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About Belinda

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  1. The discussion about the future of the forum seems to be held in the ShoutBox. A discussion in the forum stays longer visible and can be joined at random times by every member of the forum. This is one of the reasons to open this topic about the subjects OpaQue addresses in the ShoutBox. It seems the MyCents system has ended. OpaQue discusses to offer hosting to members, who are active members of the forum. It seems in the future the hosting won't depend of the amount of posts and the quality of the posts and the value of the posts according to the MyCents system. It seems it won't be necessary to acquire points through posting and the MyCents system to be able to use the hosting services. The suggestion to offer free vps hosting packages looks very interesting, modern and appealing. It opens new perspectives when vps hosting packages can be used for websites for free. A free virtual private server package offers far more possibilities for experiments and the use of more advanced features. It seems interesting to use the new options OpaQue mentions in the Shout Box. Maybe it is time to open a topic for members to apply for the new packages and to show their interest to use the new possibilities.
  2. Lets discuss the forum.

  3. The contraction of the forum of http://forums.xisto.com/ and the forum of http://forums.xisto.com/ has advantages. It has disadvantages too. One option to consider is to go back to the former situation and to seperate the computer and interenet forum of http://forums.xisto.com/ and the social forum of http://forums.xisto.com/. If the backups of the several databases are saved this might be possible. The reason for this suggestion is the current situation. Maybe it is nearly impossible to solve the issues the aggregation of the two websites causes. And maybe it costs less time to return to two efficiently working websites compared to the time it might cost to solve all the problems this website faces. It is possible to note some of the issues of this website in a topic. A consideration to restrain from listing some of the issues of this website is the thought that this could be seen like negative criticism. And it is probably unnecessary to talk about the issues of this website because it seems most of the issues of this forum are obvious for everyone. On the other hand, the discussion in the ShoutBox suggests the issues aren't obvious to everybody. It doesn't seem useful to explain the issues of this website, because it seems things are getting worse in stead of improving. And one charasteristic element of a complicated situation is that the solution for one issue causes new and more problems in another field. One of the difficulties is, that the reason for making one website in stead of two are not discussed. This reason hasn't been communicated. The reason to combine the two websites hasn't been explained. This makes it a little bit hard to understand the reason to combine the two websites. And this lack of understanding makes it difficult to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the different options about the future of this website. It seems nice to post and to discuss suggestions for changes. And one conclusion of the current situation at the moment is, that it isn't clear what will happen with the forum. No offense. The experience, that it is possible to include a picture again makes the impression, that links and website names are working again. This gives hope it will be possible to solve some of the issues of this forum.
  4. Maybe OpaQue likes to explain his plan.

  5. Maybe OpaQue can explain his plans.

  6. OpaQue posted interesting news in the Shoutbox.

  7. It seems the posts of the last four weeks are gone. The option to view new content doesn't show any content of the last month. The newest post has a date of August 22, 2014. It seems the forum has been replaced by a backup of five weeks ago.
  8. it seems some posts are lost

  9. topic about dogs and bosses of dogs

  10. topic and about dogs and their bosses

  11. new topic about the dog and boss teacher

  12. Dog observer The television show is called: 'The Dog Whisperer'. The name of the show indicates in a sort of way, that the teacher whispers with the dog he educates. In the show the teacher doesn't whisper with dogs at all. The teacher shows two other activities. Most of all he can be called a dog observer. And the second obvious way of his behaviour contains of taking a lot of time. In a certain way he has a lot of patience. The statements in this opening post are founded on watching the television show. And the statements in this post are opinions based on the program. The main action of the teacher is the observation of the dog. He watches very closely the behaviour of the dog. It seems he tries to get information about the state of the mind of the dog from looking at small details. The second peculiar way of behaviour is that the teacher shows a lot of patience. The teacher called 'The Dog Whisperer' uses a lot of time to let the dog get used to a difference in a situation. During this time the teacher watches the dog very closely almost every second. It seems he observes the dog to notice the way the dog reacts. And it seems he acts this way so the teacher can be aware of each change in the behaviour of the dog. Links The website of the teacher of the television show: https://www.cesarsway.com/ Wikipedia about the show: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_Whisperer_with_Cesar_Millan Episodes: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/dog-whisperer/episode-guide/ The teacher and dogs: One episode: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. Belinda

    Forum Alone

    Some time ago the movie Home Alome was released. The movie dealt with a boy being alone in a house. Lately some members complain about being alone in the forum. It seems members wonder what to do when they are alone in the forum. This thread offers a solution for he problem about what to do when alone in the forum. The suggestion of this thread is that every member who feels alone in the forum can leave a post in this thread. Posting in this thread has several advantages: 1. The amount of mycents increases. 2. You vent your feelings. 3. You don't have to worry about the topic of your post. 4. You give other members the opportunity to react to your post and to increase the amount of their mycents. 5. It is social, because you show you like to interact with other members, even when they are online later. Here is a picture of the main character of the movie Home Alone. The goal of posting this picture is to show that the feelings of a member who feels alone in the forum are understood. This is an interesting link. Abcnews shows the pictures of some actors in the movie and how they look now. And Abcnews tells what the actors have done after the movie Home Alone was releashed and what they do at the moment.
  14. Today Aquamereen created an account in http://forums.xisto.com/. It is possible that she is a one of the first new members who posts in the forum since a long time. This is enough reason to welcome her. Welcome, Aquamereen. She made a very lovely profile . And her profile picture is just beautiful. Here is a video to celebrate the arrival of Aquamereen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIavKkromVc And now the stone: And next the dress off course:
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