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Posts posted by gameratheart

  1. Hmmm it is a toughy, especially if your using MySQL databases then you have to start from scratch and if you have a lot of content that is going to hurt you a lot.

    The main content of my site is a MediaWiki installation, which does use at least one MySQL database, and that was another thing I was worried about. But I don't consider it as having "a lot of content", since I only have 11 truly unique articles on that site which I can easily back up to a Word Document or something, so I don't think it's too much bother if I have to lose the MySQL database.
    xpress - Thanks for reminding me of that link, but does anyone know if it works any more?

  2. This is quite a complicated question so I hope it can make sense.


    I'm still to buy a package for Web Hosting under the new MyCent rules. The problem I have that's stopping me from doing it is, I want to keep the content that is on the site I own already. But I DON'T want to use the same subdomain, because the subdomain I used to use referred to a part of my site now defunct. This leaves me in a pickle because from what I can see, if you're planning on importing your old hosting plan, you have to use the same Subdomain and give it's CPanel Username and Password so it can be correctly (down/up)graded. I also read, though, that if you plan on making a new hosting package, then you have to delete the one you're already using.


    I made a backup of my site recently, so I suppose I'm safe for if I HAVE to delete my current package, but truth be told I just do not know what to do. Can someone give me advice?


    Oh, and appologies for the bad title. I couldn't really think of how to explain my problem in one sentence, though...

  3. I think that all your arguments boil down to one simple fact: JavaScript has its advantages, and also its disadvantages; but if you know another language (like PhP) well enough, you should always go for that language instead, as it's always the better option.I'm not going to defend the merit of JavaScript any longer. The only two reasons I posted this tutorial were: 1. To share my knowledge, 2. To give people who know nothing about security a simple option to keep them going until they learn how to use the proper stuff. As such, I don't want any more arguments about how insecure JavaScript is for this purpose.And Osknockout is right - SSL is some of the best protection you can get.

  4. Almost sounds like a glitch in the user account set up or it is a memory issue. However, I have come across a solution that might work and that is do a repair installation and when you get into the installation menu, select repair and see if that works. I would suggest that you completely back up you computer before do the repair installation just in case you wipe out your system if you try to install windows again, but of course if that doesn't work then a reinstallation of the operating system might be in order and before you create the user account make sure to fully update the system.

    Ouch... I was hoping it wouldn't come to that...
    Previous expirience has told me that a "Repair" installation will usually end up damaging some data. And to be honest, I always hate putting that Windows CD into the drive anyway... but, unless I can find another reason for it, I guess I'll have to take your suggestion.Thank god I regularily back up the entire contents of my drives to another computer...

  5. If you have not registered with Billing & Support take this time to register to begin your Free Web Hosting, No Ads account activation. This step is crucial to your hosting account. Do not skip this step.

    I can't seem to register to Billing & Support. Every time I submit the form, it tells me the Verification Code I entered is wrong, but I entered it exactly right. I've tried it four times and the last three times I made sure I typed it exactly right. I don't have JavaScript disabled, either, so I don't know what the problem is. Can someone help me?


    Edit: Nevermind, I figured out the problem. An extension I have in Firefox 2 was blocking cookies from Xisto - Support, which prevented it from correctly checking the Security Code. I added Xisto - Support to the Whitelist and now everything works fine. This would be good to note for any other users who may be having problems...

  6. I used to use Hotmail, but I got fed up with it because I kept getting a lot of spam, and they are so behind the times compared to most other e-mail providers. For the last year or so I've been using Google GMail, and I'm never switching again. Google Mail just keeps getting better - constantly increasing storage, Google Labs introducing new features all the time, and recently they have improved IMAP support - and since I use Google for a lot of other stuff anyway, it's perfect for me.

  7. Wow this is pretty useful! I don't know about you guys, but many of the websites I own use Forum, Wiki or similar software, or rely heavily on scripting; and sometimes I have to it all in a subdirectory despite the fact I have no other use for the main directory, because a file interferes with another's operation, or just to keep it structured. So I just write my own index.html page and make it redirect to the real page. This tutorial, however, is a much better method. It's so much simpler and much more friendlier to search engines. Thanks, electriic ink!

  8. BUT, I did make a browser, that has no history, and doesnt place any of it on IE, so if you download it and put it on a USB, and plug it into your computer at school/WORK, then you can surf watever you want at no cost! should i post download? Tell me.

