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Posts posted by Eikon

  1. Hey, has anyone been able to get Starcraft to work on linux using Wine? I've read a couple of things about it but havn't been able to get it to work. When i run setup, it installs and everything is fine, but then when i go to play it it says it cannot read the cd. I was thinking emulation problem, but i have played it from .iso on a number of windows machines. I heard somewhere that maybe Wine has a problem reading CD's but i have gotten a number of other games to work from the CD. Would it help for me to use an ISO of starcraft than to use the cd? I have tried i with Wine emulating Win95, Win98 and Windows XP. Also when i try to mount the CD using sudo mount /media/cdrom0/ -o unhideit says no data foundAny help would be appreciated.

  2. That's insane. It even says that it's going to cost a fraction of the price as a reguar TV. I wonder how fragile something like this is. Once they're durrable and have some kind of hard drive attached to them, these things could replace textbooks. Think about carrying around one piece of paper instead of 5, 400 page textbooks.

  3. Hey guys, been trying to do this for a while now, how can i import JavaScript and CSS into my HTML page.
    I always thought that the javascript code was

    <script type='text/javascript' src='Date.js'></script>
    But that doesnt seem to be working. I have them in the same folder and the name is exactly that, but when i try to call a function in Date.js later in my html, it doesn't work.

    For the CSS... I used
    <style type="text/css">    @import "MainDesign.css";</style>
    The MainDesign file has a lot in it, and some of it works but some doesnt.
    Actually, the only thing that doesnt work is a color of the regular font, heres what i have
    	body{  padding-top: 11em;  background-color: #222222;  color: #FFFFFF;  font: 100% "Trebuchet MS",Verdana,Arial,sans-serif	}

    Oh yeah, one final question. The code that i posted about the CSS, even when the CSS style was incorporated into my main page, the padding-top did not work, is that the correct way to do it? Thanks

  4. I assume you are using windows so i found some sources you can check out if you really want to:

    I always used Notepad++, which can do pretty much everything you want. I've never really used Dreamweaver but i heard it is pretty nice... Although its much larger than Notepad++

    Also I beleive Dreamweaver is WYSIWYG but i dont really know... Like I said i dont really have much experience. In my opinion its faster + easier to edit later to just handcode than use a WYSIWYG editor.

  5. Hey, I just got my account approved today so i went through the following steps.
    Logged onto my site (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)
    Logged in with my password
    Changed the password
    Then i went to File Manager and the only thing i changed was the index.html

    Now when i go to the site, it didnt change, but when I go to "View Contents" in the filemanager it works fine.

    I also read somewhere that it may be because my code wasnt correct, so I changed the index.html to simply say

    Is there something that ive been missing?

  6. Don't really understand what you are trying to do... Do you mean having a textbox that says:

    "Hello My Name Is "

    and then adding

    "Rejected" to it?

    Or do you mean


    Then adding "Hello My Name is.." above that?


    Either way try just doing...

    txtBox.text="Hello my name is..."txtBox.text=txtBox.text & "Rejected" 


    txtBox.text="Hello my name is" & txtBox.text

    Feel free to pm me if I didnt understand...Also sorry i havnt used VB in a while, I may be wrong

  7. I didn't use it for very long, but I can say that it is actually.... not reliable at all. I would spend a lot of time getting the program to work on my machine, only to have a friend test it out on his machine and be missing a .ocx. Pretty much any program you create in VB.net will only run on about 75% of all computers. Testing around my house, I would find i was missing some random dll or ocx and then replace it, and be missing a different one. After replacing hte second one, it said the first one was missing again and kept repeating... Probably one of the most annoying things ever. Dont waste your time.

  8. As truefusion and tyssen said, it doesn't make a difference to the browser parsing the code, but you should have the spaces. For example,

    	ul li a {  display: block;  text-decoration: none;  color: #aaaaaa;  background: #000000;  padding: 5px;  border: 1px solid #ffffff;  border-bottom: 0;}
    is a ton easier to read for both yourself, and people who may be wondering how you got that effect on your webpage.
    	ul li a {display: block;text-decoration: none;color: #aaaaaa;background: #000000;padding: 5px;border: 1px solid #ffffff;border-bottom: 0;}

    is a ton more confusing. Writing 2 or 3 lines of that will confuse you pretty quickly.

    The same goes for commenting out your code, it just makes it easier to understand. I know for me, when i open up a program I have done 2 or 3 months ago, and dont always remember why I did a certain thing, I always wish i had commented it out or left some kind of note.

    Anyways, have fun with css.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Edited BBcode tags.

  9. Just go to Barnes&Noble or Amazon.com and pick up a nice book. There usually easy to learn from, plus a great reference once you learn the language. In my opinion its easy to have one resource than just searching the internet for a specific technique, then forgetting it 2 days later.
    I used this one forever ago, and learned the basics real quick. Goes in a logical order and doesnt assume very much.
    It will be easier than the internet. w3c is more of reference in my opinion than a learning tool, although you can learn a lot from it

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