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Oblivion 9999

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Posts posted by Oblivion 9999

  1. I live near London, about an hour's drive away, damn, I can't believe people, whoever they are could go around doing something like this, it really sickens me, I'm lucky I wasn't going on any train at that time, unlike the poor people there who were in the blast. I just hope they figure out in time who really did it and put a stop to them. I wonder what those people feel like doing something like this, and also why they did something like this.

  2. Well my computer is a new model and I just bought it about half a year ago. It wasn't put together by me, I just bought it and the brand is 'PHILIPS'(I didn't know they even made computers before, but it is quite decent). It started happening about a day ago and like I said, it happened randomly. And about the software and hardware thing, it comes up with that message, like my computer may have just had some new software or hardware installed so I have to choose one of the choices like 'start windows normally'. But the thing is I haven't and it also comes up under that software/hardware message that maybe my comp shut itself down to protect files from harm, but I turned it off myself and properly. I'm guessing the files are corrupted but I don't know. Please help.

  3. (Sorry if I posted in the wrong place but I wasn't sure where to put this, move the topic if in wrong place, thanks).I have this random problem with my pc, and it randomly happened. I turned off my computer normally at night and came back the next day. I tried turning on the computer and it came up with something saying like windows could not open and came up with choices. Either I start the comp in safe mode, safe mode with prompt, with the setting that last worked best, or just start normally. None of them work! It comes up with the loading xp thing, (the logo with the three bars moving across the big bar, you know, the three bars can be blue or green depending on home edition or proffesional version xp) and then it keeps stopping at one point and then restarts and comes up with the choices of how to open my computer again and whatever choice I choose, it just restarts again. I dunno whats wrong with it, if any of you know what it is and how to sort it out please reply :lol: (And for you people who are wondering how I made this post, I'm using a school computer)

  4. I love spongebob squarepants, he's so funny and I would ahve to say that it is one of the funnist things I've ever seen, i don't watch it too much, but when it is no, I may occasionally watch it, it doesn't get tiring at all for me. His voice is one of the best one's I've heard and his love is just funny :P Its one of the most random shows I've ever seen, "who lives in a pineapple under the sea...", its just hilarious. I dunno how you could hate the little guy, but thats just my opinion :(

  5. I don't have too much sugar in a day, after all, I'm still only twelve. I usually might have a chocolate bar, some cookies/biscuits in a day and thats about it. I might occasionally have some crisps(or potato chips like some people may refer to) or maybe some ice-cream but thats about all my sugar intake, not too much. And if some of you think that my sugar intake it too much, I might sometimes exercise if I can be bothered...but not much running, my feet usually die, damn flat feet :P

  6. mmm...tasty...*drools*. Oh sorry, yeah it looks kinda cool, I've seen the other silver ps2 and this seems a bit more shiny and better, one of the reasons it being the fact that it is sooooo much slimmer. I might get it, but I already have a ps2 so I shoudn't bother and I don't really mind what colour it is and I have plenty of space. Right now, I'll probably try to save up for ps3 which I might get...or just loads of games :P I agree with Munchie, I might just spray paint my ps2 silver...but then again, knowing me, I'll destroy it :(

  7. yep, thats what we all are trying to do, apart from some people who just think they're better than evryone else no matter what, I really hate those sort of people who just make other people feel bad and are so full of themselves and I think they're actually full of ****. (Just trying to be polite). I know exactly how if feels to get treated like that, actually quite a lot of newbies do...and I know how they feel, so I try to be nice as I can, some actually are quite cool when you actually get to know them :P

  8. I would have to say that my favourite online game is final fantasy 11, it is so fun and you get to make so many friends. The only problem with it is that you have to pay to play it, but apart from that, it is really fun. Next after that would be WoW(World of Warcraft), you have to pay to play that too...but if you are talking about free games, I would say that Kings of Chaos or Earth 2025 are the best online games.

  9. I know what you mean, I have that too! Very Often. But I thought thats what they call a 'Deja Vu' , its French. Meant litterally: already once seen..

    Sometimes I am scared for this ' deja vu ' moments ! It is simply a strange and crazy feeling. :(  As a matter of fact I dont really know what to think of it. Many say that it absolutely has nothing to do with your dreams, but with your ' so-called previous lives '.  :( I kinda believe in that too I guess.. but nevertheless I'd like to get to know more about that ' deja vu ' - thing....


    Wow, same thing happened to you? Its kinda freaky isn't it? I wonder, maybe you're right, I dunno, but I don't really believe in Deja Vu but you might be right, I think that one of my friends in school has some weird experience like this too, I wonder what it all means :(




    I have a little something that happened to me when I was a kid. It was extremely brief but I will never forget it.

