Hi fanatic webmakers, Today (20 november) I signed me up at Xisto.com. Why? Because Xisto and Xisto have a very nice webhosting offer. Why a free webhosting? Because I ain't have the money lol! If I pay I get maybe 100 mb webspace and none php cgi etc... Now I can for free. The services is very well as well! By the way my name is Frank. I live in the Netherlands, in a tiny village Egmond-Binnen. I'm 16 years old and still student (one year to go). Why do I like making websites? Because I make pictures of rare people at party's, school, outside etc.. On a website everyone can see the pictures and laugh then. What kind of CMS Portal do I use? I use Dragonfly a CGI structure. It's easy to modify. Question: Is CGI allowed? Have a look at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I think you have enough information about me if I tell more I can tell my pincode