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Everything posted by xxbabygirlxx

  1. Yea why would i want my government system any other way..i dont want my government telling me what to do and i have like 0 say in the matter. I thikn the media plays a huge role in keeping our politians in line. I would never want to be like a society like china or something like that. Where they have 0 human rights..and limitations of their freedoms.
  2. personally i use window's movie maker it's the easyest to edit your videos and u can even add your sites tag on it
  3. i hate this site honestly it has to be one of the worse uploading sites ever ..when i shred thelink with my friend u can only send a file that is below 10 mbites
  4. thanks anyone do u think u could add other topics other then computer talk all the time no offense but i'm not that smart with it comes to computers
  5. I'm not from Amercian so i can rag on China and The U.S as much as i want..lol...go Canada!..lol 0o i didnt know they also bought off microsoft and yahoo..wow that's just sad. I guess it's easyer to control people if they dont know what their missing out of.
  6. i like eminem tho..lol..he's a good rapper. Anyways yea i'm not pro abortion to a certain exent i may if the women is a **** and goes aorund with sleeping with guys then i think she SHOULD have the child..rape or the baby could kill the women then i'm all for her having it. Yea well most women have the bond with the child..when its growing inside her.
  7. neither i swear our genration is gonna be so fat soon..lol
  8. K number one men dont know the bond that women go through when there carrying a child and the emontions they feel..whether there good or bad. Honestly no men has the right to decide whether women should or shouldnt be allow to make those decisions. and plus it goes against the charter of rights under selection 7. And noone can use church as a reason why cuz religion has nothing to do with polits and should never be allowed into law.
  9. yea i agree china isnt any better i heard that they bought off google to block out the words China human rights so people wont know what there missing..it's pretty funny and sad. And they even inprisoned a guy who was celebrating the univerity massacre[i forgot what's it's called again but it's the one where the government killed a bunch of students because they wewre protesting for human rights] And they havent even agreed not ONCE in the U.N peace keepers thing..they didnt even agreed to any of the rights that they would follow..because the U.N decided this year that they wanted to have more power and china of coarse disagreed to all the rights that there people should have It's true i saw it in the news..Here's the story..A bunch of plan freak picture people..go around taking pictures of every plane out there..lately they have seen planes that havent been marked and they called the company and they foudn out the companies dont even exist. And they soon foudn out that US has been going out transporting peolpe out of the US into secret locations to torture people..they even went into Itlay's soil and took some guy and now there's a warrent out for 20 officers in Itlay!
  10. how is that racist that's a known fact that China's serious human rights problems ..everyone knows that.
  11. and what about women's rights?...like seriously nobody even thinks about how it infriges on the women's rights.
  12. Canadians RULEEE what! No offence but come on it just makes Amercians look so bad when they hired bush wow what an idiot there. Can u beleive that amercians use means of torture..to get informatin out of people i mean come on kinaping people and flying "secrete" planes to torture them...that's not a civilize country that's something China would do..lol
  13. i thikn blogs are easy and usually there free to use so obviously there better because they usually dont cost alot of money. But i dont thikn there as successful as free sites are
  14. Hey everyone..sup?? I'm andrea and i'm new to this forum i just wanted to stop by and intreduce myself
  15. no offence but how the heck can u even ask guys these questions guys have no clue what it's like to even be in the sitution in the first place.I'm against it to a certain degree i mean if your raped and u feel u dont want the baby then i say go for the abortion but if u were just sleeping around and got pregant then i think u should keep the baby
  16. i dono i might be the only person who likes this but it's kinda fun sometimes to diss online people it's so easy and sometimes amusing..i only do it to the ones i dont like tho.Dont worry i doubt your online friends took it personaliy unless u feel close to them or something?
  17. Yea and i know http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ offers the info domain bu there not free u have to have like crazy amount of peope on your site before they allow u to have one
  18. wow r u serious u get pissed when people dont use proper grammer wow that's just sad..lolall i have to say is who cares as long as i know what the person is talking about i'm alright with that And it's not like i sit on forums spell checking what i say and post what a waste of my life right there.
  19. i wish i could get this stupid crap to work u have no idea how many times i've tried to exactly get one but it doesnt seem to want to work..lolcant u tell i'm not a computer nerd..lol
  20. maybe it's just me but i cant seem to get it to work i cant register a free be one
  21. the easyest thig i do for my layouts for my site is that i creat a large blend[the width larger then the length] and then i have my frames html codes and *BLEEP*. So then i upload my blend on like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and then i use my frame codes to creat a sick layout
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