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Posts posted by freesoul

  1. How ironic: The Frozen Throne CD exploding in the CD drive. Do you guys have like a warranty or something. It doesn't matter (much) how hot or cold the CD was. You must check for any cracks on the cd. The geek in me wants to tell you that doe to heating up of the surface of the plastic layer linear expansion takes place and the crack expands and enlarges until finally the CD is in pieces. Be careful next time.

  2. I'm only a few months old in the Adsense family. I'd really like to know the maximum amount you've made from adsense in one day. Just on the lookout for the pros in this joint. Well as for me (this is embarrassing!) I have made $3.71 in a single day from three clicks and that's a miracle considering my average daily earnings which of couse tends to zero!So guys.. tell me about your adventures with Adsense.

  3. If you are feeling too lazy that you don't wnat to install any mods continue reading (although this isn't the best way to get it done)....

    1) Goto http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and sign up for a free shout box.

    2) Goto forum management and create a forum at the top called Shoutbox. Lock this forum.

    3) Paste your shoutbox link (with appropriate width and height) from your myshoutbox control panel onto the forum description form.

    Save settings, Refresh.

    You're done.

  4. Smoking from age 11?! My my... now that's serious. How old are you now. Lets just imagine that you are in your teens. Even then its pretty damn trouble. And how the hell did your mother get you into this?!What happened when you tried the gum. All these medicines are gonna kill people more than the smoke itself. and if the patches don't stick use some glue ;) Just kidding. Like our buddy said you need determination and will power (and a better patch) if you are gonna get yourself outta this mess.

  5. Yeah I've tried Google earth a bit back and have used it even before it was google earth. Googlke didn't create Google Earth from scratch - They just bought the software called 'Keyhole' and stiched it with their serach services and there you have it: Google Earth. Really useful for travelers and ppl like that but me get out from home so rarely that eventually I got tired. Nice work though.

  6. What I have leaarned through the years is that in there are two things in the modern world that sell: 1) Physical work, 2) Creative work. For programmers at home creativity is all that counts. With enuf knowledge on a programming language its time to put your creativity to the test and make something new and unique that will ctch peoplee's attention. Flikr is a good example or maybe still more unique is : http://www.milliondollarhomepage.com/ . So I'll say that creativity can make money on the net.

  7. From my few experiences with GZip I must say... it RULES when coming to compression. Definitely way more than zip in every case. I first came to use Gzip beacuse I had to upload many files on a Unix server wich supported only Gzip extraction. It was nearly only about 80% of the zip for the same files. But the little problem I have faced so far is that I couldn't get a neat program to GZip my files. You see gz archives can store only one file per archive and that sucks. So you'll have to first convert it to TAR and then GZip it. That's why they usually have the extensions tar.gz. But its worth the effort for the compression ratio its giving.

  8. Yeah I have a forum running on phpBB and another on IPB. Although IPB is highly configurable and feature rich it does burn a hole in your pocket. On the other hand phpBB is open source and as such they have tns of support and mods. I've tried phpBB forums for a custom made extension of a previous mod and they patched it up for me within the day. Now that's what I call support and its all for free! They update constatly and have huge range of skins to choose from too. So you better go for phpBB with the appropriate mods.

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