. DRAGONS DON'T EXIST. They never did. Never will. Could they breathe ice? That's like asking if Santa could breathe ice. Sure. Not only could they breathe ice, but Kool-Aid and radiation while we're at it. Here. I'll give you logical proof of why and how Dragons could not exist.


    Dragons, as mythological creatures, were naturally dreamt up by someone. Every trait which a dragon would posess is created of fiction, not limited by the basic laws of logic. Any idea that is considered free from logic can be modified in any way by anyone at all, because, since it is freed from logic, it is impossible, and is forced to remain a constant idea. It cannot be a tangible thing, because it is illogical. For example, let's say that dragons can breathe fire. How would one go about doing this without scorching its throat? Fire, according to logic, is hot, as it is the biproduct of a chemical reaction that involves oxygen. I don't know the rest about combustion, I'm not a physics major. I do, however, know that it is HOT. Fire breath would, according to logic, come from the stomach. Anything that had the proper chemical ingredients to produce a projectile combustion reaction would take up much more space than the back of the mouth would allow. As of this, the combustion would take place in the stomach and travel up the esophogaus and out the mouth. The esophogaus and throat would be damaged beyond repair, and the dragon would be unable to swallow food. And since, as has been noted, reptiles cannot chew their food, this would be fatal. Fire breath is illogical, not bound by the ties of logic. Therefore, it cannot exist. It would be suicidal. Say a reptile were born with a freak gene that actually allowed it to breathe fire, it would do it once and kill itself. It would never reproduce. Also, it needs to be noted that this would have to happen twice, in the same ecosystem, to both a male and female, and they would have to mate at a very young age for the gene to be passed on. Even then, the offspring would likely not survive very long, and would be forced to inbreed to pass on the gene again. This would produce an effect in which some genes are skipped (Similar to incestual relations in humans, although it is not as frequent in animals), and Natural Selection would likely choose against the fire breathing gene. No creature that could breathe fire can exist.


    Secondly, the prospect of an animal reshaping itself into a human is impossible entirely, even through freak mutations. It would require two sets of genetic code, and therfore twice the normal amount of chromosomes as the average organism. Even if it were able to somehow become a human, what would happen with the genetics? What traits would it have? Since dragons don't exist, we cannot cross-match the effects that "dragon genes" would have when transfered to a human. Green skin? Doubtful. It would most likely be a humanoid form with extreme discolorations of the body, and it would undoubtedly lack vital organs it needs to survive. Also, need I mention that it would be unable to maintain homeostasis? If Dark Lugia transformed into his "human form" while indoors, his body would become too cold and he would die. If he were in "dragon form", he would likely have claws (We can't say for sure since some people ENVISION dragons differently from others, with no definitive final form and defining traits, kind of like goths), and puncture his keyboard when he tried to type.


    Thirdly, there is no fossil record of anything even close to a "dragon". Evolution does not happen immediately. It would require a gradual process of creatures being selected for with favorable traits. It also bears mentioning that dragon traits are NOT favorable; with a longer tail, a reptile is easy prey for many of its predators. No record of any reptiles changing gradually to be more dragon-like has been found.


    So, sure, maybe we can't prove that someone isn't a dragon. But we can prove that dragons don't exist. And with this fact, we prove that they are, in fact, not a dragon. If any furry has qualms with this, bring them up so I can shoot them down as well.

  6. For now, and never, will I ever understand why people make such a big deal about their birthday. It's just one year closer to dying. Why celebrate it? Then again, my outlook might be different from all of yours, but I guarantee mine is right and yours is wrong. Nobody lives forever. If anything, everyone should be depressed on their birthday since it's a reminder of their mortality. Everyone else should be nice to you, but you should be allowed to treat them as animal waste. Seriously. Why cheer up? It's YOUR birthday, not theirs.

  7. Personally, I find courtesy waving as a waste of my time. I'm probably never going to see anybody who does me a road favor like letting me pull in again in my life, so why should I waste a few seconds doing anything? Thanks you did that for me and all, but I'm not going to put extra effort forth for waving. I seriously couldn't care if they did or not, actually...

  8. I truly and honestly would never trust anybody with being in my house, especially if I'm not home. I might just be paranoid or not trust people, but in the rare occasions that I do so, I count everything to make sure everything's check, in order, and that nothing's swiped, pilfered, or ruined.

  9. Black Holes have a singularity in which they pull everything towards their center. Gravity works like a trampoline. It's not exactly a force, but a spacial distortion. If one were to place a bowling ball on top of it, marbles would be drawn towards it. If more force were applied by lets say a pole or something, pushing it way down, it would pull everything to that central position where the force is being made.As for Black Holes, they let out sub atomic particles slowly in the form of Hawking Radiation slowly until it seemingly evaporates.

  10. The Patriot ACT was put forth due to branches of government being unable to communicated. Military intelligence wasn't able to relay information that could've possibly prevented 9/11, but certain laws forbidded it. I support the Patriot ACT to an extent and really don't care if phone companies listen in to my calls at all. I really don't have anything to hide.

  11. I don't see why people complain about George W. Bush so much. Even if he did mess up, any United States President can only run two consecutive terms. Any next President the USA gets will surely cave into pressure from not only people complaining, but the international community and pull out of Iraq which will probably cause alot of *BLEEP* down there ( even without the US "occupying" ), and everyone will get angry yet again with America for pulling out. Go figure.

  12. The gassing of the Kurds happened quite a while back. Although he claims to have been targetting soldiers from Iran or supporters thereof, I highly doubt pregnant women and children shot execution style were soldiers.

