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Halo Master117

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Everything posted by Halo Master117

  1. Ok time to enter my 2 Cents. I think Habbo Hotel is more adored <--- Spell that right?by the people becuase CokeMusic is much "glitchier" and closes down at 2:00 which is bad for me b/c I'll admitt I am a late night computer geek Anyway my point is that CokeMusic has crappy player support like their moderators and staff. Not to mention the messenging system is better by a long shot. And who cares about the animation details when what really counts is the gameplay. I also like Habbo's "Floor" system although I like Coke's idea where u can trade in every room. And whoever said Habbo didnt have games your dead wrong. (ie. Wobble Squabble, Lido Diving, Swimming, Battleball) I could go on all day with reasons Habbo is so much better, but I wont. Anyway just as a final comment thank you whoever said Coke has bad player support, I tip my hat to all you Coke players but remember one thing Habbo IS better
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