    How did you manage that? Sounds awesome, like something you'd have to see to believe, but I can't help but think that if you did distribute it, a lot of people would start using it for illegal or questionable purposes.

  9. Why does everyone talk about how cool it would be if Google made their own OS? Don't people know how difficult and costly it is to do? And they'd need to make a lot more software to make it feasible - a file explorer, a Zip Archieve viewer and a Control Panel to name a few. Then again, Google is known to support Ubuntu on much of its software and has it's own modified version of Ubuntu running on some of it's corporate computers, and considering how versatile Linux is, making a new OS from the existing shell would not be too difficult a task...A Google Browser? Never heard of that idea before, but that would sound pretty cool and would definately take them a step further in the "Google OS" direction. But I agree with jlhaslip - it'd probably be better in the long run for them to support the current Freeware Browsers to be an even stronger presense in the Market. In fact, they already do in many ways...Microsoft vs. Google is quite a popular topic overall, and one that'll be on people's lips for a while. But there's a key difference between the two companies - Microsoft is about Computers, Google is about the Internet. Though the two may be competing with each other in some ways, they are too different in others for either to be considered a true competitor to the other, and that's why I think it's wrong to take a side at the present time. But considering both companies' contributions, the costs involved, and the history of the companies, I'm going to say that if Google does at any time wan't to become a true competitor to Microsoft and make it's own OS or whatever, then I back them all the way. Google for the win, that's what I say.

  10. I share a Windows XP computer with two friends, and we each have our own User Account on the computer. Recently whenever my friends use the PC, they begin to have problems with it. For no reason whatsoever, Windows Explorer will crash and close all the current folders that are open. I went onto their User Accounts to see for myself (with permission, of course), and found that Explorer would crash any time I right-clicked a File, and would also crash on occasion if I clicked "File" on the Folder Window's Menu Bar with a file selected. It also happened on rare occasions when I deleted a file. Weirdly though, this only happens on my friend's User Accounts - mine has no trouble whatsoever.When I first got my computer it had XP Service Pack 2. However I've since upgraded to SP3 and it hasn't made a difference. I've ran disk scans and virus checks, which have turned out nothing. Does anyone know what may be causing all this, or how to fix it? It'd be most helpful. Thanks!To give more information, all three of our user accounts have Computer Administrator permissions, and they are all password-protected with different passwords. One of my friend's accounts was the default account, the other two we created, and I created mine first. Not that I think any of this will be relevant, but if my expiriences asking for support has told me anything, the more detail you give the more likely someone will know the problem.

  11. I've used Speedtest.net quite a few times, mostly whenever I think my connection is slow. However, I have a problem with it. My ISP is AOL Europe but SpeedTest always detects it as Carphone Warehouse Broadband Services. I'd like to know if any other AOL users in Europe have this problem.As for bragging rights, I think I can officially say I have one of the slowest connections. 1781kb Download and 180kb Upload is my average, and I'd say that's pretty poor. Then again, I do share a router with two other computers, one of which is always connected to the internet...

  12. If the script uses PHP's session_start() function, that may be the source of your problem (i would assume so since you mention "session data"). I wouldn't say it has anything to do with the database. The issue may deal with permissons on where the sessions are being created. If you try again later, you may be able to log back in, as this has been occuring randomly.

    It appears that would be the case, as trying it today the scripts work correctly once again. So this has been happening to other people at random intervals? Seems weird to me, but at least I can continue working on my site. I just hope this doesn't happen again anytime soon.


    Anyway, topic resolved. Thanks for the help.

  13. As I was reading this topic, I checked out the profile of allfanged1 and something was brought to my attention. Allfanged1 joined Xisto on 14 June 2006 but only ever posted once that entire year, and that post was actually a topic he started on the same day of joining. It wasn't until 9th August that he was seen again on this Forum, and that's when he posted this. So, one post followed by a whole year of no activity... I doubt he really knows what's been going on in this Forum with stats like that.Looks like this guy just got bored of the Forums, thought he'd make up a lame excuse to tell us why we sucked, and then tried to collect "evidence" but got his "facts" completely wrong. Pathetic, no?