    Funny how selective your memory is. You underscore how "Saddam Hussein...tried to ethnically cleanse the Kurds using Mustard Gas," and yet fail to mention that it was the United States that provided him with many of the helicopters (45 Bell 214ST helicopters, 60 Hughes helicopters, and 10 twin-engine Bell "Huey" helicopters), much of the mustard gas, and "numerous shipments of bacteria/fungi/protozoa" (this allegation is the only one based on shaky ground, as the agents were never fully identified), not to mention countless intelligence briefings.

    Did the orders say "Gas that village of people your religion is against and feel free to shoot innocent women and children"? I don't think so.

    Seriously. The war was founded on *BLEEP* and bad intelligence ( entire world's. Not only US intelligence. ) that suggested he was trying to get a nuke, no doubt. The reasoning of knocking Saddam down a notch, I'm all for.

  13. Firstly, the terror attacks happened earlier on in Bush's career. Before the entire "SMOKE EM OUT OF THEIR CAVES" *BLEEP* occured.

    Secondly, the extremist islamics HAVE been saying "DEATH TO AMERICA AND ISRAEL" since what, the 1970's? Try to keep up. Past terror attacks have happened before Bush or Blair were in charge of anything against the USA. I don't think they left a notice saying "LOL BY THE WAY THIS BOMB IS BECUZ WE DONT LIKE THE GOVERNOR OF TEXAS". I don't think they were trying to say "DEATH TO AMERICA AND ISRAEL BUT WERE GIVING U A WARNING LOL".

    Thirdly, if you're going to pull out some LOOSE CHANGE conspiracy *BLEEP*: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=911_morons ; Maddox sums it up the best.


    Fourthly, yes. Terrorism is stupid. Get over it. Killing yourself? What did you just accomplish other than ending your own life? Nice going, *BLEEP*. Now you can't see the destruction you've created, because you're dead. A well thought out plan, huh?


    Fifthly, war against opression? Please, put down the Kool Aid and stop repeating what you hear. What opression? They're in a democracy and able to vote. If they were that against opression, weren't they in a dictatorship ruled by Saddam Hussein who tried to ethnically cleanse the Kurds using Mustard Gas and often at times snapped out on people, taking them in and flogging their feet with electrical wires? Just overlook that. Yeah, sure.

  14. No. Here's the time-line.(1) Japanese guy makes a video game -> (2) People buy it -> (3) Japanese guy makes sequels -> (4) Repeat 2 and 3 -> (5) Lather, rinse, repeat.It might just be me, but I thought that 7 was seriously over-rated and doesn't live up to the hype people put out for it. I know I've mortally offended saying that, but somebody had to say it and I happen to have enough testicular fortitude to.X and X-2 especially just had the girl factor for people buying into it. Those were seriously bad. 8's system itself was god-awful with the drawing and all. The game was too easy. Squal was a wuss. Losing combination.

  15. What in the flying *BLEEP* is "Third hand smoking"? Somebody who breathed in second hand smoke breathing in your face? I smell *BLEEP* here. Anyone who is such a wuss, they can't handle breathing smoke that another person blowed out deserves to be shot and taken out of the gene pool. We need less wusses around, instead of generations upon generations of wusses who breathe in a hint of smoke and automatically start complaining. This nearly as bad as people believing in the Tooth Fairy and Global Warming.

  16. Him - "Hey. Hey! I'm talking to you." I glance out of the corner of my eye, letting him know I've acknowledged him calling me. "Do you even have a life?"Me - "What?"
    Him - "Do you have a life?"
    Me - "Of course I do. I'm sure if you check my pulse, you'll feel a heartbeat."
    Him - "That's not what I meant. Do you have a life outside of computers?"
    Me - "Of course I do."
    Him - "Oh really? Then tell me about it."
    Me - "I've got a question: Why would you even care about my life outside of what little you know?"
    Him - "I don't have an answer to that. Maybe I just care about my fellow airmen (co-workers)." I go back to minding my own business, hoping that he comes up with a better answer than that. He then speaks up after a moment of silence. "So, how about telling me about this life outside of computers?"
    Me - "I'm not going to answer the question."
    Him - "What was that? You don't have an answer?"
    Me - "No, I feel as if I don't have to answer your question."
    Him - "I think you don't have an answer to the question. You don't have a life outside of computers, do you? You really need to get a life."
    Me - "Assume what you will of me, despite how little you know." He turns over to another person and starts having a conversation with them and eventually gets on a computer himself.

    He probably saw you typing up the conversation you were just having and came to the same conclusion I did. Using a computer isn't just it. Hell, everyone does. It's as common as the telephone. Overdoing it to the point that you get mad because he calls you lifeless kind of draws a line. Seriously. If somebody makes a baseless insult, it rolls along like water of a duck's back. Guilty much?

  17. "Man-bear-pig is real, guys. I'm totally and completely cereal." pretty much sums up Global Warming. Al Gore just wants attention. Seriously. Photography of ice melting. Oh no! I'm so *BLEEP*ing scared. Global Warming's going to take my lunch money. Come on. One degree uppage can happen from somebody standing next to the thermometer or even technology advancing to get a more accurate temperature reading over time. Overlook that, the sky is falling! Ahhh. We're all going to die.

  18. Rock like Greenday is pretty wuusy and has a fruity overtone to the way it sounds. My point remains unchanged.

    Real men listen to metal. Not some stupid high-pitched angst-filled statement a 12 year old would make because his dad told him to take out the trash; "WTF AMERICA IS FULL OF IDIOTS WHAT AN IDIOT NATION"

    I didn't just say all metal. I said real metal. Before it became crowded by idiots trying out their punk rock dancing or goths. Way back when, as Maddox put it in his book. When the only people playing it all had meth addictions and really bad haircuts. If manliness had a soundtrack, it would deffinitely include alot of metal.

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