    I was in bed and was trying to fall asleep when I switched position and just happened to open my eyes and I clearly saw a man standing next to my bed, I freaked out but didn't move and closed my eyes for a few seconds until I told myself that it could only be my dad so I reopened my eyes and there was nobody there.

    The following day I asked my dad if he had been in my bedroom and he assured me he had not been.

    I don't know what it was, my imagination, a trick of the brain or some ghost apparition.




    A man by your bed, I think the same thing happened to me and I really felt like I was awake, but some else happened to me. There was this strange man and I think I saw him holding some massive blade and I coudn't move and he struck down on my stomach and I felt a bit of pain and as if something had just come apart there, but when I rubbed and opened my eyes, he was gone and I was alone in my bedroom again. When I touched the part where it seemed like he struck me, it felt kinda weird. I dunno whether it was my mind playing tricks on me or my body coincidently acting strange but that was a really strange event. Maybe it means something, I don't know.

  10. Well an unusual event that has actually happened to me, was me sort of seeing the future in a way...in my dream, when I woke up, I forgot about it, but when I went on throughout the day, the same event that I had pictured in my dream had happened and I remembered it. This thing has happened to me a few times and when it first happened it freaked me out. Its really unusual. I think now I'm used to it, or am I? :(

  11. Well it depends what the n00bs are exactly on, like say if it on an online game or something like that, they don't really bother me, just ask me a few questions and ask me to help them, which I do. And if it on a site like Xisto, it depends, if they really need help and ask a normal question, I don't mind helping them, but if they ask a really stupid question or one that has been asked and answered many times already, I do geta bit annoyed but it doesn't mean I don't like helping them :(. After all, I used to be a n00b at and on many things, and I got helped along the way, so why shouldn't I do the same for other n00bs?

  12. I would ahve to agree with Johnny and Cool Freaker, Kingdom Hearts is probably one of the funnest action rpgs you will ever play. People just put it down because they hear that it has disney characters in them but it is a seriouslly fun game. It has FF characters in it like Tidus, Squall, Cloud and a few more. I can't seriously wait for Kingdom Hearts II to come out here. It is gonna be amazing, but it still gonna be a while before it comes out. I can't wait :( Its also gonna contain, probably one of the coolest characters in FF...Auron! :(

  13. I'm a Muslim and I also hate those sort of people who are trying to get everyone to join their religion, and I don't believe in that, I respect other people's choices and I don't go going around saying 'You Heathen!' or something silly like that. If I were to tell the truth, my best friends are people who don't really even believe in God, and I don't mind. I'm interested in part of their culture and some of them are also a bit interested in mine. I have an explanation for why Christianity and Judaism and Islam are a bit alike, but I don't know where Hinduism comes into that. However I don't really think its in my place to be talking about why they are similar, but it might also offend some people, so I'll just lay off the topic.

  14. Man, I've hardly met that many dvd fanatics, the most I know of someone having WAS about 60. I only have about 10, and I doubt it will grow, unless you count me putting some of my animes to dvd, and getting rid of a few of them from my pc, I'll have about 10-15 more dvds, but thats all I'll most likely ever have. I don't bother buying that many, I just usually rent them, because I can't ever be asked to go spend that much money on dvds.

  15. Its a really good anime, I've seen it, but I would give it a 8/10, it is good, but not amazing like some other animes that I've seen. About the Japanese subs, I would say it is worse with the subs, I actually watch loads of subbed animes and usually the subs are better apart from exceptions like this where the english version is better. I think there might have been a movie to this but I really dont know... :( I'll have to find out.

  16. I've played it before and I like it quite a lot, but I only got to play it around my friend's house, I don't really have an x-box, he was seriously obsessed with it and woudn't stop playing it, the only bad thing that I didn't really like about the game was how long it really took to complete, because apparently you can complete it in about 6-7 hours or something like that. I might get and x-box, for this game and a few others like Halo, but then again, I can always wait :(

  17. I've played it before and I like it quite a lot, but I only got to play it around my friend's house, I don't really have an x-box, he was seriously obsessed with it and woudn't stop playing it, the only bad thing that I didn't really like about the game was how long it really took to complete, because apparently you can complete it in about 6-7 hours or something like that. I might get and x-box, for this game and a few others like Halo, but then again, I can always wait :(

  18. I just usually come here twice a day during the weekdays, but I might not post, I might just check out some stuff, and during the weekend I just usually go on once and do everything I want to, posting wise, my average is under 1, hmm...I should get to posting more often...Anyway, Xisto is amazing and everyone here is great. :D Except maybe some of those spammers, if there have even been any... -_-

  19. He meant why are they holding them back I'm not so sure whether they are...they might actually be taking some time to sort out everything, you know, bugs and making sure everything's as good as it can be. And also there's the stuff with the translation to english and they sometimes add extra stuff in the english versions so thats why it may be taking a while. It's a tough world out there...the gaming world that is.

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