  14. In a subdomain of my site I have an installation of MediaWiki, and until now it's been working fine. But today I've been having trouble with it. Previously, whenever I logged into MediaWiki it worked first time and I would stay logged in for about an hour, even without the "Remember Me" option checked. But I tried logging in now, and after logging me in, the next page I went to showed me as "not logged in". I cleared the cache as I know this has been a problem before, and then tried logging in again, but it still said I was not logged in! So I tried one more time, this time clicking the "Remember me" option. This time I stayed logged in. All's fine, right? Nope! I try to edit a page I've been working on in MediaWiki, and it complains that it can't save "due to a loss in session data". This happens no matter how many times I click "Save". So I try logging out and back in and then try editing the page again. The same thing happens again.By now I'm getting pretty annoyed, so I decided not to work on that anymore and instead go to another part of my site - a Joomla installation in my main directory that forms the basis of most of my site's content. All's working fine there, but then I realised that I need to sort out some news articles on the site. So I try logging in to my Joomla Admin Panel to sort that out. It doesn't let me in! I check my username and password carefully and then try again. It says I'm being logged in, but then takes me back to the login form, nothing has happened, and there is no error messages or anything!So both Joomla and MediaWiki aren't logging me in properly. I decided to check if there was any damage in my database tables, since both softwares use MySQL tables to handle session data. I have two databases to keep the individual software's data seperate, so I went into CPanel and ran a check on both. But CPanel reports no problems with either Database. Just in case, I ran a repair on the databases anyway, but it had no effect.I am really stuck to find a reason why both of these softwares have suddenly stopped working properly, when they worked perfectly only yesterday and I can't find any trouble with the Databases. Can anyone tell me what is wrong and/or suggest a fix? I would be highly grateful for any advice.

  15. Me and my mum once created a recipe similar to ckcomputerstallahassee. We don't have a name for our recipe, but it's a simple tuna and pasta dish.You'll need Pasta (we use Penne Pasta - but any kind will do), a small can of tuna, some tomato pasta sauce and a stock cube (the OXO Italian Stock Cubes are brilliant for this dish). You can also add Garlic Paste and/or Tomato Puree to flavour the dish to your preference.Cooking it is simple. Boil the pasta until it is to the quality you like (for this dish I recommend cooking it so it is soft but still has bite), and in another pan mix the tuna and tomato pasta sauce and cook under a gentle heat. After a short while, add the stock cube to this mix and mix well. If you are using garlic paste or tomato puree, add it in when you feel it would do the most good. Once the pasta is done, drain it and place onto a plate, then add the tuna and pasta sauce mix on top.You can serve it as it is or mix it around on the plate a bit to give the flavour to the whole plate. I also reccomend serving with bread, as not only does it accompliment the dish well, but also it can be a rather watery dish - it depends on the quality of the sauce and how well you drained the pasta.

  16. Okay so how many of you are super talented and dream in both versions?

    I'm one of those "super talented" ones you mentioned about. Most of my dreams are coloured, but occasionally I have a few dreams that are in black-and-white ("sepia" or "greyscale" is the proper term, actually). It seems to depend on the theme of the dream, with more "horror-orientated dreams" (nightmares) usually taking the greyscale colours, and more "regular" dreams being normal.
    I've also noticed that in dreams where everything is greyscale, I'm unaware of it. I never seem to focus on a particular object's colour in my dream, so I don't exercise control over it. There are exceptions to those rules though... and that's the thing about dreams - we just don't know what the next one will bring.

  17. We always ask what life would be like without computers, but did we ever stop to think what our life would be like if the other stuff we took for granted wasn't here anymore? There are practically thousands of things that our life might feel empty without, so maybe we should start asking this question for those things too?


    I know there are a lot of Gamers out there, some of which couldn't last a minute if they didn't have their PS3 or XBox 360 or whatever console they have within standing distance of them. And I know there are many of you who are not so hardcore gamers, but still find some enjoyment taking an hour of your life to play some game on your favourite console/handheld. So here's my question: What if there were no Game Consoles, Handhelds, or any kind of Electronic Game? Would it make an impact on your life? If so, how much of an impact?


    I added the poll above to help get a general view of the community as a whole, but I ask that you post here as well as voting, so you can properly express your view. But whatever you do, I only hope that this question gets some of you thinking.


    Edit: Clarified Topic, reworded one of the Poll Answers to be a little less extreme.

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