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Posts posted by andyy15

  1. I need some php programing help with Oscommerce.I have two store fronts that share one database. Everytime I am in one store front (logged in as a customer) and try to switch to the other store front oscommerce logs me out. I need some way to keep the session ID with the link that connects the two store fronts. If anyone has any suggestions or could help me out please PM me. I really need to get this problem solved before I can launch my store so this problem is extremely important to me.Thanks alot,Andrew

  2. Welcome to Trap 17!!! I remember when I was in your position. I use to just read post and not post replies. I am sure you will find many threads that will interest you throughout trap 17's forums. I know I did. If you can't find a topic that interest?s you just post a new one. I am sure that people will reply to any interesting topic you may start.

  3. That really sucks for you. I would just talk with your parents and see what you can work out with them. I would think if you follow these other suggestion of trying to bypass the parental controls put on your computer by your parents and you do get caught you would be in bigger trouble.

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